A contribution to the #ShuffleReDraw Honestly Sonic Shuffle is a pretty underrated title in the series that could benefit greatly from a Remake/Remaster. I hope the efforts of everyone in this project inspires something down
I did like Sonic Shuffle, I always respected that the Sonic franchise doesn't just knock off something, but commits and goes hard. "Mario Party is a thing? We can do that, but give it a story where the fate of everyone's dreams is at stake!" I remember the original N-64 Mario Party had a "what will we name this new land?" story but I don't think any of the following ones bothered with even that. Gameplay wise I think the only flaw is that the computer characters knew exactly where all of the cards in the deck were, even if they were in your hand, so they could always grab whatever number they needed. Fix the card randomizer, update the graphics a bit, and there you go.
I did like Sonic Shuffle, I always respected that the Sonic franchise doesn't just knock off somethi