The CEO of Gracious Gadgets, Yerba is surprisingly a down-to-earth and understanding individual. Perhaps this is due to the fact he also gets his kicks as a leather daddy when not in the office... He's proudly eccentric, choosing to wear shining studs around his feet rather than shoes. When in suit they're sparkling sapphires, in his leather getup they're smooth sleek steel.
Yerba's mission is to make things that help reduce every day annoyances rather than make big replacements for the organic touch. He focuses on the needs of the masses rather than the vocal few, and as such products have intensive focus groups before they're produced.
When out of the office, he's a gentle power bottom to younger and less experienced men, showing them how to please their elders with an equally gracious personality.
When not running business or getting his pleasure, he usually likes to relax with tea of an identical name.