In this series, you will find all of the items I sometimes carry around with me. For one thing, is the Cumotion. It is a potion that allows the male to...have an orgasm out of his rear. But it does not make them stop orgasming out of their penis. One is a Leash as it goes through many elemental abilities. Last is my inventory. Here's the list:
Handgun: Just a regular handgun. Nothing special, which is fully upgraded. Capacity is 100 rounds.
Shotgun: Capacity is 30 rounds. A very efficient gun with short range, but deals good damage.
Machine Gun: Capacity is 400 rounds. Fires rapidly from long distances. Doesn't do a lot of damage though.
Sniper Rifle: Capacity: 25 rounds. Scope magnifys 2x than it starts out as. Pretty much a one hitter quitter.
Magnum: Capacity is 15 rounds. More powerful than a handgun and shotgun combined, but rounds are low.
Grenade (Frag): Enough fire power to put a hole in a wall.
Flash Grenade (Flashbang): Blinds any nearby enemies for 10 seconds.
Incenerary Grenade: Burns any nearby enemies.
Cocktail: Also burns nearby enemies but has a further range than an incenerary grenade.
Sword: My main weapon that I use.
Throwing Knives: I have 46 of them.
Boomerang: An ordinary supernatural wooden object that when thrown returns to the same spot from where it was thrown.
Bombs: Not as strong as the grenade but enough to kill a few enemies. Capacity is 25.
Dagger My second main weapon I use. I'm real good with it.
Hawk Bow: I don't normally use this bow a lot, but still is fun to use. Arrows: 200. I have a gigantic quiver.
Kunai Knife: My third main weapon whenever something happens to my Dagger. Really fun to use.
Fishing Rod: I do a little fishing...but not very good at it...
Grappling Hook: There are some places that I won't be able to reach on my own, so I use my hook to get there or climb up places.
Camera: I take pictures with this...clean...and, heh, naughty pics. >:3 Some of you guys may know.
Fan I use this for some purposes. It looks like the fan from Super Smash Bros. doesn't it? But I use it when I am hot...or, heh, spanking someone playfully. I have did it on one person, but he doesn't have a Furaffinity account sadly...
Musical Leaf: This leaf has some strange powers...I mostly use it for music for when the wind is calm.
Hawk Flute: I love playing with this flute! It's so much fun! Especially with some of the music I make up, like The Song Of Sorrow. It calms the troubled soul, like the song of healing from Zelda.
Camcorder: I record things with this...good things...and naughty things! >:3 Some of you may know. I've recorded some of you showing off.
Medicine Bottle: Heals a bit of my health.
First-Aid Kit: Heals some of my injuries and a bit of health.
Green Syrup: Heals 50% of my health.
Red Syrup: Doesn't do anything alone, but combined with the green syrup, it can heal 100% of my health.
Grey Scales Armor: Reduces damage I recieve by half.
Black Hawk Cloak: Looks sweet on me, doesn't it?
Fingerless Gill Gloves: Not much about this, except it goes on your hands, duh.
Raven Pants: I dunno if this makes me look like it's from the 1980s...hmm...but still it completes my outfit.
Jagged Shoes: Don't step on my J's!
Triple Lancer: My sword, the same from before.
12 years, 3 months ago
20 Nov 2012 17:36 CET
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