Earlier that day...
“Pajama pants and extra shirts?”
“For the third time, yes.”
At the end of a well made bed sat Whisper, her eyes on Tangle as the Lemur had gone from end to end of the room. Tangle’s eyes darted to the open suitcase next to her, various clothes strewn about haphazardly. Whisper on the other hand had already had both her bags packed, said bags neatly leaning against the door to the small bedroom. Even her cloak had been delicately draped over one of the suitcases.
“What about panties and socks?” Whisper replied, keeping her calm expression, a small smile on her face. “Did you pack any of those or are you planning to go commando all week?”
Hearing the Comment from her girlfriend, Tangle had immediately turned around from her spot, staring down Whisper with a mischievous smile on her face. Reaching down to her waist, she lightly tugged at the elastic fabric of her jumpsuit.
“Who says I'm not already doing that now?” Tangle retorted, her eyebrows moving up and down, a cocky grin plastered on her face.
The Grin had been only short lived though as a pillow had found its mark onto the Lemurs face, Whisper already grabbing another pillow, ready to toss a second one at her girlfriend. Tangle only lifted the first pillow off the ground with her tail, setting it softly back on the bed and putting her hands to her hips. She had always forgotten that Whisper was a surprisingly good shot, even when tossing random objects.
“Just a joke babe, you can lower the pillow.” Tangle replied, already turning back around to her dresser. “Now keep acting like that and I won't bring your special underwear like I planned.”
At the comment, Whisper had stood from her spot, the smile on her face completely vanishing, replaced now with a scowl. As if sensing the sudden angry expression, Tangle had turned back around, her hands up almost on instinct as if she had done something wrong. After living with the wolf for about a year now, she had gained a type of sixth sense of when you put her hands up and back the hell away slowly.
“Why are you bringing those?” Whisper growled, her usual whispered tone now sounding intimidating.
“I figured you want me to bring them along.”
“We are staying in a friend’s house and we WILL NOT be bringing along any of those.”
“Whisper relax okay? We’re going to have our own room and Amy isn't a nosey person in the slightest. I'm sure she isn't going to burst into the room while I'm changing you or something. That isn't like her in the slightest!”
“I said No, Tangle!” The Wolf replied, crossing her arms and still keeping her glare on Tangle.
Tangle only sighed, lowering her hands and rubbing her temple. Whisper had always been a pretty stubborn individual, always wanting things to go about as smoothly as they could. This hadn’t been exactly a bad thing, it was just trying to convince the wolf to do anything had always been a chore and a half. Just a series of “no's” from whisper and what tangle had assumed was a glare. Finally taking a breath, Tangle’s expression had turned serious, something that was rare for the lemur.
“Whisper? Babe? Last time we went on vacation, what happened at the hotel?” She asked, crossing her arms and waiting for a response from Whisper.
“This is not the hotel! This is Amy’s house! I don't think it applies-”
“What happened Whisper?”
Whisper had paused, turning her back to her girlfriend and mumbling under her breath, somehow her already whispered now inaudible to the Lemur. Tangle of course just waited patiently for a response, keeping her arms crossed, the same stern look on her face. She knew the answer and all, it was just she wanted to hear it from Whisper herself to prove a point.
“I wet the bed.” Whisper finally admitted. Her face turning a deep red.
“You wet the bed after you had a nightmare. The same thing happened every time you said not to bring your ‘special underwear’ with us.” Tangle explained, her tail reaching forward and lightly wrapping around the wolf. “This is not trying to embarrass you or anything. This is just me making sure we don't need to come up with excuses for the wet sheets every night.”
Whisper had stayed silent, letting tangle pull her closer but still not turning back around. She knew she was right and all but admitting to her girlfriend that she was right about her needing to wear diapers during the night wasn’t something she exactly wanted to say aloud. Frankly she just wanted to move past this conversation as soon as possible. The two had stayed in silence for a moment or two, Tangle wrapping her arms around her girlfriend but not saying a word. The two had stayed like this before Tangle had finally broken the silence.
“Whisper, we won't tell Amy about them. I promise okay? You know I would never do that. They are just for emergencies and if Amy even notices, I'll take full blame for it. Bringing diapers just for a week is better than waking up with wet sheets again and coming up with random excuses all week. Then we can move on and have a fun week with our friend. Okay? Can you do that for me Whisper?” Tangle begged, lightly nuzzling into the back of the wolf.
Whisper had sighed for a final time, letting her arms unfold and turning back around to her girlfriend. Tangling's arms staying wrapped around her but not looking down at her. Looking up, Whisper could already see the small smile on her face, her girlfriend knowing she had won the argument.
Taking a second to lean up, Whisper had planted a light kiss onto Tangle's cheek, giving her a soft smile and pulling away. Turning around, Whisper could already spot Tangle back at her dresser, folding up clothes and tossing them into the open suitcase. Before turning around, Whisper had muttered a soft thank you to her girlfriend, already sitting herself back onto the bed.
Amy had sat in silence as Whisper and Tangle had both continued to explain everything. From what she had been told already, The diapers had been a safety precaution if Whisper had any nighttime accidents. OF course that was how the whole thing had started out. Tangle and Whisper didn't exactly go into detail or anything about it but from what Amy had picked up, it had turned into more of a Kink for Whisper then just a simple overnight solution. Even though a good chunk of her questions were now answered, she still had about a million and one more she was slightly more concerned with for the moment.
“That's about it. What you saw earlier was something of a routine the two of us had come up with. I can see how walking into something like that would have been a bit odd so to speak.” Whisper explained, her face still bright red from even having to explain about the situation. “I'm sure Tangle with a wisp plush did not help too much.”
“Speak for yourself, I still think I did a great Wisp voice.” Tangle interjected, receiving a small glare from Whisper. “Sorry, not the time. Even though you still enjoyed it.”
Amy only held up a hand to the two, staying silent for a moment before her usual smile had returned to her face. While she didn't exactly have all the answers she wanted about all of this, she at least knew what exactly she had seen only a few minutes ago. This in of itself was enough for her for the moment.
“I think I got the picture now.” Amy nodded, keeping the smile on her face. “With that cleared up, I apologize for just bursting in. Your best friend talking to your other best friend like a child isn't exactly something you hear everyday.” Her friend also putting her other friend in a diaper wasn’t exactly something she saw every day but that wasn't something she was going to point out right now. Everything was being smoothed over nicely. Yes, a few questions were still burning in the back of her head but those could possibly wait for later.
“Well now that we have that all settled out, I think it’s time for us to start up those horror movies, don't you think?” The Pink Hedgehog asked, already sitting herself back into her chair. While Tangle’s eyes had lit up at the mention of watching horror movies, Whisper had only kept her gaze on Amy. Tangle of course was easy to become sidetracked and all but Whisper hadn't been too far behind her in the distraction department. Amy however had only kept her eyes on Whisper, waiting for a response from the Wolf. Whisper finally nodded, sitting herself down into her spot on the couch again as Tangle had already started up the TV.
A few hours and several different horror movies later, the three girls had found themselves curled up on the couch. Tangle and Whisper both having passed out on the couch, Whisper laying on top of Tangle with her head resting on her chest, the lemur snoring softly as her arms were wrapped around the wolf. Amy had stayed up the longest, just watching the two pass out before herself, the three of them falling asleep together. Amy had always been the last of the trio to fall asleep but this night had been the first time she had watched the other two pass out before her. Watching the two cuddle together, she couldn't help but let a small smile come across her face. The two looked so happy and peaceful sleeping together like that. Amy had then leaned back into the couch, resting her head on the back of the couch and letting her eyes close.
The three friends had fallen asleep together, the only sound coming from the TV, playing the end credits of the movie. The rest of the house had gone silent, only the sound of the three sleeping could be heard.
Amy had woken up in the middle of the night, the sound of rain beating against the windows of her home. She had turned her head to see the TV flashing with some weird infomercial, the volume now on mute. Taking a glance around, she could see Whisper and Tangle both still fast asleep, neither of them having moved from their spots. The house was now pitch black, the only light coming from the TV. The sound of rain still pouring down outside. Amy had stood up, making sure not to wake up the two sleeping on the couch and quietly stepping away from her spot. Making her way into the kitchen, Amy had flicked on a light, rubbing her eyes as she tried to adjust to the sudden brightness.
Looking at the clock on the wall, Amy had noticed that it was roughly 2 in the morning. Letting out a small groan, the hedgehog had walked over to the sink, filling up a glass with water and downing it in one go. Setting the glass down on the counter, Amy had then made her way back into the living room.
Flicking off the light in the kitchen, Amy had once again made her way to herchair. Amy had sat down, taking one last look at her two friends still sleeping before closing her eyes. Before she could drift off again though, she had heard what sounded like a small whimper. Keeping her eyes shut, Amy had stayed silent, listening closely as she heard another soft whimper. Opening her eyes, Amy looked around the room again. Both Tangle and Whisper were still fast asleep, neither of them having moved. Amy had continued to listen, the sound of soft whimpers coming from the couch.
Standing up, Amy had quietly made her way to the couch. Looking over the edge, she could see Whisper and Tangle both still cuddled together. Whisper seemed to have nuzzled her face into the crook of Tangle's neck, her eyes shut tight as the whimpers continued to come out. The wolf had then started to softly kick her legs, the sound of a crinkling filling the otherwise silent room.
Amy had leaned in closer. It seemed that sometime in the night, Whisper had started to move around in her sleep, causing the sweatpants she had been wearing to slip down. Whisper's legs now had been splayed open, revealing the white diaper she had on, a dark yellow wet patch spreading out from the crotch of the diaper.
Whisper's groans and whimpering has subsided only a moment or two later, the wolf going back to being silent. Amy had kept her eyes on the wolf for a bit longer, not exactly wanting to disturb the wolf if she had ended up falling back asleep. After a few seconds of silence, Amy had nodded, making her way back to her chair. She would just ask Whisper about it in the morning.
Amy had woken up the next morning, her eyes fluttering open as sunlight had poured through the window. Rubbing her eyes, the hedgehog stood up from her seat, stretching and looking around the room. The TV had been shut off and the couch had been empty. Walking towards the hallway, she could hear the shower running and the faint sound of Tangle singing. Stepping into the kitchen, Amy had walked over to the coffee maker, turning it on and grabbing a cup from the cupboard. Amy had then paused, looking at the doorway to the hallway. Taking a deep breath, Amy had let her mind wander.
She knew that she probably should talk to Whisper about what she had seen last night. She wanted to make sure her friend was alright and all but Amy had also known how much it had taken for the wolf to even mention the diapers in the first place. Maybe it was best not to mention anything.
Amy had then sighed. She would just play it by ear.
A few minutes later, Amy had sat down on the couch again, taking a long sip of coffee as she listened to the shower still going. Guessing that this was going to be a usual thing all week for Tangle, Amy could expect a higher than normal water bill this month.
Amy had looked over to the hallway, spotting Whisper as the Wolf had walked into the living room. Amy had looked the Wolf up and down. The Wolf had been wearing a plain white t-shirt with black sweatpants. The wolf had stopped in the doorway, almost like she had been expecting Amy to say something. Amy had only kept her smile, keeping silent as Whisper walked over to the couch and sitting herself down beside her.
Whisper had stayed quiet, pulling her knees up to her chest and keeping her eyes on the floor. Amy had only smiled, keeping her eyes on Whisper.
"Soooo... How did you sleep?" Amy finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"I slept fine. What about you?" Whisper replied, finally turning her head to look at Amy.
"I slept alright." Amy shrugged, taking another sip of coffee. "Nothing too special."
The two friends had stayed quiet for another moment or two, neither of them knowing exactly what to say. While Amy had been dying to bring up what she saw last night, she wanted to wait for Whisper to bring it up. She knew it would be a topic that would be more comfortable for her to bring up. After a few more seconds, Amy had figured Whisper wasn't going to say anything and had opened her mouth to speak before she had been interrupted.
"I'm guessing the silence is pertaining to last night?" Whisper asked, looking back at the floor.
"That's one way to put it. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. You seemed pretty distraught last night." Amy explained, keeping her voice soft so as to not alarm the wolf.
"Last night was one of the more rougher nights." Whisper admitted. "Not to mention Tangle insisted on cuddling, so that didn't help either."
"I'm just glad you're alright.”
Whisper had only nodded, staying silent for a second longer. Amy had looked over to the hallway, waiting to see if Tangle would be stepping out any time soon. Her sipping coffee awkwardly while trying to think of what to say next was starting to get a bit harder. Especially with her mug now mostly empty. After another moment or two, Whisper spoke up again.
"I'm guessing you also got a glimpse of something else last night." Whisper mumbled, her face turning a bit red.
"It was an accident but, I guess I did see that too." Amy admitted, putting her mug on the coffee table. "You know that I don't mind, right? The conversation and the story was more than enough explanation."
"I know, I know." Whisper said, letting out a small sigh. "I just really didn't want to have that conversation with you. It took a lot just to explain everything."
"Well I'm glad you did. It was actually a bit helpful to hear." Amy admitted, earning a small confused look from Whisper. "I have a bit more of a clear view on how this all started. It helps when trying to figure out what's going on."
"I'm glad I could be of help in some way." Whisper laughed, the smile coming back to her face.
"Now you've got me all curious though." Amy laughed, keeping the smile on her face. "I'll admit, I've never really seen anyone wear a diaper before. Maybe the occasional baby here or there but other than that, it's not something you really see everyday."
Whisper had only nodded, keeping her eyes on Amy as she talked. Amy had already gotten her attention and she was going to follow through with whatever she said next.
"And seeing you wearing one? It was kinda cute seeing someone like you in them."
Amy had stayed silent for a second, keeping her eyes on Whisper as she tried to read the wolf's expression. Whisper had only kept her eyes on Amy, a soft pink blush coming to her face. Amy had let out a small laugh.
"That's what I thought." Amy teased, her voice returning to normal as she leaned back into the couch. "So what's it like? You can tell me the truth, I won't judge."
Whisper had only looked at Amy for a second longer before leaning back into the couch beside Amy, closing her eyes and letting out a long sigh. Amy had stayed quiet, her smile still on her face as she waited for Whisper to reply.
"Well... It's a bit odd." Whisper admitted, opening her eyes. "The diapers are more comfortable than I thought they would be. And they do their job well if you get what I mean. They're definitely not a bad thing. I just get a bit embarrassed about it sometimes."
"Hey, nothing wrong with that." Amy replied. "You shouldn't be ashamed of this kind of stuff. There are worse things in life. A diaper is at least useful for something."
Whisper had only nodded, looking at the floor as she tried to think of what to say next. Amy had only kept her smile on her face, staying quiet as to give Whisper time to think.
"Did you want to try one?" Whisper asked, turning her head to look at Amy.
Amy only laughed. "Like holding one? I don't think that will help much honestly."
"No, no. I meant... Do you want to wear one?" Whisper asked again, her face turning a bit redder as she looked away. Amy had stopped laughing, the smile on her face fading as she had realized what the wolf had asked. Amy had opened her mouth to speak but had been cut off by the sound of Tangle stepping out of the bathroom.
"Man! That Hot water heater is something else! It was still blasting hot water after almost a half hour!" The Lemur yelled, walking into the living room with only a towel wrapped around her body. "What's with that look on your face?" Tangle asked, turning to Amy.
"It's nothing, Tangle. Just having a bit of a weird conversation." Amy explained, her voice faltering as she had tried to keep her eyes on Tangle.
"Weird conversation? With who?" Tangle asked, looking around the room. Whisper had only pointed to herself.
"With Whisper?" Tangle asked, looking at Amy again.
"Well... Yeah..." Amy mumbled, looking at the floor.
"Why are you so embarrassed?" Tangle asked, pulling her towel tighter around her. "You two have had plenty of conversations before. I wouldn't expect anything less from my best friends!"
"Well it's not exactly something we've discussed before." Amy explained, looking at Tangle. "It's nothing bad, we've just talked about some new things."
"Well good for you! I'm glad you two are getting along!" Tangle beamed, walking towards the kitchen. "Now I'm going to go get something to drink, get dressed and then we can get this day started!"
Tangle had stepped into the kitchen, leaving Whisper and Amy alone again.
"Sorry about that. Tangle didn't mean any harm." Whisper mumbled, looking back at Amy.
"Oh don't worry, I know Tangle means well." Amy smiled, looking at Whisper. "I'm actually really glad she came when she did. I didn't exactly know how to respond to that question you asked me."
"So you don't want to try one then?" Whisper asked, her voice soft as she looked away.
"Oh no! That's not it!" Amy admitted, keeping her voice soft. "I mean, I wouldn't mind trying one out but I just wasn't sure how to say it without making things awkward."
"So you do want to try one then?"
"I don't know what you mean exactly with the question." Amy stammered.
"Do you want to wear a diaper, Amy?" The wolf repeated, this time a little louder from her usual whisper.
As Whisper had asked this question, Tangle had walked back into the room, already going on about something else entirely.
"Is the Sonic mug a personal mug Amy or is it just free to use If I-" Tangle paused, looking over to Whisper and Amy. "Did I interrupt something?"
"Nope. Nothing at all." Amy said quickly, looking over to Tangle.
"Nothing at all?" Whisper asked, turning her head to look at Amy.
Amy had stayed silent, looking between the wolf and lemur. She had hoped that she could just stay quiet and act like nothing had happened but it seemed that Whisper wasn't going to drop it.
"Amy saw it last night and got curious so I offered for her to try one on." Whisper repeated, keeping her eyes on Amy.
"Whisper!" Amy exclaimed, her face turning red as she had looked at the wolf.
"Try one on? Like the diapers?" Tangle asked, walking over to the couch and sitting next to Whisper. "Why didn't you ask me if you were curious about them?"
"Because it's weird and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable!" Amy exclaimed, still keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Well it's not weird at all. Whisper's in one and I'm dating her." Tangle stated, putting her hand on Amy's shoulder. "And you're my best friend! If you're curious about them, you can always ask me!"
"Are you sure?" Amy mumbled, keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Of course I'm sure!" Tangle beamed. "It would be fun to see you in one! I bet you'd look adorable in one!"
Amy had kept her eyes on the floor for a few seconds longer before finally looking up at her friends. Her face was still red as she let out a small sigh. Was she really about to agree to this?
"Alright, I'll try one." Amy said softly, keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Great!" Tangle beamed, standing up from the couch. "I'll go get one from Whisper's bag!"
"Wait what?" Amy asked, looking up at Tangle.
"What's wrong?" Tangle asked, stopping in the doorway.
"You're going to get one right now?" Amy asked, her face turning even redder.
"Why not? You said you wanted to try one." Tangle explained, looking over to Amy. "We can't wait until later. I want to see you try it on!"
Amy had stayed silent for a second. She didn't expect this to be happening so soon. But if she said no now, she knew that Whisper and Tangle would ask her about it later. Maybe it was better to just get it over with now.
"Fine." Amy sighed, leaning back into the couch. "Get one and bring it over here."
"Great! I'll be right back!" Tangle said happily, stepping into the hallway and out of sight. This was followed by Whisper rising from the couch herself, following her girlfriend down the hall, leaving Amy alone in her living room.