G: An aquatic loon surfaces from a dive in a deep lake, warming up himself for a longer swim beneath the surface. His gasps were rather deep, since he hadn't breathed in a while, but he looks alright. "Where is that jay..." He would ask, looking around the lake.
L: On the lake's shore, a bluejay wades into the water, waving a wing at the loon. "Hey, there you are! Guess that's why I didn't see you, you were diving!"
G: "Sorry, I needed to get used to diving, again." The loon would reply, smiling and swimming over to the bluejay. "If you're ready, we can go anytime."
L: "Yep, I'm ready to go!" The bluejay starts swimming as well, needing to use his wings to do so since just his talons wouldn't work very well.
G: Compared to the webbed talons of the loon, which provided him a way to swim with them. Even so, he still needed to use his wings to swim deeper.
He takes a few deep breaths before diving under, flapping his wings to go deeper.
L: The bluejay gasps a breath as well and dives with puffed cheeks, happily swimming along with the loon, though with a bit of difficulty in keeping up with them.
G: The loon made sure he isn't going too fast for him, swimming slower so that the jay can catch up. The bottom of the lake is a fair distance away.
L: Now swimming alongside the loon, the bluejay smiles at them, and while he's getting a little nervous as he goes deeper, he knows the loon will help if something goes wrong.
G: True, but he can only do so much. It's just a simple dive, so the surface won't be too much of an issue... hopefully.
L: Trying to keep himself calm, the bluejay happily looks around the lake, a couple bubbles leaving his beak. He still makes sure to stay close to the loon, of course.
G: The loon smiles, soon no longer swimming deeper as they finally reached the bottom. Now they can swim along the lake floor.
L: Still doing fine on breath for now, the bluejay smiles at the loon, feeling more comfortable this far down with them than he would alone.
G: The loon lets out a few bubbles, sometimes kicking his talons against the floor for a bit of an extra push through the water.
L: The bluejay flips himself upside-down to look up at the surface as he swims, watching the bubbles rising up from him and the loon.
G: The loon smiles, glad the jay is doing alright. It's super relaxing, even when the signs for needing air begin to show.
L: As much as he's enjoying himself, the bluejay does eventually feel a need to breathe. Still, he wants to stay down longer, trying to ignore the urge to surface.
G: The loon holds a wing against his own chest. He can last longer, but he's still a bird, despite his adaptations.
L: After swimming down a little more, the bluejay stands on the bottom, letting out a few bubbles as he starts to blush from strain.
G: The loon attempts to do the same, although it's a bit difficult to get his talons into the ground due to his webbing. He smiles as he checks the on the bluejay.
L: The bluejay tries to cover his beak with his wings to keep from losing any air, and he nervously looks over at the loon, starting to think he should probably swim back up.
G: It's getting to the point where his lungs were complaining for the loon to breathe... He looks over and nods, kicking off the lake floor.
L: The bluejay follows, keeping one wing on his beak while he swims. Bubbles are leaking away regardless at this point, but he's at least confident he'll be able to surface in time.
G: The loon is, too, but stays close while swimming with both wings. The heaves grow in his chest as he lets out some bubbles.
L: Starting to whine a little, the bluejay swims with both wings again, his lungs starting to burn as he now gradually starts getting scared.
G: The loon stays closer, only using his wings every once in a while to stay close. The panicking bluejay only worried the loon.
L: The surface is at least getting close, and the bluejay is now certain he'll make it before he'd run out of breath, his fear fading some while his strain continues to increase.
G: The loon's pain increased, still a little less worse than the bluejay's. But with the surface in reach, he knows they can make it. So he slows himself down and only uses his talons to swim.
L: Finally, the bluejay reaches the surface, gasping hard and struggling a little to stay above the water before he starts calming down.
G: The loon took a bit, but he would surface with a similarly hard gasp for breath, floating on the surface to fill his lungs.
L: "Th-that was fun! At least until I was getting low on breath, anyway... Still, I liked that!" The bluejay is fully calm again, his breathing going back to normal.
G: "You did rather well... hah... during the dive." He replied, more easily keeping himself afloat.
L: "I really didn't expect to be able to get all the way to the bottom, and I had time to spare, too! I'd love to be able to stay under as long as you someday, but I'm not really sure I can do that..."
G: "With enough practice, maybe you can. We're already pretty close, now..." He reassures the bluejay, swimming closer.
L: "Oh, you're right! You were having some trouble down there too! I bet if I keep working on mine, I'll be able to stay down LONGER than you!"
G: "Heh... Maybe you will..." The loon seems happy, at least. "Just means I need to train more, too."
L: "We should go back down, I want to see what other stuff is down there! I mean, it's probably not much, but still!"
G: "Well, we could probably see..." The loon smiles before taking some gasps, diving under and kicking down to the bottom, again.
L: The bluejay gasps down a breath and happily swims after the loon, following them back down to the lake's bottom.
G: The loon doesn't slow down, this time. He knows the bluejay can make it on his own, so he simply lands on the bottom.
L: As they expected, the bluejay makes it down without a problem, and stands on the bottom like he had before. After giving the loon a smile, he starts walking along the lakebed.
G: The loon does the same, walking along the bottom as best as he can with his talons. He hasn't done something like this, before... but it feels relaxing to do.
L: The bluejay looks around at the lakebed environment, even returning his wings to their resting positions. Even just being down there is nice, but he hopes to find something interesting.
G: The loon keeps an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, wondering what could be lying around...
...then he felt something tug against his talon...
L: While the bluejay happily continues, he too feels the same before too much time... He and the loon have gotten their talons tangled in aquatic plants!
G: "Mmgbl..." The loon's eyes widen in worry as he sees the plant trapping them! He tries using his beak to break out of it...
L: The bluejay tries his best not to panic, but is already pretty close, and tries to cut through the plants in the same way... But it doesn't seem to be working.
G: The loon keeps trying, as some heaves hit his chest! "Mmgh..." He's spending so much time and effort on breaking it that he's running out of air!
L: Already struggling to hold his breath, the bluejay now starts to panic, frantically kicking his talons around in increasingly desperate attempts to get loose.
G: Soon, the loon's desperate attempts grew more panicked, and bubbles flew out of his beak as he tugs against the plant! "Mm... Mmfbl... Lblt... gboblbl!!!"
L: The bluejay's lungs are burning as he wraps a wing around his beak to hold it shut, bubbles streaming away regardless. He whines and whimpers, about as low on breath as he'd gotten on the last dive.
G: And with the attempts to escape, the loon is about on the same level as the bluejay, wrapping his wings around the plant and pulling against it. "Mmfh! mmgl... glp..." He closed his eyes, and a blue hue appears on his cheeks...
L: Before much longer, the bluejay is too breathless to focus on escaping any more. His somewhat oversized cheeks turn more blue than normal as he covers his beak in a desperate attempt to hold on a little longer, curling inward a bit. "Mgkh...blblblp...blp..."
G: The same for the loon, curling and wrapping his wings around his beak tightly as more air escaped from his grasp! "Mmfbl... Gbll... Mm... Mmf... Mmgk..."
L: The bluejay shivers, nearly at his limit. Bubbles stream from his beak despite his efforts, and even though he has no chance of escaping like this, all he can do is tremble in place, his blue blush slowly getting more intense.
G: The loon would be the first to give in, gasping water and gurgling, flapping his wings. "Hlkgkl!!! Gblbl...!!!" But the desperate attempt to escape started to tear the plant off... but the surface is still too far!
L: Not long after, the bluejay follows, frantically gasping and choking on the water as he starts thrashing. He too starts to tear the plants binding him, but he doesn't notice, caught up in the throes of drowning.
G: The loon's desperation soon slowed as his body grew exhausted, though the burning in his chest faded with his consciousness.
L: The bluejay's choking turns to panting, then calm breathing, his waterlogged body too weak to fight any more as his vision fades...
G: The loon's desperate kicks eventually stopped and his wings grew limp, his body sinking as he succumbs to darkness, himself...
L: The next thing the two know, they're laying on the ground next to the lake, hacking up water after being revived by someone, though the bluejay has his eyes tightly shut from pain and can't see them.
G: The loon lurches and coughs heavily, pushing himself up to help get some more water out of his lungs. It takes a while for him to recover, but his vision is still heavily blurred.
L: The bluejay eventually recovers enough to look around, finding that the birds' savior is a heron. "You two really need to watch yourselves down there, you're lucky I happened to come by..." The bluejay is panting and coughing too much to respond.
G: Same for the loon, who looks up and nods in response in between his desperate gasps for breath...
L: Bluejay: "Th...Th-thanks..." He manages to talk just a little between his own gasps.
Heron: "I always thought those plants down there were pretty obvious, but I guess they're not. If it happens again, try to just unravel them, I don't think either of you are strong enough to tear them."
G: "U-Un.... ravel...?" He tilts his head. He couldn't see a way to do so on the plants... but maybe they shouldn't walk along the bottom, again... Not here, anyway.
...unless they want to drown, of course.
L: Bluejay: "I-I'll try to keep that in mind..."
Heron: "It's not the easiest thing to do, but it's certainly better than drowning. At least, if you're not a couple of those folks that actually like drowning, anyway."
G: "...thanks for helping... at least..." The loon smiles as he soon gets up. "...let's take a break from training..."
L: Bluejay: "Yeah, maybe some other time... And somewhere we're not gonna risk drowning, too..." He slowly gets up as well, his breathing finally going back to normal.
G: The loon would make sure the bluejay's OK before flapping away, for now...
L: The bluejay decides to just relax for now instead of doing any more swimming, wandering around the lake's shore.