Character Sheet for Water Lowe
Mobian Leamer (with Fennec Fox blood)
Character Description
The son of tangle and Rape child Kit, a child genius he helps sky in making tech he foes try his best to hid his powers, but he is training his best to be a knight of acorns
(he is also secretly a mama's boy)
Water control
Water is not really a fan of water bending since he doesn't want to be like that about his father but piss him off like attacking his mom or forcing him into a water bending he goes hydro man and take all the water from the plants that surround him and makes a body of water and if against the triplets he will take the water from thier plants (look at Kitara vs Hana and them taking water from the grass and trees) and when he is at his breaking point he goes blood bending
Like his mom he enjoys bouncing but only when he is alone he also enjoys a good book when he is tired,
His mom and the Lowe family
New Guardians
His half sibblings on his bio-dad's side
His bio father
Adopted father - Klaue (he considers Klaue as his true dad)
Mom - Tangle
Bio Kit - Fater
He is considered a honorary Lowe
Lowe famialy - Adopted into
Gaia - girlfriend
Reneé - crush
he only looks like he is Short due to well hi mom says he looks cute on that
he just wears his shoes and gloves but on events he wears his knight clothes