got a call from his boss at the hospital needing him to come in on Friday night & be on-call for the weekend , finding this strange Bobbert inquired & was told that he was needed so that the Doctors & nurses had more time to do their jobs , Bobbert understood that though he wasn’t a Nurse or doctor his skills were needed to enable the doctors & nurses to concentrate on the needs of the patients more. Bobbert had not yet met his building neighbors but he knew his son played with their children still this was going to be an awkward thing to ask , knocking on the first door Bobbert explained his situation & asked his neighbor Susan if she could watch his son to which she agreed & then had to go inside again to make her son (David) lunch , Bobbert then went to the second neighbor (at this time Bobbert had only the 2) & explained that he’d be working friday night & on-call that weekend but their neighbor had agreed to watch his(Bobbert’s) son & that his(the neighbor’s) son could play with his son while he was away & if he could help watch his son that he would be grateful
That Friday arrives & Bobbert tells Yure to listen to Miss Smythe while he’s away , a few seconds later Miss Smythe knocks on the door & Bobbert answer it then giving Susan a list of contact numbers & instructions he says he’ll be staying the weekend with relative who live a few blocks from the hospital & will be back Monday , then Bobbert kisses his son on the forehead & leaves
That weekend the 3 boys (David , Timmy & Yure) had a great time , When Bobbert got home Yure was jumping around eager to tell his father about his weekend , Bobbert sat & listened & decided to have a picnic for all of them , this however was going to be no ordinary picnic , Bobbert called up & ordered the food & spread out a tarp on the recently mowed then damp from a small rain shower green lawn on which he spread wide a tablecloth the putting out 6 place settings he also put 6 cushions for them to sit , At that moment everyone came down & the 2 neighbors commented on how a picnic on the grass of the backyard was a novel idea at that point the doorbell rang & Bobbert went in to open it , just then the delivery person yelled PPIZZA FOR A MR BUNHEART,, hearing this the kids began shouting YaY , tht afternoon all of the enjoyed pizza , games of ball throw , frisbee , toss across & tag