Hi! This is the BigD speaking ^=^. I know I had my regular, and old account on Discord still :| and =|. But unfortunately :| and :\. I am unable to log back onto it since it's a long story, and it's due to a situation and a circumstance as we speak =| and =\. So to those that have been on my old Discord still one way, or another even if I can or cannot retrieve them from my old account for sure :| and :(. I'm sorry, but I won't forget you and the times we had together for sure =| and =(. Never forget me, and be strong =| and =(. But for those that still know me from my old Discord account :| and :). Please find me at my new, and backup Discord account at this time until then =| and =). If you need information on how to reach me there, and get to me ther as well :) and =). Ask me, and I'll give it to you ^_^. So... I'm sorry if you all lost me on my old account, and are trying to talk to me and RP with me for sure ^-^. But please try to get back to me if you all can. Thank you, and God bless you all :3 and ;3. Oh :o! And this was made by me at the last minute or so =3 and ;3.
Above all. I wish I wasn't stupid for falling for anything on Discord by any idiots that caused me to change my email access to lock me out of my old account. Curse them, and consider them forgotten and blocked either way too :| and =|. I hope to get those I had back soon if I can, but if not thanks for everything and I'll keep you in my prayers and maybe we can all catch up soon ^-^.
1 year, 1 month ago
11 Jan 2024 09:44 CET
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