Ever notice that Natalie's way more jazzed than Carrie to have met Cap'n Comet? Well, that's because Carrie had a different kind of comic book fantasy. ; )
*laughs* It was really just a play on words, seeing as 'Oakenfield' is her last name, but yeah, seeing the Hobbit trailer did remind me enough to make the connection~
*laughs* It was really just a play on words, seeing as 'Oakenfield' is her last name, but yeah, seei
Carrie: The Adventurer! Carrie warrior without fear! She's more powerful than any man whose legend ever crossed the land or sea!
Carrie, the mighiest warrior ever! Her quest: to undo the spell of living stone cast upon her family by driving the evil serpent men back into another dimension and vanquishing their leader, the cruel wizard Wrath-A-Mon!
Carrie The Adventurer Carrie woman of bravery. With her mighty sword protecting the mightiest of warriors is she.
Carrie: The Adventurer! Carrie warrior without fear! She's more powerful than any man whose legend e