’s OC, Syrus, as there was a scene in one of his Visual Novels that fits this theme. The scene where our cute Agumon friend was being stripped in preparation for a new wardrobe.
I tried a different approach with shadows. I normally use a brush, but since the brush overlaps if you let go of the button, it means you have to get the whole shadow done in one stroke, which is a pain in the butt for shapely shadows like this. Instead, I used the path tool to manually draw the shadow’s outlines and then filled it while reducing the opacity of the layer. The shadows look hideous cause I’m still terrible with perspective, but it’s a start.
Visual Perspective:
In a Room with a Tan floor and Green Walls, Syrus the Agumon has his purple disposable diaper (decorated with various shapes) pulled down to his feet by a brown teddy bear with a black spiked bracelet and brown strapped leather harness around it’s torso and tail. The Teddy says:
“Little Girls don’t wear big boy diapers like this...”