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Alright, I... I have to know. I'm sorry that of all things this is what my brain is focusing on, but I have to know xD
The window that they're jumping out doesn't seem to have any glass flying out with them, and when our dear Witcher walked up to the building at the start that window wasn't yet broken. This leads me to three plausible scenarios. 1: Smitty Werban Witchermann Jensen broke in through that window to get inside. 2: Panic! at the Witchco snuck into the building via some other means, rescued our dear little kitty boi, (presumably) threw something at the window to break the glass prior to exiting, and jumped through now free of all debris Or 3: The artist either forgot (which, I mean, fair, my memory sucks), or didn't bother with drawing it for one reason or another (which, again, fair; I'm lazy as heck now and then as well and it's not a SUPER important detail)
... those three hypothetical situations now listed, I gotta know dude xD which was it
Edit: ... On a second thinking of it and double checking the previous panel, this DOES seem to be a different window layout than before... which now adds two more ideas to the mix. Either this is on the other side of the building of where Witcherford first spotted it, meaning the window COULD have already been broken and we didn't have the knowledge available to us, or this is another inconsequential detail my brain should be ignoring that the artist possibly forgot about. ~w~ why am I like this
Alright, I... I have to know. I'm sorry that of all things this is what my brain is focusing on, bu
Since I hate to see you suffer overthinking the possible scenarios like this (and I also love all the nicknames you came up with for our witcher xD) I will tell you- the correct answer is number 1. I hope that put your mind at ease! Also- I drew this a long time ago so I’m not too sure now but I think it’s supposed to be the same side of the building that the witcher saw the first time. If the window layout is different then that’s entirely my lazy ass’s fault.
Since I hate to see you suffer overthinking the possible scenarios like this (and I also love all th
Really well done with this moment, because like, you DID make sure to mention this spot earlier. So it plays out really well, actually, because it makes sense, you know? It's not some random thing we never saw before.
Really well done with this moment, because like, you DID make sure to mention this spot earlier. So