To be fair, one drawing of Droch Foala here (terrible pun, I know, but I had to get it out of my system :P) and a single MLP-related fave - yes, I checked - are not necessarily indicative of association with the fandom, so let's refrain from jumping to conclusions, shall we?
To be fair, one drawing of Droch Foala here (terrible pun, I know, but I had to get it out of my sys
What is this "offense" you speak of? 'tis an unfamiliar concept to me ;P
Perhaps my response came off as a bit huffy, being textual and therefore lacking tone of voice, facial expression or other easy mood-ques, but I just couldn't think of a good, fairly obvious smilie (or a bad, hopelessly obscure one for that matter) for "I'm not angry at you or even entirely serious, but serious enough to point out some people may consider it somewhat rude to make assumptions about others based on an - as far as I know - isolated incident." I don't think one exists for that specific purpose ;)
What is this "offense" you speak of? 'tis an unfamiliar concept to me ;P Perhaps my response came o
LOL I didn't see anything as offensive at all, I just couldn't see me trying to do a MLP char of myself......"ponders"..... Nope I'd have no clue how to do it and then OMG the cutie mark I'd be staring at my own flank for hours, DAYS even with no clue what to put.
LOL I didn't see anything as offensive at all, I just couldn't see me trying to do a MLP char of m
When in doubt, go with a cliche? Pencils, paintbrushes and suchlike seem to be pretty popular in artists' ponysonas' cutie marks... X) *Ducks for cover*
When in doubt, go with a cliche? Pencils, paintbrushes and suchlike seem to be pretty popular in art
Black. White mane. Alicorn, duh. Red, green or blue eyes. Heck; red green and blue eyes! Yes! All three in sectors. Genius, I say! Question mark for a cutie mark. 'cause question marks mean mysterious, and mysterious means cool. Dark, brooding, aloof and distant. And mysterious. Dark, mysterious and tragic past. Yes.
I think we're on to something here. Like, the most original, unique and interesting OC evah!
How about... Black. White mane. Alicorn, duh. Red, green or blue eyes. Heck; red green and blue ey