This is for Western Civilization Board April Theme: NETFLIX DID PIX Suggested by: Yami - Netflix has had more new animated shows than any other network last year and plenty more to come this year! So let celebrate that with some DiD pics from this medium
This is Hollyhock of Bojack Horseman being kidnapped and in classic damsel pose.
Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack is a teenage female horse. After making a brief appearance in the season three finale, she was introduced as a new supporting character in the fourth season of Bojack Horseman.
She initially believes she is Bojack Horseman's daughter, and after a DNA test confirms the two are related, she stays with BoJack as she tries to find out who her mother is. It is eventually revealed that she is actually BoJack's half-sister, sired by BoJack's father, Butterscotch, with his mistress, Henrietta.
According to her birth certificate, she was originally named "Girl Horse", before being adopted and raised by eight gay fathers.
She is currently attending college at Wesleyan University in Connecticut.
Hollyhock is a good-hearted, caring, and intelligent girl who finished her education early and is currently taking a gap year. Aside from that, she isn't that different from a normal teenage girl. She's seeking, curious, innocent, smart, sweet, sarcastic, awkward and kind of dorky.
Producer Lisa Hanawalt describes Hollyhock as being "as anxious and isolated as BoJack," but "cute" and "has a chip on her shoulders."
As such, She has acquired a few traits from BoJack; she’s a bit lazy as she does not help clean the house at all when Todd lies that she’s a maid and falls asleep twice, and she enjoys eating and has a big appetite, as she claims she ate a whole box of donuts, and then later is seen finishing a whole personal pizza, and then eating a bag of chips. She also hates honeydew.
She also reveals in Stupid Piece of Sh^t she has a “tiny voice” in the back of her head that gives her negative, intrusive thoughts, such as telling her she’s worthless and stupid and ugly and everyone hates her, which is very similar to the anxiety induced inner monologues BoJack has throughout the episode. She believes it’s just a dumb teenage girl thing.
She is shown to have other insecurities like this throughout Season 4. In The Judge she has insecurities about her weight, saying the skinny voluptuous LA girls on the show BoJack is guest starring on makes her feel like a blob, and later BoJack inadvertently agrees with this when he’s trying to convince her Miles is a bad guy, offending and upsetting her.
At the end of the episode, BoJack ended up being right about Miles, and he stopped contacting Hollyhock although he ends up being terrible in a different way then what BoJack expected. She asks BoJack if a guy like Miles could really like someone like her and that if she’s pretty, and if he ever gets the feeling that to know you more is to love you less.
Unlike BoJack, however, she is willing to confront her emotions, as mentioned above she talks to him about her insecurities and anxieties, and she willingly starts crying in Commerce Fracking when she thinks finding her mom is impossible, which is due to her dads telling her it’s ok to do so and to not feel bad about feeling bad.
She is seen doing odd things, such as lighting matches and throwing them into the pool, organizing all the coins in the house, and counting her teeth. One may originally think this is due to her dorky nature, but it is revealed it was from the amphetamines being sneaked into her coffee by Beatrice.
She appears to be quite compassionate towards BoJack, as she asks him where he disappears to all day long and shows concern for him, and is forgiving towards his questionable actions. In turn, BoJack seems to be very protective of Hollyhock and constantly wants to look out for her, but also is scared to become close to her, as he believes he may poison her like everyone else in his life, or that his “poison” is already in her.
Despite her apparent laziness seen in her debut episode, she is very determined to find her mother, even asking dozens of women BoJack slept with in Hollywood all by herself.
Although it was revealed that BoJack was not her biological father, but was, in fact, her half-brother; Season 4 concludes with her saying that she never had a brother before and indicated a desire to begin a loving sibling relationship with him.
bound and gagged
bojack horseman
cleave gag
cleave gagged
netflix animation
hollyhock manheim-mannheim-guerrero-robinson-zilberschlag-hsung-fonzerelli-mcquack
10 months, 2 weeks ago
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