~ The tall and powerful wolf of the legendary Hunter's Conglomerate Guild Fangenclaw, it's strongest member in terms of physical strength and second in command of it's members. If there is one misguided fact about the Fangenclaw Guild, it is that Zephyr was the second ranking member within it but that slot actually belongs to Kyara Nightingale, as she is the only other member that possesses the leadership skills to take point on multi member missions, one of the many reasons why Ion continuously sought after to recruit her to his guild, to help offset himself and provide a vantage from a different angle then his own as she employed impune gravitas. As a user of Gaia, she falls into the arbiter of destruction class of that element, taking her powers more in the form of gravity then just pure earth, as such she can wield the heavy and oversized weapons with ease, her main a somewhat ordinary looking colossal sword called Scarlet Rose that is more then meets the eye. For with a few quick turns of the pommel, the guard can retract in to release the large metal sheath of the blade and the true form of the sword can unravel as at the core of the Scarlet Rose is a barbed blade that meets Kyara's full power, known as the Thorned Rose, a name in which that has transcended the sword onto the wielder itself ~