a very excited little Kais jumping into their auntie's arms
I was sent a pose idea that I knew I just *HAD* to make use of. and so Kais getting scooped up for a great big hug from a adult is born~ <3 I can see this pose seeing use again sometime in the future... one can never get enough hugs from big people
further more...
Buneary - Bunny Hopps diapers anyone? I suggested this idea a bit tongue in cheek but Kipa it seems loved the suggestion so much she went with it!
suggestions for the Umbreon auntie's name are welcome! I'm terrible when it comes to naming things! >w<
technically Ive got 5 left Eevee, Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon and Glaceon (mulling the idea that the glaceon mimikyu toy poofs Kais into shiny glaceon Xp)
soon™ <3 technically Ive got 5 left Eevee, Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon and Glaceon (mulling the ide