So, I decide to have my own art slave to do the story that I can't find a time to do it myself. Which I choose to use my own brother who currently unemployed to give it a try. I hope you like his art style. If you like his work, I will let him do more of this with me come up with story and he made an art out of it. >.<
I would like to see the new Mal0 go jump ship only to find out too late that the new one keeps a collection of Mal0's... every cellphone of a previous 'girlfriend' up on the wall like a trophy.
I would like to see the new Mal0 go jump ship only to find out too late that the new one keeps a col
I wonder, is the more expensive phone being what affects Mal0's personality or is it a different instance, or because he brought her back after he no longer needed her that she succumbed to urges she otherwise could resist
I wonder, is the more expensive phone being what affects Mal0's personality or is it a different ins