Nikki proudly presents her engagement ring to her family at home
The End of a Journey
Hello, my friends. I hope you are all feeling well.
In December, we give our gifts, wishing well for our world. It is a time when we rejoice and are happy and calm. It is a time to think of your loved ones, both living and dead. A time to forgive and to forget, for a new beginning. The old year 2023 will end soon, and a new year will take its place. Life is everlasting change.
Change was also upon Nikki and me. At the end of our vacation in Vienna, Nikki's father spoke with me about the meaning of a marriage proposal. The reason this even became a topic was that Raphael, the head of our theater group, had proposed to Svetlana. I felt that Nikki was saddened by the fact that I couldn’t ask her this question yet. At least, I thought I was unable to do it because of my age. Her father said that I could propose to her at any time, as there are no legal consequences to it. But he advised me to wait for a special moment. After our return home, during a conversation with my mother, she asked me to think about a special location—a place Nikki and I connect with good memories. It took me a while, but with my mother's help, I found it. A place with absolutely zero bad memories. It was time for my girl and me to leave our roles as girlfriend and boyfriend. It was time for us to become more.
We will now go back to Friday, December 15. The last weekend before Christmas. Sunday, the 17th, was the third Advent.
Snow was falling outside. The house on the opposite side of the street looks as if Santa Claus himself had decorated it in a frenzy of fairy dust. Or dried reindeer dung. Whatever it takes to think that you have to light your house so brightly that the armies of Rohan might mistake it for the beacon of Gondor. I'd love to see this man's electricity bill.
I know that people in the US usually don't celebrate Advent. Some of you, our dear readers, might not have even heard about it. My mother, due to her German roots, loves to celebrate it. It is a tradition her parents taught her. Not that she ever gave much about her parents since the day they left the US, but she still keeps this little ritual going.
Every Sunday ahead of Holy Night, she lights one of the four candles on an advent wreath she made herself from fir branches. Every time she lights a candle, she speaks a part of a little poem that was once written in Germany by Elli Michler in 1923. Mom only translated it into English. Funny, I have been writing this journal for years and always forgot to mention this little tradition. But I guess it isn’t that important. This year, I will tell you about it.
On the first Advent, December 3, when the first candle was lit, mom said:
“A candle for peace is what we need because the quarrel will not rest.”
One week later, on the second Advent, December 10, she spoke:
“For the day full of sadness, a candle for courage.”
I will continue with this poem later.
As said, it was on Friday, December 15. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop, working on my journal, when mom entered the room. She had a cup of cocoa in her hands and a smile on her face when she walked towards my bed and said:
“Balto, you shouldn't work here in the dark. It isn't healthy for your eyes.”
I gave her a strange look because my room was brighter than during the day, thanks to our neighbor. I replied:
“Mom, this crazy man's Christmas decoration gives enough light for a plane to land.”
My mother giggled about my joke.
“I know, but he will have to switch that off soon.”
It went dark the same moment she said that. Was my mom secretly a superhero with the power to control electricity? That would be cool, but no.
What happened was that the police forced our neighbor to dim the light or switch it off after several complaints, and my mother knew about that since she saw the police cars coming before she entered my room. I remained seated on my bed. The room was now only lit by the screen of my laptop, and my mother was completely in the dark.
The she-wolf took a few steps back to switch on the light, then she placed the cup of cocoa on my nightstand and sat down next to me. I put the laptop aside to cuddle myself against her. My mother smiled, put her arm around my shoulder, and held me close. In a calm, silent voice, she asked:
“Say, are you nervous because of tomorrow?”
I nodded. Of course, I was nervous. You don’t ask your girl this question every day. A bit afraid, I answered with a question:
“Yes, mom. What if she says no?”
Mom looked at me while she caressed my head to comfort me.
“Don't worry, Balto. If I am judging Nicole's feelings for you correctly, you will not even be able to finish the question.”
I sighed, as this answer wasn’t really convincing to me. My stomach rumored when mom asked another question:
“Did you finish the little text we were working on?”
I nodded at her again, then reached for my laptop to show her the text. Mom had tears in her eyes after she read it. I will present it to you later in the entry.
While I enjoyed my cocoa, we talked further about Nikki, me, school, and dad. Mom said that we should visit his grave as soon as Nikki and I come back from our trip. A trip we almost had to cancel after some heavy snowfall in the area.
My cheetah joined us late at night that day. As she came into my room, she was wearing a heavy jacket, winter boots, a thick knitted cap, and gloves. In short, she was dressed like an Inuit. Believe it or not, she was still shivering. Cheetahs are clearly not made for wintertime in upstate New York. Mom left the room to bring Nikki a warm drink, and I turned up the heating. Without taking off any clothes, my girl sat down on my gaming chair and began complaining:
“Doggy, I swear to God, Jehovah, Allah, or whoever is sitting up there. If this trip to Ohio isn't worth the time, I will shave you and pad my jacket with your fur to warm me up. Tell me again, why did I say yes to this tour in the middle of winter?”
Since I had a good answer to this, her question made me giggle.
“Because you wanted to see the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame.”
Nikki didn't seem to be satisfied by my answer at all. She grumbled but swallowed her slight anger as mom came back in to bring her some hot cocoa. Perhaps, the rising temperature in the room also helped to cheer up my grumpy feline.
Together with mom, we talked a bit further about the upcoming trip. When the clock struck midnight, it was time for all of us to go to bed. Nikki still didn't want to lose much of her clothing. She only took off her boots, gloves, and cap. Was it really that cold? I mean, icicles inside the room are normal, aren’t they?
Saturday began early. At 6 a.m., to be precise. Nikki and I prepared breakfast for three, and mom joined us at around 7 o`clock. Nikki's parents came over about an hour later to wish us a good trip and to tell Nikki to drive carefully. At 9 o'clock, our doorbell rang. It was Angel, whom we had invited to join us on the trip. Well, that was my idea, for special reasons. And no. You are all pervs. Shame yourself. The Bengal was wearing even more clothes than Nikki. Felines look so cute when they shiver. Shortly after Angel's arrival, it was time to hit the road. We said goodbye to our parents after the Nikkimobile was heated up, and we began our trip to Cleveland, Ohio.
You may have noticed that I kept this entry shorter than usual. I don't have much time, and I want to finish this entry before New Year's.
The trip to Cleveland took us about four and a half hours, including a traffic jam and a short break at a truck stop. Nikki first drove to our hotel, the Glidden House, where the girls took a hot shower together while I was watching TV. Unfortunately, the shower cabin was too small for three. After they were done, we drove to the Museum of Natural History. Not many people visited the place that day. A good thing for what I had planned.
Before we went inside, I checked my phone. The battery was full, there was enough free space for photos, and I had in total ten texts plus three missed calls from my mother. How could I have missed them? Oh, yeah. During the car ride, I slept for most of the time, the sound of my phone was off, and I didn't check it anymore after the truck stop break. Nikki and Angel were already on their way to the entrance, while I quickly called Mom back. She took the call, and without waiting for me to even say hi, she immediately asked:
“Why haven't you answered my calls? I even called the police when we heard about a car crash and a traffic jam along your route. Is everything okay?”
I sighed.
“Hey, mom. Don't worry. All is fine. We just arrived at the museum.”
Mom's voice sounded nervous as she asked:
“Do you have the ring? You didn't leave it here, did you? We could be in Cleveland in a few hours if you did.”
I shook my head. Who was more nervous here, she or I? To be on the safe side, I checked my pocket. The little box was where it should be. Next, I tried to calm down my mother:
“Mom, please. I have it right here in my pocket. Everything is okay. I must hang up now. Nikki and Angel had already gone inside. I will call you later. Love you, mom.”
Before ending the call, Mom answered:
“I love you too, my son. Good luck.”
Thanks, mom. You could have said, “Nicole will say yes for sure,” or something like that. But “Good Luck?”
I took a deep breath, then followed the girls into the museum. Nikki and Angelike waited at the counter for me when I rejoined them. Right from the entrance, I could see my namesake's new showcase. Nikki quickly paid the entrance fee for the three of us, and then we began our tour through this recently redesigned place. It looked wonderful. Especially the dinosaur exhibit. My favorites were the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Allosaurus. Not to forget the large Haplocanthosaurus in the visitor hall. Lucy, one of the oldest and most complete early human ancestors ever found, was also a must-see on our tour. While we walked through the halls, I received three more messages from my mother. If her goal was to drive me crazy, she was on the right track.
For about two hours, we explored the collected wisdom inside these walls. Especially the extremely detailed showcases they have everywhere impressed us. And finally, we reached for what we came here for. Balto. The feral Balto. I didn't remember him being so small. But ok, the last time we visited this place was many years ago, and I was just a little cub back then.
Since this was Angel’s first visit here, Nikki told her a few things about the dog, how he came here, and what he did to become so famous. While they were talking, I looked at my phone and pulled out the small box from my pocket. I took a deep breath. My heart was beating fast. One step forward, a tap on Angel’s shoulder to give her the signal. She knew that the time had come. Nikki looked a bit confused as I gave my phone to our friend, who then knelt and prepared to film us. Everything was set, and I began to speak:
“My dear Nikki. The following words aren’t easy for me to say. On the other hand, they are the easiest words I can imagine saying to the one girl I love from the deepest depths of my heart. Three years and seven months ago, you made me the happiest wolf on earth. And all you needed to do for that was say three simple words: I love you.
Since that day, we have walked through storms, traveled through the land, and found many new friends. We conquered stages, we performed in New York, we sang for a noble cause at a large concert, and we brought joy to many hearts. We had a wonderful, unbelievable time together. Even now, I still often think that all this must be a dream. Should this all indeed be one, then I never want to wake up.”
I knelt in front of my now even more confused girl. Nikki really didn’t have a clue when I showed her the box and opened it, shortly before I asked:
“Nicole Kofi, would you do me the honor and, as soon as I am old enough, marry me?”
With shaking hands, I presented Nikki my ring. Moments of silence followed. People around us had long stopped and watched us. Nikki was overwhelmed by her feelings.
I was already about to lose hope; I wanted to close the box again, as she only looked at me quietly with her mouth and eyes wide open. Then, after Nikki took a step forward, she silently said in a tearful voice:
“Yes, yes. Fuck, Fluffy. Yes.”
Our audience clapped their hands.
Thick tears ran down Nikki's cheeks as she presented her left hand to me. My hands were shaking so much that I could have made milkshakes without moving my arms. But somehow, I managed to put the ring on her finger. After a brief glance at it, my girl pounced on me and gave me a sensual kiss. I held her close with both arms. We both cried happy tears. Under the watchful eyes of Balto, we had sealed our love with the same ring my father once gave to my mother to seal theirs.
Naturally, we could not stay on the floor for long. People helped us up and congratulated us.
And Nikki? After we were back on our paws, she quickly took a selfie with her phone, which shows her with this shining ring on her finger and a big grin on her face. My happy cheetah didn’t waste time. Besides posting it on her social media, she also sent this photo to every single one of our friends.
Hazel, Johana, their mother, Kirara, Trish, Mikey, Antu, Anna, the Howling Musketeers, her grandparents, even the people from her college's group channel. And, of course, to our parents.
Our phones didn't stand still for a single second afterward. Everyone wrote back.
Most important for me was my mother’s reply:
“I am so happy for you, my son.”
Nikki’s father wrote:
“Good man. From now on, my son, you can call me Idrissa.”
Mr. Kofi Senior answered Nikki:
“May he make your blossom shine, my little protea.”
Trish’s reply was by far the funniest for us:
“What the fuck? Why wasn't I invited to this? Bad Spottycat! Bad Wolf!”
Happy like little kids, we left the museum soon after. We took a walk through the snowy streets, during which Nikki always pressed herself against me. We spent the rest of the day talking, laughing, and cuddling together. And we ordered a family pizza for our hotel room. It was perfect.
On Sunday, we visited the Rock 'n' Roll Museum and the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. Afterward, we drove back home. It was in the late evening as our families, no, our family, welcomed us home. Even the Howling Musketeers showed up to congratulate us. For that, they brought food for everyone. It was the third Advent, and before they left us, all our friends watched how mom lit the third candle along with the words:
“A candle for hope, against fear and heartache, when despondency secretly threatens to shake our faith.”
A week later, on December 24, we were all sitting together in our living room. Mom lit the last candle with the final words of the poem:
“A candle that would remain for the most important in the world:
A candle for love, placed with humility, that its light may not fail the lost on their way home. Because in the end, only love really counts.”
After this final candle was lit, we drove to Dad's grave to show our respect and love. Of course, we extinguished the candles before we left. The large gate at the cemetery’s entrance looks even more intimidating in the winter than during the rest of the year. The three angels, Azrael, Gabriel, and Raphael, are still guarding the entrance of this place.
We freed my father's grave from snow, lit a candle, and spoke a prayer together. Nikki showed him the ring to ask him for his blessing. A gentle wind blew through Nikki's hair. Was that a sign? My girl smiled and kissed me.
We hope you all had a peaceful Christmas with your friends and family.