This is Bitcoon! But he prefers to be called Bit~
This particular Bit was originally a clone of me, but he's taken over in my place now that I'm just a program in a robot body! Doesn't even seem like most people have noticed, aside from some little comments about his belly and the old blocky pattern.
Bit is still a kind and generous familiar, but has a bit of a mean streak in him sometimes! He likes to tease and trick people, but for the most part you can count on him when it's most important! He likes to tinker and loves his tech, preferring to keep mostly to his own little space by himself.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
01 Feb 2024 05:32 CET
Initial: de3c8df068b22fffc3d02c5069422f32
Full Size: 241ff1901a37555d4542cffca6696c3b
Large: b69e48337ef557046049cbfd0eddbd47
Small: 886a7634e54b32b2a25fd050a06121fe
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