Pasha has quickly become my favorite D&D I've played. I fell in love with Mage Hand Press' 3rd party D&D book Valda's Spire of Secrets immediately. The book introduces 10 new full classes and I instantly gravitated towards the Warmage. The warmage is a caster that only gets cantrips and is designed to be closer to a martial than a caster. Here is Pasha casting his signature cantrip: Force Dart. Force Dart requires that gauntlet he is wearing and at his current level of level 9 does 3d10+5 Force Damage on hit or 6d10+5 Force Damage if he uses his Arcane Surge class ability. Pasha is a follower of the Pathfinder god Ragathiel and his favored weapon is the bastard sword. Which is why his force dart is the shape of a bastard sword. Little man can really delete problems with his cantrips. I highly recommend checking out Valda's if 5e is boring you. It brings back a bunch of fun 3.5 mechanics like Exotic Weapons for example :3.