Oh hey, Truffle's back for another year! Great to see her still upholding tradition! This dress continues to have a unique appeal (the appeal is hips)!
Great sandalcrunches, and a Happy New Year to all!
Oh hey, Truffle's back for another year! Great to see her still upholding tradition! This dress cont
Yesssss! Truffle returns! This is a sign that Truffle will dominate 2024~
I always look forward to seeing this dress again. It is really nice and she wears it so well. I also love that you now add city on your own free will now, haha! I remember asking you to add cities back in 2019 or something and it seems like a regular addition now.
Thank you very much for continuing this tradition! So good to have Truffle back!
Yesssss! Truffle returns! This is a sign that Truffle will dominate 2024~ I always look forward to