A triad of buns appears! The color contrast is neat. Those are some enormous paws! Laurel is cute, I like her body language and little(?) ponytail. Not used to having a hand on her hip like this, either! She can't seem to focus on the situation like the other two and is the most self conscious, which makes for a fun effect where Selene is staring straight forward for the photo op while Astrid seems to be enjoying what's going down plenty. The subtle differences in builds are nice to see too! Cobalt was having the time of his life seeing this be drawn, so I'd say it was a pretty great present!
A triad of buns appears! The color contrast is neat. Those are some enormous paws! Laurel is cute, I
Again, hmmm, didn't know he had a third bunny, but they all look unique and having silly personalities. Good job with the massive paws and the city getting demolished. Happy birthday to Cobalt too!
Again, hmmm, didn't know he had a third bunny, but they all look unique and having silly personaliti