Having grown adjusted, Dibs grew into quiet the happy go lucky kid. Van had taken to keeping a smile on his face, taking the positivity he was tought and wanting those around me to share its contagious furvor of Joy.
Having been in the Orphanage for a few years Arche had taken much harrassment at her temporary home as well as at her school. So when Van had swooped her up and brought her home,in her mind she was wooshed away by a prince.... not that she would say that outloud, that would be too embarasing.
Arche is SO PRECIOUS OMG <3 So too is Dibs, I'm very happy to know his wounds mended quickly. :3 This is a lovely illustration, made even sweeter by your insightful words. Thanks for sharing!! ;D
Arche is SO PRECIOUS OMG <3 So too is Dibs, I'm very happy to know his wounds mended quickly. :3 Thi
I mean. its been a few years since the previous image. and there is a reason the Garter belt (or alternative clothing on that spot) is mandatory in every single picture Dibs is in. I feel I could have wrote a bit more but i was tired, but TY for the words.
I mean. its been a few years since the previous image. and there is a reason the Garter belt (or alt