N: *Two water Pokemon are exploring the Jungle*
Popplio: The Jungle is getting thicker here
L: Froakie hops alongside Popplio. "We should be getting close to that spot by now. Trust me, it'll have been worth it to come all the way out here."
N: Popplio: I wonder what spot makes it so special
L: "You'll see!" After a few more minutes, the two Pokemon arrive at a large pool of mud. "And, here we are! I wanted to introduce you to just how good it feels to sink into mud, and this is my favorite place to do that myself!"
N: Popplio: Whoa, that’s a huge pit of quicksand. Sure beats any mud spa
L: "It's special, too; I don't know why or how, but if you drown in it, you wake up on the shore perfectly fine after a few minutes!"
N: Popplio: That’s neat, should we use these vine to swing our way to the center
L: "Yep, that's how I usually get in." Froakie helps Popplio reach a vine, then grabs one himself. "Alright, you ready? There's no going back after this, I've tried before."
N: Popplio: Yes, I’m ready to have the best mud bath of my life
L: Froakie hops up and swings with his vine, landing in roughly the middle of the quicksand, already up to his knees in it. He looks back to watch Popplio swing over as well.
N: *As Popplio lets go she does a spin trick before landing perfectly on the center with her tail as her tail instantly sink under* Popplio: That was fun
L: "Haha, nice! It just gets more fun from here, apart from when you first inhale the mud. Never quite gotten used to that part."
N: Popplio: I sure it will feel heavenly
L: "Oh, it'll get there, for sure. Once the choking stops, and your body just lets you breathe... Nothing beats that." Froakie looks down to check his progress, watching the quicksand rise up past his waist.
N: Popplio: The Jungle mire is so comfy soft *Popplio slowly sinks deeper*
L: "And I'd be willing to bet that this won't be your only time feeling it!"
N: Popplio: Yeah, maybe someday I go drowning in sandy quicksand
L: "Make sure it's one where you don't die from it. I can't imagine this is the only one like that." The quicksand starts to cover Froakie's chest, and he smiles, knowing he'll be under before too much longer.
N: *Popplio sinks to her belly*
Popplio: I will be quite the experience to be able to respawn after drowning in soft quicksand
L: "It's honestly still kind of surreal. My first time in here, I didn't know about that, and I thought I wouldn't be coming back out!"
N: Popplio: Being able to drown many times as we want for sinking fun is so nice
L: "Oh, absolutely! I've lost track of how many times I've sunk in here, it just feels so good! And it's good breath holding practice too, I've added a couple minutes to my record thanks to this." Froakie pats the mud's surface as it starts climbing up his neck.
N: *Popplio rest her flippers on the muddy surface as she sinks to her chest* Popplio: Looks like you gonna sink under first due to your size
L: "Fine by me! I'm sure I won't be waiting too long for you to join me, huh?" Tilting his head back, Froakie starts taking deep breaths, getting ready to go fully under the surface.
N: Popplio: This quicksand will be my new sea
L: "And one that I can't wait to exploblrblbl!" Froakie's last statement gets cut off by the mud covering his mouth, and he gasps once more through his nostrils before leveling his head. For the moment, his eyes stay above the surface, looking at Popplio.
N: *Popplio look down at the quicksand as she is getting eager to drown in it as she sinks to her neck* Popplio: Ohh yes, take me under quicksand
L: A muffled, bubbly laugh can be heard from Froakie, bubbles floating up to the surface in front of his head. He closes his eyes, and soon is entirely submerged.
N: *Popplio tilts her head back* Popplio: This is the best mud spa
L: Froakie smiles as the cool quicksand slowly flows around him as he sinks, letting out a few bubbles that Popplio could still see on the surface.
N: *Popplio lift her one flipper up as she is slowly going under the mire, only her nose and flipper remains*
L: Froakie idly wonders if Popplio has gone under yet, being unable to see. He considers calling out to her, but decides not to waste his air.
N: *Popplio starts bubbling as she sinks completely under the quicksand*
L: *Ah, there she is!*, Froakie thinks to himself as he hears Popplio blowing bubbles. Happy to not be alone, he puffs out some bubbles as a sort of submerged greeting.
N: *Popplio hums as she continues bubbling under the mire*
L: Froakie joins in, humming as he tries his best to swim to Popplio, though he hardly gets anywhere.
N: *Popplio slowly starts to lose air as she sinks deeper and deeper*
L: No longer concerned about air, Froakie happily bubbles some more, even as his lungs start to complain about him doing so.
N: *Popplio starts to inhale mud as she happily gurgling under the mire*
L: Hearing Popplio starting to drown, Froakie decides it's about time he let the mud in as well. With a open-mouthed smile, he takes a breath, willingly choking on the mud around him as he grabs his neck.
N: *Popplio lungs getting filled with mud as she slowly drowns happily*
L: Froakie manages to hang on a fair bit longer than Popplio, having more experience drowning. Still, eventually, his movements slow, and with a few more breaths of mud, he goes still, his smiling face a much deeper blue than normal. For a while, the two drowned Pokemon continue to sink, before vanishing and reappearing on the shore with a flash, perfectly healthy, laying down with their eyes closed.