And finally this beautiful piece! Look at this, how happy kitty is about all those cakes and the mangos in between. While it is, of course difficult to tell whether she's just happy about the gifts on their own, or because they were given to her by her daughter Maline, though. After all, Maline is the one of her kids that spend the least time at home, fully embracing her role as a Mew, never disguising herself and traveling the world and supervising it from space. So, of course that made things all the more special to finally see her come home at her birthday. And with a Bag of Holding full of gifts at that!
Admittedly, even if they were all mango-flavored even kitty would have trouble eating them all. But, fortunately she has a rather big family and will gladly share with them. Not the mangos themselves. Those are her's >.>'
The picture was commissioned by Litarath and drawn by Brightcat135 I certainly had not expected something so nice and I am quite happy with that piece :D Maline definitely deserved a smooch or two for that!