🐾 Here we are. The end of the album. What do I have to say about "(Bonus) Nevada Nights"? It's a "bonus" song because I made a random song wholly unrelated to anything and decided to tack it onto this album! 😺 Haha! The end!
🐾 Well, more or less. So. This song started off a just the one piano loop. I wanted to write a piano piece. This song started out with me wanting to write a piano-only piece. I wrote the one cadence and it just flowed perfectly. Yes, when I said "loop", I didn't mean that it's a loop a downloaded from wherever. I recorded MIDI input of me playing my keyboard for two bars, and that was the only pattern I created. This song is pretty much just the same loop throughout the entire song, with only one variation with the octaves doubled up in both ways. The pattern just had a the perfect cadence that I did not know what to do with it for a while now. (I don't know if I put it anywhere, but I recorded a spoken-word version of when it was just the piano and soft lead (that I also created, using Serum) of me reading one of my haiku poems I'd written down. It was a silly thing and I don't remember if I uploaded it anywhere, but that's how clueless I was to what I could do with this song 😹) After lying dormant for a little bit, I think this version of the song came about when I was messing with the 808 presets in FL Studio's FLEX plugin or something. I really don't remember! I just remember that this was 100% not the direction I would have ever considered this song taking and thought it a hilarious addition to the album because no one can ever tell what style of music I will make next... not even me!