"You wanna know more about my kind?"
"I've seen many other peoples all across the universe and most, just like my kind, have their trials. A test to see whom is fit to be a part of the whole. To succeed, to survive. And for us it is a test to prove exactly that. Crossing the unforgiving plains of the dark. Using all it provides to make the trek. Putting to use all the knowledge our parent put into us."
"Many do not achieve their goal."
"The hazards of the dark are many. Creatures foreign and dangerous, chasms that are impossible to cross, shifting rock threatening to crush, and others of our kind are all obstacles to overcome. Our goal is always in sight though. All of our kind can see it, a shining, beautiful yellow light. It is what allows us to live there, its light giving energy to those that can use it. The goal is simply to reach this light regardless of the dangers that we face on our journey. It be strong, resourceful, and independent. We prove that not only that we are able to live well on our own, but that we can survive in any conditions by succeeding."
"And when we finally arrive, we are greeted and celebrated by those that choose to remain there. They grant a successful individual more knowledge, and congratulations on their achievement. But it is well know that even this success is not enough for my kind. The next task is easier than the last, but still just as dangerous."
"The light in the dark. It is a well of boundless energy, and it fuels all the things that live within the dark, it is the source of the dark's mysterious nature. And when one of my kind enters it for the first time, it surges through us, burning the rivers and channels of our own energy open, forging them in such a way as to allow us to travel between dimensions. It fills us up, and if we are able to harness it, it will launch us across the universe."
"However, arriving too early in one's life, or loosing focus during one's stay within the light and failing to use the power at the right time... The energy will rip through that young form and tear their life away, leaving a broken husk there to turn to ash.
Arriving too late in life though, will keep the energy from forging one's energy pathways properly. These will not die from their encounter with the light, but will be left disgraced, and outcast from our kind. Entering the light, and failing to take its energy often leaves those who survive unable to absorb any more energy from it. They will have to find some other way to survive."
"Our kind do not refer to ourselves by a common name. But upon entering the light, weathering the storm that wracks our bodies, and coming out of it successful once more, we acquire our names. We are able to stand with the rest of our kind proudly. The energy of the light leaves us overloaded, and in harnessing it for the first time, we achieve what we call Phase Shift. And in an overloaded state like that, such a Phase Shift catapults us across the universe. It is a happy journey, our bodies acting purely on instinct as we go, running from world to world, simple bliss raging through us at our success. Our body must dispose of the excess energy before it drives us insane, but by this point, our instincts will take care of us."
"One receives their first name from their parent, or if the parent fails to give one, from their peers. The name is only allowed to be accepted though if one achieves Phase Shift. Bearing a name at all marks one of my kind as an adult. We do not associate under a common name, but individually. Our name is both who, and what we are."
"I am Denkou and on this day, years ago, I acquired my name."
Just a small something I did for my birthday~ (which was yesterday... XD)
12 years, 4 months ago
20 Nov 2012 03:27 CET
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