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The Marbettes Special Episode: Nick and The Silver Maid
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NickyTheRiolu's Gallery (40)

The Marbettes Episode 11: Spectacular Last Day

The Marbettes Episode 12: Bring Your Sibling
Keywords pokemon 191886, diaper 78171, babyfur 39233, any 6109, show 1946, fashion 1516, stories 316
September 15th


11:35 AM

This is the last day that Nick works at Blue Bell Advertising as a Diaper Model, and the last two months have been filled with plenty of memories. From various photo-shoots to live commercial recordings, only one session had some lighting and editing issues. Which was fixed within minutes. Each day on the job was spent with his partners who worked with him along the way.

Inside the Break Room above the snack section was a rectangular wooden photo-board, it contained thirty photos of the three children modeling different diaper brands. Each of them was an unforgettable memory. Some were silly while others were formal. It was all part of the experience.

The young pup had gained two-hundred fans due to his adorable pictures seen in Child Fashion Magazine, some children even came to the building in order to get his autograph, which he didn’t understand the concept of. The manager had to explain it to him. Fifty-five copies of the magazine were signed with a paint-covered paw print.

At this moment, the three models were currently in the Break Room playing with toy blocks. They were pretending to be house builders and wanted to make their own suburban neighborhood. Louise and Daina were wearing salmon pink frilly onesies, along with white socks. Nicholas wore a light-blue polo shirt with tan cargo shorts, which included his usual shoes.

“Well Nick, it’s your last day with us… I think Jace will have quite a final assignment for us to do,” said Louise as she finished building a small block house. She did her best to put on a smile, but it couldn’t hide the sadness she was displaying as her lips curved downwards shortly after. “I’ll miss having you as a partner.”

“You’ve been a wonderful partner, and we’ve all made great memories! You’ll always be my prince!” said Daina.

“Will… will I see you?” asked Nicholas in a sad-tone.

The pup was trying to ask if he would see them again, but he didn’t know the correct way of saying it. The two looked at each other and nodded to the pup who appeared to be on the verge of tears. He didn’t want to leave his friends behind, since he had so much fun with them.

“I’m sure we’ll see you around, though I’m not sure when.” said the pink-bulldog as she approached him and gave Nick a big hug. The smoochum joined in as well. “But for now… keep us in our memories.” The pup accepted the hug without question. When that was finished, the trio went back to playing with their toy blocks until the manager or owner entered the room with their next assignment.

Five minutes later, Jace and Julian entered the room with a two-year old deerling in her autumn form. She wore a dark-orange blouse with white socks and orange tap shoes, along with a white-denim diaper and orange sunglasses on her head. The nappy itself also had glittery yellow stars on it as well, it was part of the design. The three children turned towards them, focusing on the new visitor.

“Good afternoon, kiddos. I’d like to introduce you to Rina Fay: one of the most popular diaper models in the region!” said Jace.

“That’s right, I am the Fabulous Rina Fay!” the deerling exclaimed happily.

“Fabwoulous?” asked Nick as he titled his head.

“You’ve never heard of me before, have you?” Rina inquired.

“No.” the pup answered plainly.

“Well, I’m currently a diaper model for Blue Star Diapers in Castelia City. They’re the company who made Jeanies and the prototype I am currently wearing: White Jeanies!” said the grass fawn with pride. The deerling showed off her padding to the trio for a moment while giggling. “I’ve got thousands of fans because of my popularity in Child Fashion Magazine!”

“That is an interesting diaper, stylish.” said the pink snubbull. “Nick is also pretty popular as well, he’s got hundreds of fans.”

“Hundreds and hundreds of fans!” the smoochum exclaimed.

“That many fans? Not bad… I’m impressed.” said Rina.

“So… when shall we get ready for our assignment?” asked Daina.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll both be staying here at the studio,” said Jace.

“Why can’t we go with him?” Louise inquired.

“The current assignment only requires one other diaper model, and Rina decided to select Nicholas from the list of diaper models that we presented to her,” said Julian.

“Oh…” said the two girls.

“Aww….” said Nick.

“On the upside, you can watch the whole show live. I’ll have a portable television brought in.” said Jace as he took a deep breath and let out a sad sigh. “I’m sorry that you can’t join him, Rina’s manager is very specific in what she wants for her.”

Nick was saddened that his partners couldn’t join him in one final diaper modeling session, it would’ve been nice to spend his last day with them. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do.

“I know it’s hard to accept, but this is how things are.” said the manager as he gently rubbed the pup’s head.

“Don’t feel so sad, I’m sure you’ll have a fun time! We’re heading off to Nimbasa City for a fashion show!” said Rina.

“What’s that?” the pup asked.

“It’s where models go to show off the latest in fashion,” said the manager.

“And you’ll be arriving in style!” said the owner.

“We’re being driven in a fancy limousine!” said the deerling. “That’s how I arrived here with the owner and manager!”

Nick hadn’t really heard much about limos, but he was curiously excited about it. His sadness changed as his own lips curved upwards. While the pup was going to miss his friends, he was glad that he could spend time with them before heading off to his final modeling session.

“There we go, that’s the spirit kiddo!” said Jace.

“Let’s get you dressed for the occasion, that outfit simply won’t do for this spectacular last day!” said Julian.

The pup was picked up by the manager and brought to the Changing Room. Disha was there waiting for him. His original outfit was removed and swapped out with a different clothing set which was composed of these items: Reddish-Orange Polo Shirt, White Socks, Brown Sneakers, and a White Jeanies Diaper. The other outfit was placed in a separate plastic bag.

Once she was finished, the Nidoqueen gently placed the baby on the ground as his partner observed how cute the outfit was. Nicholas felt quite comfortable in the clothing he was donned in.

“So cozy…” said Nick.

“I am glad you like it dear, I didn't want you to be uncomfortable after all.” said Disha.

“I’ve heard our prototype diapers have extra cotton layers for absorbency, and they’re extra stretchy too. Plenty of space for loads.” said Rina.

“Oooo!” exclaimed Nick.

“Now that both of you are ready to go, let’s head out to the limo,” said Jace.

The two diaper models were escorted outside to the front entrance of the building by the manager and owner, where a white limousine was waiting for them. A male chauffeur in a silver tuxedo was standing by the passenger door open, he was fifty-six years old. The exterior of the vehicle was glossy and clean, it was recently waxed. Jace had brought a diaper bag with the pup’s other clothing, putting them in the luggage space. It also had extra diaper changing supplies, just in case.

“Welcome back, Miss Rina. Ready to go?” asked the chauffeur.

“Ahuh, I’ve got my partner right here.” the deerling replied.

“Oooh…” said the pup as he looked at the exterior of the vehicle.

“Wait until you see the inside, young man. You’ll love it!” said the man.

“Oh boy!” exclaimed Nick as he followed behind Rina and entered the limousine, with the owner of the company being the last one to enter. The manager was staying behind to keep an eye on things.

The little fighting-type was amazed by the design of the vehicle interior: The seating was one big round white-leather bench, which seated up to nine people. It had a small steel fridge and a steel table to place items on. In front of the children was a white paper bag with a logo of a burger wearing cap’n’bells. Nick smelled an irresistible fragrance coming from it. Right in his reach.

“You smelt it right away, didn’t you?” said Rina. “Ever had chicken nuggets and fries before?”

“Nwuggets? Fwies?” asked the pup.

“It’s fried potatoes and chicken, my manager got them from Burger Jester before coming here. There is a rival burger company from Kanto, but they aren’t as popular yet.” said the young fawn. She watched as the owner put them into baby-seats, and buckled them in. The chauffeur closed the passenger door and entered the driver-seat.

“I want some!” said Nick.

“Then go ahead and dig in!” said Jace as he grabbed the food from inside of the bag and placed it right in front of the children. Opening the medium-sized cardboard cartons, which contained the chicken nuggets and fries.

“Yay!” exclaimed Rina.

While the Chauffeur focused on driving them towards their destination, the diaper models chowed down on the fast-food that was ordered for them. Making sure to enjoy every bite. The pup really enjoyed the salty taste that the fries had, including the scrumptious nuggets, which he made sure to have plenty of. The owner didn’t mind the sound of chomping and crunching, since the kids were both enjoying themselves.

After the two had finished their lunch, Jace grabbed a few bottles of oran-berry flavored baby formula from the small refrigerator. Gently handing them off to the diaper models. Nick grabbed his and started suckling on the light-blue rubber nipple, Jace had to hold Rina’s since she didn’t have fingers or thumbs to grab it.

Both of the children enjoyed the white silky-smooth substance as it touched the surface of their tongues, letting the delicious and savory liquid enter their throats. The kids finished their bottles as their eyes began to get heavy, slowly falling asleep as the last drops of milk entered their stomachs. The owner smiled and removed the empty bottles from them. He didn’t mind them having a nap, they were going to need the energy for the fashion show.

After an hour passed, the two children let out a soft yawn as they woke up to the sound of loud murmurs coming from outside, accompanied by loud camera flashes. The fawn and pup looked around, wondering if they arrived at their destination.

“Have a nice nap, kiddos?” asked Jace as the diaper models directed their attention to him.

“Ahuh!” said Nick.

“Have we arrived in Nimbasa City?!” asked Rina excitedly.

“Indeed!” said the owner as he paused for a moment. “Welcome to the city of sparkling lightning bolts”

“Yay!” exclaimed the pup as he curiously listened to the outside noise. “What’s the noise?”

“It’s the sound of photographers wanting to get pictures, along with the gathering of people waiting to see the show,” said the owner.

“I hope they don’t block us from getting to the fashion studio,” said the deerling. “There’s going to be hundreds of people at this show.

“Don’t worry, I doubt they will.” said Jace as he turned towards the Chauffeur. “Make sure to keep the windows closed, don’t want the kids to be blinded by up-close flashing cameras.”

“Of course, sir!” the man exclaimed.

As they proceeded through the city, different people and electric-type pokemon cheered from the sidewalk as the luxurious vehicle made its way down to the Nimbasa City Fashion Studio. Some had already gathered outside the entrance to the building itself. A red carpet was rolled out with a gold velvet-rope stanchion extended along it. Guards stood on both sides to prevent anyone from breaching it.

“We get that you're excited folks, but please make sure to give the diaper models plenty of space. No flash photography please! Wait until the show starts!” said the first guard.

“But we want pictures!” shouted some photographers.

“Wait until the show please, otherwise your cameras will be confiscated,” said the second guard.

The limousine arrived at the facility as it pulled up near the entrance, with the passenger doors aligned to the beginning of the red carpet. The chauffeur parked the vehicle and opened the doors, watching as the three exited the limousine. The crowd outside the ropes watched in silence as Rina and Nick followed behind Jace.

The three entered through the glass door into the main lobby of the building, with the area consisting of this layout: receptionist's desk, waiting area, and three doors that led to the dressing rooms used by fashion models in order to prepare for a show. The floor had a black and white checkered marble design, with crimson-red walls.

Standing in the waiting area was a young woman with light-blue eyes who was gently stroking her long black hair while holding a small mirror. Her outfit was a black dress with glowing-yellow lightning bolts, with white high-heels. A female Zebstrika stood by her side. Their outfit was dark-blue jean shorts with a black shirt.

“Who?” asked Nick as he pointed to the woman using his paw finger.

“It’s not polite to point, Nick.” Jace said.

“Sorry….” said the pup sadly.

“It’s okay, you’re only a year old and have only begun to make sense of the world,” said the owner as gave the pup a gentle back rub, which made the baby feel better.

“That lady is Elesa, the Fashionista of Unova!” the deerling said.

“Oooh…” the pup answered.

“Correct, she performed in many fashion shows over the years. Her rise to stardom wasn’t an easy one, but it was worth the long effort!” the man said as he proceeded to wave the lady down, hoping to get her attention. “Hey Elesa, our diaper models are here!”

Elesa turned around after hearing his voice, her lips curving upwards into a gentle grin. The lady had been waiting patiently for him to arrive at the fashion studio, it was worth it. She walked over to him while exclaiming “Good to see you Jace, you're just in time!”

“Hello Elesa!” said Rina.

“Hwello!” said Nick.

The woman made her way over to the group, curiously looking over the shiny puppy standing by Jace’s left leg. She knelt down and looked towards the pup while providing a warm smile to him. Elesa hadn’t seen a riolu before, so it was a new experience for her.

“Hello cutie, what’s your name?” she asked.

“This is Nicholas Marbette, he was adopted by the Marbettes last year. His original mother abandoned him before he hatched from his egg.” said Jace.

“Oh… I am sorry that happened, Little Nicky.” said Elesa as she gently ruffled the pup’s head. “Looks like your new family is caring for you well enough, at least by what I see. Tell me pup… are you ready for your first fashion show?”

“Well… uhhh… I’m a widdle nwervous.” said Nick as a sweat drop formed on the side of his head. The little guy wasn’t exactly sure how being on a fashion show actually worked, so it gave him slight anxiety.

“It’s okay to be nervous, it happens to every fashion model, especially me.” the fashionista in a reassuring tone. The little fighting type smiled a bit, with his nervousness taken down a notch. “Follow me to the dressing room kiddos, and we’ll do final preparations from there. Anyone like make-up?”

“Nick doesn’t like make-up, it feels uncomfortable on his fur.” Jace explained.

“Oh… I see! You never told me that.” said Rina.

“Sorry about that, I should’ve explained that earlier.” the owner replied.

“That’s fine, I don’t think he’ll need it with that cute shiny fur of his!” said Elesa.

The kids followed the woman to the third door on the far right, which led into the third dressing room which had a white marble floor with crimson-red walls. It had a few chairs and lit-up mirrors with little drawers that contained many beauty products. On the far left of the room was a door that led to the Fashion Runway.

In the middle of the room was a metallic clothing rack that held two black shirts with lightning bolts on them, along with a curtained off section for changing clothes. Nick looked around the room as the electric zebra chuckled to herself.

“Like what you see?” Zebstrika asked.

“It looks so…. Amazing!” the pup exclaimed.

“I am glad ya think so, it’s fancy!” said the electric zebra as she realized something, pausing in place. “Oh, that’s right! I forgot to introduce myself: I’m Janine. Call me Jan if you want.”

“Nwice to meet ywou, Jan.” said Nick.

“A pleasure kiddo!” said Janine.

Elesa went to the first make-up drawer and pulled it open, carefully looking through it until she found a rectangular glass bottle of scented spray, with a small spray nozzle that was covered by a plastic cap. It had a dark-blue liquid inside. The pup stared at it as he watched the fashionista bring it over to him.

“This is Oran Berry Kids Cologne, care to give it a smell?” She asked.

“Colwogne?” Nick asked.

“It makes you smell good, just don’t drink it.” the fashionista said.

The woman took off the plastic cap as the heavenly and relaxing scent of oran-berries wafted towards the pup's little nose, all it took was one sniff for him to become content.

“Looks like someone is relaxed!” said Rina as she chuckled.

“That is the point of this cologne, it helps relax younger children with its natural aroma. It also smells great when applying it!” said Elesa as she looked towards the deerling. “Do you both want some? I figured that maybe Nick would like this since he’s not fond of make-up. The pup nodded in response.

“Yes ma’am!” said the deerling.

The fashionista nodded as she gently sprayed the scented cologne onto their bodies, making sure to not get any of it into their eyes. Both children enjoyed the scent as they stood around in the room. Janine gently gave the pup a pat on the book using her hooves.

“Alright kiddos, ready to head to the Fashion Runway? You’ll be positioned behind the curtain along with many other diaper models.” asked Elesa.

“Others?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, there are other young kids here as well! We aren’t the only ones!” said the deerling.

“Oooh, okay!” the pup replied.

“I think we're ready to go,” said Rina.

“Okay, let’s head there!” said Elesa.

The fashionista led them through the door and brought the children to a backstage area hidden by a large sparkly red silk curtain. There were seven other diaper models waiting behind it. Five of them were pokemon, while the final few were regular children. They were all wearing the Jeanies diaper prototype, including lightning-bolt themed shirts and white socks with different shoes.

There were a total of nine models here today for the fashion show, with a few being slightly nervous about it. One of them is a Magby with a dark-red pacifier. He walked over to Nick and carefully observed him. Shiny pokemon were a rarity across the regions.

“Huh?” Nick asked.

“He’s just curious about you. It’s not too often we get cute shiny pokemon like you!” the fashionista replied.

“Attention attendees, the show will begin in five minutes. Please remain in your seats at this time!” said a male voice over a loud intercom.

“Looks like we’ll be starting soon!” said Rina.

“Alright children, it’s almost time to head out. Make sure to stick with your partner so that everything goes smoothly. I shall give you the signal when it's time to head out onto the fashion runway.” said Elesa in a gentle tone.

Nick watched as the children began to form a straight-line, which mystified him for a second since he hadn’t done anything like this before. The deerling gently nudged him and said “We’ll be the last in line. Just stay behind me and everything will go well!”

The pup nodded and followed his partner, filing in with the rest of the children waiting to walk onto the runway. The pup wasn’t as nervous about this compared to a few minutes ago, but he was curious about what was behind this large curtain that stood before him and the other children.

The runway located inside of the Nimbasa Fashion Studio is a long and narrow stage platform with a white-marble floor that is lit-up with cube-sized lights. Above it were medium-sized stage lights that helped provide additional lighting. The audience was waiting with anticipation, twenty percent of the audience consisted of young children and photographers from other newspaper businesses.

Sitting near the front of the stage was Nick's mother and a thirty-year old female sawsbuck. Both of them had been invited to watch their children show off the prototype diaper from the Blue Star Company. They spoke between each other while waiting for the show to start. Both of them introduced themselves earlier before entering the room. The grass deer went by the name of Miranda.

“So tell me about your little boy, what is he like?” asked the female deer.

“He’s a shiny riolu, we adopted him from Blisswood Orphanage last year. He’s an energetic little fighting-type, but a joy to have around. His former mother abandoned him before he hatched.” said the grass serpent.

“Oh… I am sorry to hear about that. It’s good that he’s got a proper family now, no child deserves to be abandoned.” said Miranda.

“Indeed, and he’s been the most wonderful boy in our family! My daughter helps take care of him when she has the free time to do so.” the female serpent replied.

“Tell me, has he learned to walk?” the sawsbuck asked.

“He certainly has, since the pup was trained early while being in the orphanage,” said Ranae.

“That’s very good, we usually call those children early sprouters.” Miranda replied.

The grass serpent was rather since she hadn’t heard of such a term before, nor had she heard anyone else use that word in a sentence. The mother had heard many phrases and unusual slang, but nothing like this. It was an entirely new phrase to her.

“Early Sprouters?” asked the grass serpent.

“You must be confused, that’s understandable. Let me explain it to you: Early Sprouters are young students who have been slightly educated before entering the school system. I work at Castelia Elementary as a teacher, and we are trained to find those types of students.” said the grass deer.

“Interesting, that’s good to know.” said Ranae as the intercom came on again.

“Attention everyone, It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to the Nimbasa Fashion Studio: the most popular location for fashion shows! Please give a warm and electrifying welcome to the greatest fashionista in the region: Elesa!” said the male voice.

The crowd began to cheer and applaud loudly as two large spotlights were quickly activated and pointed towards the beginning of the runway. The fashionista came out from behind the curtain with her partner Janine, holding a pikachu-themed microphone that was powered by batteries. Once the crowd finished, she looked at the crowd and smiled as she held the microphone below her lips.

“Thank you for coming, today’s show is co-hosted and advertised by the Blue Star Company. They are known as the most popular diaper manufacturer in the region. You’ll be seeing their latest prototype being shown off by our diaper models on stage. So without further ado… please welcome our diaper models!” said Elesa as she waved to all the audience members and went back behind the curtain. She gave a thumbs up to the children in the back, indicating it was time to walk the runway.

The first pair went through the curtain and walked along the runway, turning around in all directions to show off their white Jeanies diapers. It was a male Magby and female Chimchar. The crowd cheered as photos were being taken of the children. Once they finished, the two walked back to the curtain and returned to the backstage area. The cube-lights that lit up the stage slowly changed to multiple colors, and the overhead stage light always kept a spotlight on the models who were currently on the stage.

One by one, the child models took their turns doing their walk on the fashion runway. Making sure to dazzle the crowd with the latest prototype diaper. Nick listened to the cheering from the crowd, which was very loud. While he still had that slight anxiety, his partner smiled towards him and said “Don’t worry, just follow my lead!” as the pup nodded in response. These two were the fifth pair in line.

After ten minutes, it was finally time for the two kids to make their entrance. Rina happily walked through the curtain with her partner following behind. Seconds upon getting to the stage, they were met by thunderous applause and cheering. Louder than ever before. Nick was surprised for a bit as he looked around, covering his ears for a bit before adjusting to the loud noise. Taking his paws off his ears. A bright spotlight was shining upon them!

“See, they love us! Both of us!” exclaimed Rina. “Now let’s give these folks a show!”

The pup and deerling walked down the runway as they turned in all directions to show off their white-denim diapers to all the audience members, hearing the sound of camera flashes emitting as the photographers took many pictures. It seems they had garnered a lot of admiration from the crowd.

Everything appeared to be going well as they reached the end of the stage, and they were in for a surprise! Both of their mothers were sitting in the front! The two children were quite happy to see their parents here.

“Hwello Momma!” the pup exclaimed

“Hey Mommy!” the deerling shouted.

“Hey Nicky, you look so adorable!” said Ranae as she took a picture of her son with a camera she had packed away in her purse, using her vines to hold and take the picture. Miranda did the same but had to use her mouth to pick up the camera and then utilizing her hooves to press the button to take a snapshot.

“Looking good, Rina!” said Miranda.

The both smiled towards their mothers as they began their return trip to the backstage area, slowly walking to keep showing off their diapers. Excited voices from the crowd could easily be heard from all over the studio. These two made sure to listen, since they were curious.

“Oh my gosh! Those two children look so cute in those diapers!”

“I’d buy those for my two kids back at home!”

“Is this Rina’s newest partner? He looks so adorable with that shiny fur!”

“That’s the little riolu from Child Fashion magazine!”

“I want his autograph!”

Rina and Nicholas continued walking down the runway, admiring all the people who liked seeing them on stage. Right as they approached the middle, the two stopped in place after hearing their stomachs emit a gurgling noise. It seems lunch had caught up with them. It was time for the call of nature! Pressure had been building up in their bowels. The pup’s tail had flagged up high.

“Well… you know what time it is!” said the deerling.

“Mushy time!” shouted the pup.

Both children got into a squat and began to grunt as their faces scrunched up as they began to fill their diapers while on stage. The audience and photographers looked on in confusion, since they didn’t know what was happening. No photos were being taken at this moment.


The two sighed in relief as the back of their diapers greatly bulked up without sagging, happy to relieve the pressure in their bowels. They continued making their way down the runway, and returned to the backstage area afterwards. The audience didn’t seem to mind this, since this was expected to likely happen. Once they went behind the curtain, everyone in the audience made a grand applause for this wonderful show.

“Great work you two, both of you really put on a show!” the fashionista proudly exclaimed. “The crowd was going wild for you both!”

“Thwankies!” said Nicky.

“Thank you!” said Rina.

“For your first and last fashion show, I didn’t expec-” said Elesa as she sniffed the air and covered her nose. She wasn’t expecting the smell of dirty diapers, nor had she had to deal with that too often. This was a surprise for the fashionista “Oh goodness! Smells like you two really filled your diapers. I’ll take you both to the dressing room to be changed. But either way, good work everyone!”

The two kids giggled in response as they were taken back to the dressing room, watching as the woman set up a changing mat and got out a diaper bag with changing supplies. She then laid them flat on their backs, and began the process.

Elesa removed their used diapers and threw them into the trash, getting out baby wipes as she proceeded to clean them up. Following that, the fashionista grabbed some baby powder and powdered their bottoms. It gave off a pleasant oran-berry scent when used. While she wasn’t quite fond of changing diapers, the fashion model didn’t want them to get a rash.

After that was finished, the woman grabbed a few Jeanies diapers from the diaper bag and slid them underneath the two babies. She pulled up the front of their nappies, positioning in-between their legs and stomachs. The woman then fastened the tapes around their hips.

“There you go kiddos, nice and clean!” she said.

“Thank you Eleswa!” said Nick.

“Not a problem, kiddo. Now… let’s get you two back to your parents. They may be waiting in the lobby!” said Elesa as she cleaned off her hands with sanitizing wipes that were in the diaper bag.

The two parents were in the waiting section of the lobby, waiting for their children to be returned to them. The owner had come through recently, and told Ranae that she’d be paid two-thousand and five-hundred pokedollars due to her son being very popular as a diaper model in Child Fashion magazine. It was a thousand dollars more from the original amount that was on the contract, but it wasn’t too steep.

“What a show that was, both of our children looked so adorable while on stage!” said the serperior.

“I know, even though they had a bit of a moment,” said the sawsbuck.

“Well, they can’t quite control their bowels yet. One day they will.” said Ranae.

Both mothers turned around to see their children being escorted by Elesa and her Zebstrika, the pup and deerling ran over to their respective mothers. The fashionista smiled as both kids hugged their mothers.

“Momma!” exclaimed Nick.

“We saw you, mommy!” shouted Rina.

“You really put on a show with your partner there, did you have fun with being a Diaper Model?” asked Ranae.

“Yweah I did, bwut….” said the pup as he frowned slightly.

“I know, I’ve been told about how much you’ll miss your partners. They’ll be in your heart sweetie, always.” said the grass serpent as she lovingly coiled around her son. “Perhaps you’ll see them again, in places you don’t expect.”

“I can’t disagree on that one.” said Miranda. “Well, we should get going. My husband is probably wondering when I’ll get back.”

“Alright then, we should get going too.” said Ranae as she uncoiled from around her son. “Come on Nicky, your sister is waiting for you to come back. I have your other clothes in the back of the car.”

“Okay momma!” said Nicky.

Elesa watched as the two mothers headed out of the Nimbasa City Fashion Studio, smirking to herself as she looked towards her partner and said “I hope that pup grows up to be a wonderful man, he seems to be someone who can easily make friends with whom he comes across.”

“I hope so as well, he’s a wonderful kid to work with,” said Janine.

“Perhaps we’ll come across him down the line.” said the fashionista.

Both of them headed into their dressing room to chill out for the time-being, since it had been a rather busy day. Nick had made wonderful memories with his partners at the Blue Bell Advertising Company, every single day spent wouldn’t easily be forgotten. From the first day he started to this point in time. Every single memory in life is a beautiful thing, and should always be cherished.
pokemon 191,886, diaper 78,171, babyfur 39,233, any 6,109, show 1,946, fashion 1,516, stories 316
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 1 year, 3 months ago
Rating: General

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Glad you like this, any particular part you enjoyed reading in this episode?
1 year, 3 months ago
the full chapter adorable
1 year, 3 months ago
I am glad you like everything!
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