Its fan art of some Disney animal characters from the 1988 animated film Oliver and Company, however with a twist.
Instead of Oliver, Dodger and Rita being drawn as feral animals (like they are in the film) , they are now fully anthromorphic mammals and a lot more civilised. Rather than taking to theft on the streets Dodger and Rita would probably hold down respectable jobs. I wouldn't be surprised if they where together as a couple and decided to become adopted parents to Oliver. The family appear to be out in NYC central park for a stroll as the sun goes down.
I'm a big fan of the film Oliver and Company. Its one of my personal favourite Disney films from the 80s next to The Great Mouse Detective (1986) and Who Framed Rodger Rabbit (1988). As a film I wish that Oliver and Company had a longer run time so more characters could be fleshed out more, but what we got in the end is still pretty good. It has plenty of heart warming and rather intense moments. The characters have interesting designs and standout. The songs in this film are amazing especially "Why should I Worry" and "Once Upon a Time in New York City"