This was my first time drawing Tikal and Shade. Shade is from the crappy RPG Nintendo DS game Sonic Chronicles and the only games those morons at Sega gave her any representation.
I drew Tikal several more times, but they'll be uploaded at a much later point in time.
If you just remember that BioWare did that -- as in, the people responsible for Anthem -- then the blow gets softened by quite a bit.
Love Shade to bits, sad that the game's character growth is the most that the main crew has gotten since the Adventure games, until Frontier. Would've loved to see a sequel... or a remake!
If you just remember that BioWare did that -- as in, the people responsible for Anthem -- then the
It's understandable that the game was made way before Anthem existed and Sega was trying something different by having another developer make their game, but it still doesn't excuse it's terrible performance. Laggy and buggy to the max, but I still played it and made a lot of progress through it at the time. Tired of seeing these developers make these very interesting characters and just blow them off into non-existence, but they'll make darn well sure to keep characters like Petey Piranha around which is a Mario boss
We don't talk about Anthem lol. It's understandable that the game was made way before Anthem existe