Goh ran afoul of some brats who didn't like the fact that he was taking longer than they would have liked in a line for ice-cream. When they nudged him with their feet one too many times, he turned to chew them out. This escalated things and well... outnumbered and taken by surprise, this was the result. Oh well.
i just dont understand where the yu gi oh vs pokemon thing comes from entirely different genres pokemon digimon works cause both are series with lots of monsters and such yug oh is a cardgame series
i just dont understand where the yu gi oh vs pokemon thing comes from entirely different genres poke
When I was younger, I remember the 3 being regularly compared, but whatever.
Guess pokemon isn't there either, because digimon takes place in a digital world, not "the real world". So by your standard it's basically rival with code lyokoz since they too go into a digital world.
When I was younger, I remember the 3 being regularly compared, but whatever. Guess pokemon isn't th
I would give him a wedgie too by the way what happent whit his pokemon ?
also while writing this from his view the birds are upside down Interesting wonder if this is in realife by some too i coult think if this ware my and i see birs i maby see tham upside down whan i know im upside down . "what to mutch? ok Äh Realy realy nice pic nice undies choice for this this maks this really bater do often so that yu choos specific undeprants /diapers make it look realy goot but keep still the old ones around too liek the carebears )
Wow Realy good art from you I would give him a wedgie too by the way what happent whit his pokemon