Aaaand the 1st long forgotten character that will return this winter is Andri the Runedeer 😊🦌 He was fetured in two winter drawings in 2014 and 2015 and I don’t thing he had a name yet 😅 I was planing on him returning for the 2016 winter, however I was not happy with the design, tried redesigning him a couple of times and gave up because antlers are a pain to draw 😬
So he is now called Andri. According to a random baby-name site it is an Old Norse name that means snowshoe, so perfect 👌 The runes on his antlers glow very faintly when he is calm and give a strong glow when he is excited or otherwise emotional. I have used the runes for, according to Wikipedia, “heritage”, “protector”, “light”, “glory” & “ice”. As for his design, I decided to go with a more stylised Disney-like appearance. He looks innocent and cute but don’t let that fool you - rutting season spares no one 😈 The colours are also changed, I like these shades of brown better. Feels warmer, in a way 🙃
This is just the base redesign sketch sheet for him. I will be adding one more sketch sheets of him to show his naughtier side and another one for his fancy/festive side 👌