N: *Two Pokemon are enjoying their relaxation in the mud spa* Snivy: This is so relaxing
L: A sandile relaxes in the mud as well, laying on his back. "Sure is... Perfect for a ground type~"
N: Snivy: I wonder how Buizel is doing right now?
L: Buizel's presence isn't obvious at first, as he's completely coated in mud, but he perks up at being mentioned, raising his head up some. "Just having a great time, that's all!"
N: Snivy: Glad you enjoy it as much as we do
L: Buizel: "I do sort of wish this was deeper, I bet it'd be even better to fully submerge in it... But just this is fine."
N: Snivy: I got an idea, you ever heard of a place called the Great Marsh
L: Buizel: "No, I haven't. That sounds pretty interesting though..."
Sandile: "Oh, you're missing out if you haven't been there! Deep mud pits all over, no one around to bother you... It's really worthy of being called Great!"
N: Snivy: I heard there are also quicksand that pulls you under the mire which is pretty dangerous and to be honest, that got me more interested on that kind of mud bath
L: Buizel: "...That sounds good, but... Are you sure we'd be able to get out?"
Sandile: "Hey, don't worry, I do it all the time! Just gotta sink all the way down and walk out, simple as that. Should be easy for a water type to hold their breath that long, but I don't know about a grass type..."
N: Snivy: Even if we were to drown here, we will magically be out of the mire. You remember the time that we drown in the ocean from pushing our breath holding limit too far
L: Buizel: "Oh right! We were exploring that cave and went too deep... I don't know how I forgot, it was awesome when I realized we can drown safely!"
Sandile: "Man, you guys have got that? I wish I did, got checked a while back and I don't have it..."
N: Snivy: It felt like I was drinking too much which feels rather nice for a grass type, I bet I'll feel like being fully planted in the soil if I drown in quicksand. Just thinking about makes me want to go sinking in quicksand
L: Buizel: "Well, why don't we get going, then? That first drowning did feel weirdly good for me too, I wonder how different it'll be to inhale mud..."
Sandile: "I wish I could come with you guys... If we meet up again, can you at least tell me how it felt?"
N: Snivy: Will do *The two make their way to the Great Marsh*
L: Buizel: "Well, here we are... Not sure if I see any quicksand around, but we'll probably find some if we just wander for a while."
N: Snivy: Yeah, we should keep a eye out for one *They walk around the squishy ground* It sure feels different then the other mud
L: "It really does... Makes sense, that other mud was designed for people to be in, this is just fully natural."
N: Snivy: This feels nicely, hope I can sink myself into this mire
L: It soon gets noticeably harder to walk, as the two Pokemon start sinking! "Oh, here we go, we found some!"
N: *The ground beneath them gives way which reveals a large pool of quicksand mire* Snivy: Ah, it was hidden below our feet
L: "I heard that can happen sometimes, apparently it's pretty dangerous... Well, not to us, anyway!"
N: Snivy: Yeah, we were inviting ourselves into dangerous territory that isn't so dangerous
L: "Not quite sure of what to think of this mud yet, probably have to go deeper first to get a better idea of how it feels..."
N: *They sink to their knees as they move their leg a little* Snivy: The suction of the mire feels nice so far
L: "Sure does... Tried that with the spa a while back, but the mud's not deep enough there to really show off how sinking in it feels."
N: Snivy: I feel planted already, but this is just the beginning
L: "Yep, we've got a long way to go~" Buizel looks down at his body slowly disappearing into the mud, smiling the whole time.
N: *Snivy sways her tail as she watch her body sink deeper* Snivy: This will be a fun experience~
L: "For sure! After how good it felt to breathe water a while back, I'm excited to see how having mud in my lungs feels!"
N: Snivy: Yes, maybe we might go sinking in desert quicksand next to have our lungs filled with warm sand next. So many ways to drown
L: "Mmh, breathing sand sounds nice... Definitely should do that next. I wonder what other ways we'll find out about..."
N: Snivy: Yeah, having to drown blissfully as many times we wanted *They sink to their belly*
L: "Bet we're gonna get pretty good at holding our breath if we keep that up enough! Of course, that assumes we actually bother to hold it, heh..."
N: Snivy: Yeah, it depends on how much we wanted to drown with a sweet bliss
L: "You know, if we just breathe it in right away, we might be able to last a bit longer... But I'll probably still outlast you like that first time."
N: Snivy: Yeah, you can last longer then me *They sink to their chest*
L: "Maybe I should go down with empty lungs, so we last closer to the same amount of time... Hopefully I'll start drowning before you, I can handle that for longer."
N: Snivy: Sounds like a plan
L: "Man, I bet this is gonna be a lot of fun! Just willingly submitting to the quicksand, not even TRYING to get out...~" Buizel blushes.
N: Snivy: Feels so heavenly for a grass snake~
L: "Yeah, this probably feels even better for you... Ah well, I had my fun with the water, now we've gotta do one you prefer."
N: Snivy: Quicksand contains water so you'll have something to drink on *They sink to their neck*
L: "I... Don't think I want this in my stomach. Then again, it's gonna be in my lungs soon enough... Yeah, it'll be fine if I drink some."
N: Snivy: Most of the drink will be going into lungs, nearly sunken now and I can't feel the bottom
L: "Not much longer 'till we're under! At least, if this is deep enough for that. But we can just lay down if it's not."
N: Snivy: I bet this one is deep enough to submerge *They tilt their head*
L: "Definitely looks that way at this point!" Buizel starts tilting his head back as well.
N: Snivy: Ohh, I'm so excited to be sinking and drowning in quicksand~
L: "So am I! And knowing I'm not gonna actually have air in me when I go under just makes it even better!"
N: *Snivy mouth sink under as only her nose remains, she starts taking in some breath through the nose*
L: Buizel's mouth goes under as well, but he continues simply breathing normally through his nose for now.
N: *They both hums happily*
L: Just before Buizel goes under, he exhales almost all his air out, leaving only an insignificant amount in his mouth and throat. Then, he sinks below the surface, a couple tiny bubbles being left behind.
N: *Snivy sinks under as she holds her breath in*
L: Buizel puffs his cheeks what little he can, a big smile on his face as he waits for when his body will force him to breathe.
N: *Snivy smiles as she happily sink deeper and deeper into the marsh*
L: Having only a miniscule amount of air in his lungs, Buizel fairly quickly starts feeling a need to breathe. He still keeps himself shut for now, wanting to inhale only once he has no choice.
N: *Snivy was feeling the strain as she starts bubbling*
L: Buizel tries not to bubble much, wanting to keep his cheeks puffed, but he can't help it, and they start slowly deflating as he squirms a little.
N: *Snivy was feeling low on air as she smiles deeply*
L: Buizel is already approaching his limit, his face turning purple as he presses his paws to his mouth and nose, trying to hold on longer.
N: *Snivy was about to reach her limit as she struggles to hold it in*
L: Before she does though, Buizel runs out of breath, gasping down mud and flooding his previously empty lungs. He unintentionally swallows some, but he doesn't care, choking and loving it.
N: *Snivy starts inhaling mud soon after as her lungs begins to fill with mud, she is enjoying her muddy bliss*
L: Buizel flails about, panting and gurgling as mud rushes in and out of his lungs, his face going blue.
N: *Snivy flails as well as her lungs keeps filling up with mud*
L: While Buizel is losing his strength, it's likely happening slower to him than it is to Snivy, owing to him being a water type with efficient oxygen usage. Still, he won't be able to keep this up forever, as much as he wants to.
N: *Snivy lungs was completely filled with mud as she still have strength left to keep going*
L: Buizel almost seems to hiccup as he chokes, and he manages to hold in a lungful of mud for a moment before just coughing it back out.
N: *They both toke one big gulp of mud as they are seconds away from fully drown in quicksand*
L: With his inhibitions dulled by the lack of oxygen, Buizel starts weakly continuing to take gulps of mud, though he soon doesn't have enough strength for that any more.
N: *They both drowned blissfully in quicksand, not long after they both woke up and out of the quicksand*
L: Buizel gasps as he comes back to awareness, but quickly calms down, looking over at Snivy to make sure they're there. "M-man, that felt even better than drowning in water!"
N: Snivy: Yeah, I felt like I was fully planted in there. I feel like a healthy grass type
L: "Glad you had a great time too! Guess I sort of got an idea of what being planted is like too... Not bad."
N: Snivy: Yeah, this is like grass type paradise
L: "Well, how about we head out from here and do some research on deserts, see if we can find one with quicksand?"
N: Snivy: Yeah, let's go find one
L: The two Pokemon leave the Great Marsh behind, looking forward to seeing how different it'll feel to take in sand.