Hello hello hello!!! I am very happy to present you my set of stickers UMKashka (with me) in telegram! I made a version in English, I hope you like it and use them in your chats!!!!
You can add stickers by following the link:https://t.me/addstickers/umkashkaENG There are a total of 35 stickers in the pack, for various life situations :3
Character History:
UMKashka is my cute character who lives in your telegram chats :) We have a chat friends of UMK, which is very many years and here we came up with such a character, which originally lived in our chat, and then spread to others thanks to stickers with him. The final version of UMKashka was liked by all participants. The character itself looks like a fox-cat-dog, it symbolizes the versatility of our chat, and the colors of umkashka - the colors of the main characters of TAWOG, just as a reference, because it was from the name of this series was invented the name of the chat UMK.
How about ordering your own stickers? If you suddenly want ones similar to mine or with different emotions and, in general, your own ideas:
One sticker in my style, like UMKashka, with flat colors and simple shadows and highlights, will cost $5 each. If you need more than 10 stickers, I'm ready to offer a discount: for every ten stickers, one is free :3