Fandom / Franchise: The Casagrandes
Pred: Lalo (English Mastiff)
Prey: Sergio (Parrot)
Story Structure: Wireframe
Lalo takes a jump and catches Sergio mid-air, with his mid-section and a wing already trapped in his mouth.
Even before landing, Sergio starts wiggling vigorously and flapping his free wing in a desperate attempt to shake himself free from Lalo's grip on him.
The big dog simply continues to nibble softly but quickly on the bird's body, with his tongue lapping all over what's already within possesion, including that wing trying like crazy to wiggle within his mouth.
Sergio tries picking and biting his face with his beak, and even slapping it with his free wing. Big mistake, as Lalo shakes his head violently, quickly dizzying him. He still tries to fight back, but he barely flinches as he continues tasting his feathery form for a minute or two.
Lalo loosens his grip on the pet parrot, who takes the chance to break loose from his mouth, only to end up with his feet trapped inside too, just like Lalo wanted!
With his whole lower body, plus a wing, trapped in the big dog's jaws, Sergio wiggles more desperately, while clawing his toes against the tongue and sqwaking for help, hoping to get rescued from being Lalo's catch of the week.
On the contrary, Sergio felt himself shaken as Lalo took even more of him into his canine mouth. Now only his head and the top of his wing remain outside, and his feet have already breached the back of the throat, starting to get swalowed.
The poor parrot tries just as hard to squirm against the doggy jaws currently devouring him, trying to hold on to Lalo's lower lip with his beak and already vanishing wing, and even bite at it, anything to break free. But he just continues to taste all over his birdie body.
Wiggling and shaking more franticly, Sergio squaks loudly again as he continues to nibble on him, soaking his body with saliva, slowly taking more of him into his mouth, and then down his trhoat.
In one gulp, Sergio's legs are swallowed and his head finally enters his mouth. He sqwaks once more before those canine jaws cut him off, finally encasing him in wet, slobbery darkness. He can only keep squirming as his doggy tongue laps all over his head, beak and face, impeding him from screaming or even fighting back at all.
Trapped and saliva-soaked, Sergio shakes himself harder than ever as he feels his lower body slowly swallowed with every gulp that Lalo takes, with his lower body already wrapped and sliding down his throat, and the rest of him being held and squashed between that same tongue and the roof of his mouth.
He tries to hold on to his tongue to halt his descent, by wrappping his previously free wing around it. But it's in vain, as his throat keeps pulling Sergio further inside, plus the tongue itself pushing him further back also.
Once only his head and part of his wing remains outside of the throat, Lalo gives a big, final GULP that sends the struggling parrot down his digestive tract.
Sergio freaks out as he slides down Lalo's throat, unable to move even the slightest other than some mingle wiggles; powerless against the dog's powerful gulps pushing him further down, towards his belly.
And speak of the devil: He feels his feet pass trough a fleshy ring opening, which opens to accept the rest of him, to leave him sealed within Lalo's stomach.
Sergio begins protesting and fighting vigorously against those stomach walls, which are already massaging and pressing against him pretty roughly, as well as secreting stomach juices already soaking him.
On the meantime, Lalo begins walking back to his bed and lays down for a nap after his feathery meal.
Now is when his doggy belly really gets to work! Sergio is assaulted by the walls of his fleshy prison trashing him around and soaking him further more with belly acids filling up the chamber and already tickling at his body.
He keeps puonding his head, claws and body against the stomach rolling around on those belly juices, but the stomach overpowers the poor parrot and keeps pushing him back in place, until he finally lays exhausted, resting at the mercy of the big dog's belly.
So yeah, Sergio ha sido devorado por el perro Lalo!