A royal jelly and tiger mix largo slime. (honey and tabby mix largo slime with both secret styles.)
Also a royal jelly plort alt. (Ignore the fact the secret style doesn't change plort colors and there should also be a tabby plort). Anways in game it says their plorts are highly sought after by food manufacturers and their plorts are incredibly sweet.
Recent played it (and actually completed this time) again. Last time I abandoned it due to selling their plorts being very tedious and time consuming. Checked out the gadgets this time, got drones which sigificantly reduce the time I spent on the ranch and could actually explore the regions in the games.
Also my ranch was filled with tiger/tabby largos because cat. Favorite largo combo being nebula + tiger and honey jelly + tiger. Used the secret styles on everything but rock, quantum, and Saber.
1 year, 3 months ago
26 Nov 2023 08:46 CET
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