Happy New Year everyone!
So I know I've been pretty quiet through journals and comments lately - I have a lot that's been going on in my life and when there's a lot I know I withdraw and prefer to buckle down and just handle it on my own in my own time. I know last time I posted a little Q+A that I only had answered a few of them and it was before I was heading out to move. Well, things kinda went a little...tits up.
The TL;DR of things going on is in the image. For those that want detail on anything specific, it'll be listed
Update 1: Moved to another state.
We packed up everything for the move ourselves and were supposed to have people come over and help load everything into the cars and large uhaul we had. Things fell through and almost no one came to help. My husband and I moved around 10,000 pounds of things by ourselves into the the uhaul overnight since we had to leave the next day. We stayed up all night and pushed ourselves through on no sleep to weigh the car and uhaul and leave the next day. We then drove 13 hours (with stops for rest/sleep) and unloaded about half of the things ourselves thankfully with some help at our new place. For the next week we were unpacking and moving things and I was taking OTC painkillers to manage.
We are finally back in IL, back near my family and friends. But, all the lifting and hauling caught up to me and about a week after moving here, I was in pain so bad I couldnt't move without sobbing and collapsing. Went to the urgentcare and got some meds. Then went to my doctor and got an xray. This was over a month ago.
Update 2: Hurt my back.
My cervical spine between c5-c6 and c6-c7 and t9-t10 is narrowered/degenerating. They're not sure the extent of the damage and I still have to wait another month to get an MRI (soonest available). I was in constant pain that muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, and even narcotics couldn't touch - with pain in my neck and upper back that nonstop radiated into my right arm. I couldn't sleep for two weeks. Barely managed my WFH job.
Only a week ago did the pain stop and it's been a slow process. I'm not allowed to lift anything over 20 lbs still until I know results from MRI. It could be a slipped/bulging disc, stenosis, foramanal narrowing - they're not sure since xrays only show the bones. I'm hopeful that since the pain is subsiding, that it means I'll be on the mend and there will be good news after the MRI. I've been able to work and draw and drive the last few weeks now so fingers crossed!
Update 3: Opening commissions in February!
My price list is accurate and I'll be opening commissions sometime early February! I'm not sure exactly when, but I want to put a google docs together for it. I've mostly just been open for people on a first come basis based on offering limited slots to people on my discord server, or a few people approaching me with ideas I've liked. Even when posting publicly, I've pretty much done it on a first come, first serve basis because I didn't know a better way to really do it.
After looking into google docs and how other artists offer it with a week of time to submit ideas, I think I like that idea more! So I'm announcing it now to give people time to prepare if they're interested. I'll then post a journal with the link, give people about a week to submit ideas (I want people to be able to submit multiple), then choose a handful. I'm not sure how many, but I'll pick a handful and let those know. I'm not sure if I will keep the other submissions or if I want to just start from scratch each time. I will have to see! I want to be able to offer my art to everyone again~
Update 4: New Year's Resolutions
Now that we're moved, I want to make sure I buckle down on the resolutions I made last year. I've lost 30 lbs in the past two years but still have a long way to go. I'm still overweight and want to make sure I get myself to a healthier weight and focus on getting my health where it needs to be. I'm over thirty years old now, and need to be focusing on being healthier if I want to live a long life. Especially since I have medical issues on both sides of the family and now know I will have degenerative back issues for the rest of my life.
I also was better about being social and hanging out with friends online, but I really want to double down and focus on much needed in person interactions. Between moving to another state away from family and friends, moving in the middle of a pandemic, and getting a WFH job I've become very lonely and isolated even with my wonderful husband here to support me. I plan on joining a few groups to find new friends, reestablish old friendships here, meet more with family, and even try to be more present for my online friends since I've been so burnt out with online interactions that I've become tired of all social interaction being through the internet.
Update 5: Am still an imp!
You may have all noticed the many Impy forms! I'm having fun experimenting with Impy in all sorts of shapes and sizes recently - since my buddy Jay got me a picture of Impy as a dragon, I've just been enjoying it~ But! Impy is still very much an imp and will remain so :3 so rest assured those who like her as she is, there will be more of her - there just will also be a handful of her other forms as well~
Thank you for all the support, happy new year, and I hope to make a lot more art to share with everyone going forward :3!
1 year, 1 month ago
03 Jan 2024 04:19 CET
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