from mishaps to fun times you can always be sure a keg will make things intresting! i was very happy when i first learned what a "keg wall" was :D hehs -------- this first one was a "playing the long game" scenario where myself daddy and my friend key where playing together i cannot post the full story but ill post the "keg part" i hatched my plan. key and dev where gonna sit on reapers hideout in well placed locations and take two "keggies" with them (the name because dev is a bird and his hiding location for the kegs was well.. he sat on them) the idea was that if someone went into the reapers hideout dev would blow them up sky high whilst key would then grab what ever loot he could and hand it in! with out going into all the details of the tale! everything went according to plan in the end! hehe and the enemy pirate we blew up even said GG :) -------- another tale that comes to mind isnt super exciting but was amusing to me all the same! the TLDR and this is the event that made me draw this picture was i was playing the game doing a fort of the damned.. of course i was in my baby gear entirely soo pve dress booties over sized nappy e.c.t! well as my rando crew and i where doing the fort of the damned another boat approached us with the "we are friendly" spam due to past experiences i already saw that as a red flag and got to work! i dove into the water and very sneakily went over to the boat i was more in the mood to stop a fight before it starts type of scenario! so i got to the boat.. climbed the ladders and.. well the enemy blew up the keg before the fuse had even ran its course.. the funny part being that because he struck and blew up the keg prematurely.. he killed himself.. his crew.. and sank his own boat.. and i was chuckling happily in my infantilre chaotic mindset :D -------- there are probably other storys and further details i could share but with the word limit and honestly my memory of alot of these events being fuzzy i'd need to talk to the crew i played with to refresh some of the details of what went on hehe ^^