Every time I draw a past event involving Ankha it'll be titled "Daily Life in Egypt" to differentiate itself from anything else involving her.
An old request where someone wanted to see Ankha walking and stepping on nearby ants. I plan to continue doing these which will showcase Ankha's past before she came to town. This was a time she had breasts as well before she used a spell to diminish their size due to the fact that they were always in her way when doing several things. She didn't like how they bounced around and such so she went flat-chested.
Ankha could have lived a more luxurious life, staying in inner social circles with the rich and increasing her haughty status that much higher. Instead she purposefully decided to live a more normal life among the commoners in a small Egyptian town like farming, gathering materials for her magic and giving humans tours around the area and helping them get into ancient Egyptian tombs and pyramids. Most girls would avoid this type of life, but this Ankha is tomboyish and adventurous so she doesn't mind getting dirty and sweaty from work and exploration. She doesn't like stepping on bugs though.