Nightmare Rising
A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fan fiction
By Mark D. (Halpthiuian) Smathers
--- ch2
After a quick wash up and toilette (relatively speaking for some, Rarity just reveled in the luxury of having access to the Royal Makeup Kit and Beauticians while AJ and RD found a quick shower and brush up sufficient), everypony met in the informal dining room.
Apple Bloom couldn't resist strutting in, showing off her new gold and diamond ribbon, which AJ couldn't resist teasing her with, “Now don't y'all go turnin' all Canterlot Nobility on me, now thet y'all've got a new pretty.”
To which Abby gave the inevitable answer of, “Pppbbbth!”
Celestia entered with the Cake Twins, who were enjoying a ride on their new royal auntie's back. The elder Cakes were thanking her for compensating them for their lost morning's business.
“You're quite welcome,” she said, “Frankly, it's the least I can do to apologize for unnecessarily disrupting your business, as well as repay your kindness to my sister.
“But now, I must insist you have something to eat before taking that long trip home on an empty stomach with a pair of equally hungry foals in tow.”
The Cakes couldn't argue with that.
After a pleasant meal, the Cakes left to salvage their business day (they were somewhat dis-appointed to find that Pinkie couldn't accompany them) and the rest could begin with the business at hoof.
“Where to begin,” Celestia sighed, “Twilight, do you have any idea what's going on?”
Twilight pursed her lips, “Not exactly. However I think Zecora might be able to shed more light on this than I can.”
Celestia looked questioningly to Zecora. “Do you know what's behind this?”
Zecora's expression was grim, “To your request I can accede. Luna has been infected with a Demon Seed.”
The sudden look of sheer horror that came over Celestia's face would stay fresh in the memories of all in the room for the rest of their lives. Her irises shrank almost to nonexistence, her coffee cup smashed to the floor as the shock broke her concentration, and she had to work hard to control her breathing for a minute before she could speak.
Twilight and Luna nearly panicked when they saw her normally unflappable teacher and sister in this state, “Celestia!”
When she finally found her voice, all she could say was, “Omygoshohmygoshohmygosh! W-why?! Why?” she wept.
Twilight hugged her, the CMC and Luna rushed up and joined in, until she regained control, “You-you're sure about this?”
“Yes I am, unfortunately. As certain as any mortal can be.”
This didn't do her composure any good.
She sighed heavily, visibly pulled herself together and asked, “Well. Does anypony have any ideas on what to do about this?”
“An exorcism.”
Everypony looked shocked at the suggestion. Not so much about the idea. But rather at its parent.
“Pinkie,” Celestia asked, “How do you know about this? That rite hasn't been performed in well over 1000 years.”
Pinkie wore a scarily serious expression as was rarely seen on her. Her mane even looked like it had deflated to only half its normal volume and curl, “Yes. But the memory has been preserved in stories for that long, too.”
This was too much for Twilight, “Pinkie, please. We've got a serious situation on our hooves here.”
“I am serious.”
Twilight looked over to Celestia hoping for some sanity. To no avail. She was clearly taking Pinkie's suggestion seriously, “Princess? This can't be real, can it? I mean I've never found any serious reference to demons and exorcisms in any of the books I could find in any of the Royal Libraries.”
“And you won't,” Celestia sighed, “It's my fault, really. After a few centuries without any attacks from the Netherworld, we thought there was no further need to retain easy access to such dangerous materials. So over time they were moved to the more secure sections of the libraries, then to secret archives. Where we were a little lax about their preservation. Not to mention the complete lack of up to date translations.”
She became downcast, “So now, when we need them most, we don't have them to work with.” She began to sob.
“But didn't you keep any for yourself?” This from Sweetie Belle.
Celestia's head jerked up as if she had been shot, “What did you say?”
Sweetie was unsure if she had said something wrong, “Uhhhmm... Didn't you keep any of that stuff for your own use?”
Celestia's head jerked again as the light exploded in her head like a physical blow, “Ugh!” She facehoofed, “How did Equestria ever survive me?” She shook her head with a rueful smile, “Yes, Sweetie, your dumb excuse for a princess did. It's been so long since I used it, though, I completely forgot I had it.”
Sweetie pouted, “You're not dumb! You're just under a lot of stress right now.”
Celestia had to smile at this. She looked over the room and saw the same sentiment written over everypony's face. They were concerned for her wellbeing, but frustrated by protocol. Fortunately she had a quick solution for that, “Thank you, Sweetie, I appreciate the vote of confidence,” She addressed the rest, “And thank all of you. I really don't know what I would have done without you coming to Equestria's aid whenever it was needed.
So now, I think we need to streamline things to enable the closer working relationship we will need in this situation.”
Twilight was puzzled, “What do you mean, Princess?”
Celestia's smile took on a slightly mischievous quality, “How about everypony in the room dropping protocol, and using my given name in private?”
The stunned silence lasted all of five seconds. Pinkie was the first to get it, “Oh, WOW! YAY!! That's the most stupenderawesomeriffic thing I've ever heard, Celly!” she said at full bounce as her mane resumed its normal impossible fluffiness.
“Is... Is that proper?” an unsure Rarity asked.
“It is if I say so,” Celestia answered, her eyes twinkling.
Rarity smiled, still a little unsurely, but beginning to see the light.
The CMC got it, too, “Thank you Miss Celestia!” they chorused.
Celestia visibly basked in the warm feeling being addressed as “miss” gave her.
Until the door opened and Captain Shining Armor walked in.
“Princess? There you are. Everypony's wondering where you've been.”