*in a large snowy region, Everest was walking around a campsite as Cap'n Turbot was getting his bag and walking out*
Everest: Hey Cap'n Turbot
Cap'n Turbot: Are you excited Everest?
Everest: Sure am
Cap'n Turbot: Well let's go for a walk then *he got a bag ready as he lead the way for a bit with Everest following behind. Then Everest spotted a few paw prints in the snow*
Everest: Oh boy, these tracks look familiar. *She went over to them, sniffing them.* And smell familiar. We have wolves around here.
Cap'n Turbot: Wolves? Are you certain?
Everest: I know the scent of wolves anywhere *She looked around as she spotted a small white wolf playing around*
Cap'n Turbot: And it appears we've wound up witnessing a white wolf pup playing in peace. *the pup was digging around and even pounced on the snow a bit*
Everest: Aww, so cute.
Cap'n Turbot: I have to snap a pic for prosperity. *he dug around his bag for a camera* Just need to make sure I don’t scare it away *he carefully took out his camera to get a good picture of the pup having fun* Oh clamoring clamshells. I forgot my long-distance lens back at camp. Everest, will you watch the wee white wolf while I find it?
Everest: It's hard to look away. *the pup poked her head out of a snow pile as her muzzle was covered in snow* Awww, that white wolf pup is so cute *Everest watched the pup as Cap'n Turbot left to the camp. A transition of the unusual emblem showed the Paw Patroller on the road as the pups were excited on a trip, especially Marshall*
Skye: It's gonna be so much fun to pay a visit to Everest and Cap'n Turbot
Ryder: Especially with the surprise later.
Zuma: What kind of surprise?
Ryder: If I told you pups it wouldn't be a surprise
Rocky: Maybe just a hint?
Ryder: I just know you'll all like it.
Balloona X: Hopefully it will be very good
Marshall: I'm sure Everest will be very excited about it
Formula: You're just excited to meet her too, ain't you Marshall?
Marshall: Well... yeah?
Balloona X: I don't blame him, hehehe *She giggled, sitting closer to Formula.*
Formula: Hehehehe yea *it took a bit on the drive as a transition of Everest's tag showed Cap'n Turbot digging through the tent as Everest was still watching the little wolf pup in awe*
Everest: That little white wolf pup is still so cute *soon enough the Paw Patroller pulled up as the pups rushed out in snow attire and looked around*
Rocky: Always nice to get that cool snowy air, huh?
Balloona X: Yes but not too cool
Formula: We don't want to get sick again *Marshall hurried out and looked to see Everest*
Marshall: Oh Everest, where are you? *He walked around while looking around the snowy landscape, only to bump into a tree and be buried under a pile of snow dropping onto him. At the campsite, Skye and Chase were at the top of a snow pile*
Skye: Wanna belly-boggan down?
Chase: Thought you'd never ask
Skye: Ready? Go! *they both slid down the snow on their bellies all the way down*
Chase: This is so fun!
Skye: Yeah! *they slid all the way down to the campsite as Cap'n Turbot got out with his camera and other lens*
Cap'n Turbot: Ok, got my lens in, now to take pictures of that cute white wolf *He walked until he noticed the pups walking around and having fun.* Oh, hey pups, nice to see you.
Zuma: Likewise, Cap’n Turbot.
Cap’n Turbot: My eyes must be mistaken, but are my peepers possibly missing a pup in your posse?
Marshall: *muffled* I'm here. *he popped out of the pile with a snow hat before shaking it off* I was just looking for Everest
Cap'n Turbot: Oh, I asked Everest to keep her eyes on a white wolf pup so I can get my lens for my camera
Skye: A wolf pup? Awww!
Marshall: But isn’t that a bit… risky?
Cap'n Turbot: Everest seemed a safe distance to see the pup, so maybe not
Marshall: I better check on her
Skye: Me too! I wanna see the wolf pup
Formula: After my pheromone issue, I’m staying far away from wolves.
Balloona X: The what?
Formula: Nothing! *He quickly went back into the Paw Patroller and closed the door.*
Balloona X: What was that about? *Marshall and Skye slowly made their way to Everest as she's still watching the wolf pup*
Everest: Hehe, what a cutie…
Marshall: Everest
Everest: Huh? *she look away abit*
Skye: Seems you have your other cutie right here.
Everest: Hey Marshy. Look over there. *they all looked at the playful wolf pup*
Marshall: Aaaawww!
Skye: It's so cute!
Everest: It really is. *the pup had a bit of snow on her head as she let out a small cute sneeze that shook the snow off* Aaawwww hehehe
Skye: That pup is so adorable. *they watched for a bit as it began to snow with a bit of wind*
Everest: Oh dear, looks like the wind and snow started to speed up
Skye: We might need to get back to the Paw Patroller
Marshall: Come on Everest
Everest: What about the wolf pup?
Marshall: I'm sure it can find its parents before the weather gets worse... right?
Everest: I need to help that wolf pup
Marshall: I'm coming with you. *they both rushed as the other pups hurried to the Paw Patroller*
Ryder: Hurry, pups!
Everest: We'll try our best, Ryder *The two made their way to the wolf pup, who seemed to be whimpering sadly in the cold.*
Marshall: Everest, I think something's wrong with this pup...
Everest: I think she's missing her family and can't find them. *gets closer to the wolf* It's alright little cutie. We can help you out. *the pup looked at Everest with a little comfort. The wolf pup walked to Everest* There there *the wind blew stronger around them*
Marshall: It's getting worse.
Everest: Let's go, Marshy!
Marshall: I can't see the Paw Patroller
Everest: Me neither... we need to find somewhere until this storm goes by... *they looked around for a sign of anything nearby, as Everest noticed an opening close by* Hey, what's that?
Marshall: Might be a cave...
Everest: Beats freezing our tails out here. Hurry! Let's go! *the 3 rushed to the cave and went inside to avoid the snowy winds* We'll be safe here *they stayed in the cave together as the wolf pup looked worried*
Marshall: Is she alright?
Everest: She must be scared. Don't worry, it'll be fine
Marshall: Yea, you got the Paw Patrol here to help you *the wolf pup seemed a little calmer as she was with them and waited. Meanwhile, Cap'n Turbot was trying to calm down in his tent with the strong winds blowing about*
Cap'n Turbot: Man, this snow storm is really rough out there *the wind strongly blew around the tent as the view was covered for a bit. Soon the wind and snow stopped as Cap'n Turbot seemed alright* Hmm, what a wild windy ride. Glad it's over though. Better check if everything's ok out there *he unzipped the tent and was about to step out when he looked down and noticed he was on top of a frozen waterfall* Oh man! *he carefully went back inside and looked around in worry* I need to call the Paw Patrol for some help *he takes his phone out as a transition of the usual emblem showed the pups and Ryder leaving the Paw Patroller*
Ryder: Everyone's alright?
Rocky: Very much, Ryder. Balloona, you good with Formula?
Balloona X: Yeah, he's fine *She turned to look at him, bundled up in his special heater coat.* Comfy in there, Formy?
Formula: Considering the size you made it though…
Balloona X: I wanted a little comfort too *She giggled, pushing him to roll him onto his back.* There you go, Formy
Formula: Come on, no fair! *He wiggled his paws in protest.*
Balloona X: Hehehehe *She climbed up to rest on top of him.*
Skye: Adorable.
Chase: Yeah. *they looked around to see that they were missing a few* Hey, where's Cap'n Turbot?
Skye: Anyone seen Marhsall or Everest?
Ryder: I think Cap’n Turbot returned to his tent for safety. As for our other pups… *he took out his pup pad to tap on Everest's tag as all he saw was static* Everest, are you there? *there was no answer as he ended the call and then went to call Marshall, with static again* Marshall? Hello? *There was no answer either as he ended the call.*
Formula: They didn't lose their tags, did they?
Ryder: I don't think so, let me track their tags *he tried to find their tag signals, but they did not appear on screen.* This is really odd... *soon, Ryder was getting a call from Cap'n Turbot*
Rubble: Could that be Cap'n Turbot?
Ryder: I better answer this real quick. *He answered the call* Cap'n Turbot, is there something wrong?
Cap'n Turbot: Ryder, the sudden snowstorm stranded me in this teetering tent! *he showed the waterfall he was on while still inside*
Ryder: That is really not good! But do you know where Everest and Marshall are?
Cap'n Turbot: No, last I saw Everest was with the white wolf pup. Maybe Marshall is with them.
Formula: I sense we have quite a rescue now…
Ryder: Well don't worry, we're on it. No job is too big, no pup is too small! *he ended the call and pulled the side to activate the signal* Paw Patrol, to the Paw Patroller!
Pups except for Everest and Marshall: Ryder needs us! *They all ran back to the Paw Patroller*
Formula: Uh… Loony… still stuck.
Balloona X: Oh right... sorry *she rolled him over to the Paw Patroller, as the pups got out the way*
Rubble: You really had to make his coat three times the size of you?
Balloona X: Yes. Yes I did. What can I say, I love to see my pup all big and cuddly and warm
Formula: Yeah, I know you do. *the door of the Paw Patroller closed as the pups went behind the ensignia as it shined before showing the pups in their uniforms and went to the front to sit down*
Chase: Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder sir!
Skye: Well almost all of us...
Ryder: Yea, we got a double problem here. Marshall, Everest, and possibly the wolf pup got lost in the snowstorm and I can't contact or track them
Balloona X: Oh dear...
Formula: This is bad for those 2 and that wolf pup too
Ryder: Not only that, the snowstorm also stranded Cap'n Turbot on a frozen waterfall
Skye: Yikes!
Chase: This is bad!
Ryder: Which is why we need to split up into two teams
Formula: Who're the teams though?
Ryder: For saving Cap'n Turbot *he selected both Balloona X and Zuma icon* Balloona X and Zuma
Balloona X: Really?
Zuma: How so?
Skye: Wouldn't I be a better fit in fairness for rescuing Cap'n Turbot?
Ryder: Yes, but you and Chase will be on a search team to find Marshall and Everest
Skye: I guess that makes sense.
Zuma: But why me? My vehicle will be too slippery for the ice
Ryder: That's because I need you to drive Marshall’s vehicle to use his ladder to get Cap'n Turbot. And just in case he do fall off, Balloona X will be at the bottom of the frozen waterfall and be his crashpad to save him
Balloona X: Heh, that’s my spare job after all.
Ryder: Alright, Paw Patrol is on a roll! *Then Balloona X and Skye get off their seats and headed to the back. Balloona hopped into her puphouse on the vehicle carousel as it changed into its vehicle mode. The carousel moved her to the back of the Paw Patroller as she drove away. Skye then hopped into her puphouse as it changed into its copter mode before being raised to the open roof and flew off. Ryder then was raised on a platform to his ATV as it was brought outside and drove off with the pups following* Chase, Skye, try to find where Marshall and Everest are and let us know if you found
Skye: You got it, Ryder. *the 2 went off together as the others followed Ryder*
Balloona X: I just hope they're ok *A transition of Marshall’s tag cut to the dalmatian and husky keeping a close eye on the wolf pup.*
Everest: There there little one, we are here for you
Marshall: I still wonder where her pack is though? It’s not normal to find a pup without the mother or father around.
Everest: She must've wandered off. Let's go see if we can find them. *they looked to the exit to see it was completely blocked in snow*
Marshall: Uh… that might be a problem… and me without my Mighty Pup powers. *Everest then went to the blocked exit and felt it*
Everest: It's frozen over. Must've happened during the storm *Then the wolf pup started to shiver*
Marshall: Oh boy, that’s not good…
Everest: Hmm… is there enough room in this cave, cause I may have an idea.
Marshall: For what?
Everest: I think you know… *She softly put a paw to her tag.*
Marshall: You sure about that?
Everest: You know I only use it in testing, I like to use it for real *the wolf pup tilted her head in confusion*
Marshall: But you’re sure there’s enough room?
Everest: Want to stay warm or start shivering too?
Marshall: *sighed* Alright, go ahead then *he went to the wolf pup and moved her back a bit* Trust me, you need to move
Everest: Ok then, here goes nothing *She yanked on her tag. As her vest started to inflate up to puphouse size*
Marshall: There it goes again.
Everest: *she barked* Overinflated Mode! *her suit then inflated to its overinflated size as the wolf pup watched in awe and confusion*
Marshall: You love your airbag, don't you?
Everest: Very, but there's two things I love more.
Marshall: Oh, really? What are they?
Everest: My abilities, and more importantly, a dalmatian with smokey spots.
Marshall: Awww, thanks Everest
Everest: *she barked* Thermal Tent! *her suit shifted to its tent as the front opened up*
Marshall: Come on wolf pup, this'll keep us nice and toasty. *Marhsall leads the pup inside the suit tent as they snuggled up to feel warm*
Everest: There we go. *The entrance closed as she ducked her head and paws inside to join them.* This'll work till help arrives.
Marhsall: Yeah, my cute Husky tent
Everest: Hehehehe, awww you
Marshall: Well it’s true.
Everest: It’s my vest though.
Marshall: Yeah, I know
Everest: Hope the Paw Patrol will find us soon
Marshall: I'm sure they're trying. *a transition of the usual emblem showed Cap'n Turbot looking out the tent in worry*
Cap'n Turbot: It's ok, just as long as there is no strong winds or more snowstorms coming, I'll be fine... *he tries to relax as Ryder and Zuma made it to the top of the waterfall as Balloona was at the bottom*
Balloona X: Just give me a moment to set up *she jump out of vehicle and get on the ice as it was slippery* Whoa... *slipped a bit before bumping into her vehicle* Ouch, ok... I need to slowly move toward the waterfall *she slowly slid herself over until she looked underneath the tent* Perfect, time to go big! *She began to inflate herself bigger to be ready.* Alright guys, I'm all set down here!
Ryder: Alright, you ready Zuma?
Zuma: Ready as I'll ever be
Ryder: Alright then. Cap'n Turbot, get ready to move. Now Zuma
Zuma: On it *he barked* Ladder! *the ladder extended outward to the tent as Cap'n Turbot tried to carefully get to it*
Cap'n Turbot: Ok... I just need to slowly get to it *he stepped on the ice as he slipped around while getting a grip on the ladder*
Ryder: Be careful there, Cap'n Turbot. *he was steadily moving along but was having a difficult time*
Zuma: Come on Cap'n Turbot, you can do it
Cap'n Turbot: I'm trying, I have terrible traction
Zuma: Just be careful there *Cap'n Turbot had a bad time as his feet slid off the waterfall and was hanging*
Balloona X: Don't worry Cap'n Turbot, I got you! *She bounced over to be positioned correctly. He lost his grip and fell to the swelling Balloona on her belly* Thank goodness for the extra air I added there…
Cap'n Turbot: Thanks so much, Balloona
Balloona X: Anytime there, Cap’n Turbot. *She deflated back down. Cap'n Turbot then hopped off as he petted her a bit*
Cap'n Turbot: Do you mind getting my tent?
Ryder: Of course
Zuma: Just need to use the ladder to pull it in *the ladder carefully went on top of the tent as Zuma backed up, dragging the tent*
Ryder: Well that’s one part done, I should give Skye and Chase a call to see if they’ve found anything yet. *he used his pup pad to get Chase on the line* Chase, how are things going with you and Skye?
Chase: Kind of hitting a snag, Ryder. The wind and snow blew away any tracks that could give us a clue. *Then Ryder got a call from Formula*
Ryder: Huh? What could Formula want? *Ryder answered the call*
Formula: Ryder, I think I might have an idea to find the pups
Ryder: What is it?
Formula: Well… if we can’t track them through pawprints or scent, we can track their heat signatures!
Ryder: That might work
Formula: Chase, you’re gonna need your spy gear…
Chase: But how can heat signatures help us to find them?
Formula: Considering Everest’s gear I gave her… it won’t be too hard.
Ryder: Formula, you’re quite genius.
Formula: That’s me barely trying.
Ryder: Chase, go back and change. Skye, see if you can find anything in the meantime
Both: On it, Ryder! *Chase drove back as Skye continues searching. A transition of Chase's tag showed him in his spy gear and spy vehicle as he left the Paw Patroller when Ryder and the others came*
Chase: Ok, time to find them *he barked* Heat vision! *His goggles dropped over his eyes as he drove around to search. He didn't see much from the area he was in. Meanwhile Skye was searching around before she noticed 2 white wolves*
Skye: Ryder, I found two white wolves. I think I found the pup’s parents.
Ryder: That's good, Skye. Keep your eyes on these wolves until Chase finds the pups
Skye: You got it, Ryder. *she continues to follow them as Chase was still searching around until he noticed something faint*
Chase: Huh? *he noticed a small heat signature nearby* Ryder, I think I found something! I'm going to check it out because I think I found them
Ryder: We'll meet you there Chase
Chase: Understood, Ryder sir! Hope Everest and Marshall are doing alright in there *a transition of Everest's tag showed Everest, Marshall, and the wolf pup all cozy*
Everest: Best idea I ever had.
Marshall: You said it *He pats the wolf pups head nice and easy. The wolf pup nuzzled him as she stayed close*
Everest: Aww
Marshall: Hehehehe that tickles
Everest: She loves you, huh?
Marshall: I don't blame her
Everest: Me neither *they relaxed together as a view of outside showed the snowed in cave as the white wolves were sniffing around*
Skye: Poor wolf parents, worrying about their wolf pup *they were sniffing to the cave entrance as they circled it a bit when Chase and Ryder came over*
Chase: This is where the signals are coming from…
Ryder: But seems there are other wolves here too.
Skye: These were the ones I followed. *Skye lowered her copter down as the wolves poked around the snow*
Chase: Well, this might be an issue now if they’re around…
Ryder: They must've been tracking their pup, and I'm guessing they are being the snow
Chase: The heat signatures I see besides the wolves show something behind that snow. Something big and round
Skye: Most likely Everest turned on her tent to keep them all warm.
Ryder: We can assume they're ok, but we have to get them out of there. Maybe Rubble can move the snow out
Chase: But the wolves might not move away long enough to dig through
Skye: Surely there has to be some way to get them to move… *they thought on this until Ryder got a call on his pup pad. He answered to see Cap'n Turbot on the line*
Ryder: Something wrong, Cap’n Turbot?
Cap'n Turbot: No Ryder, I was just calling to see how it's going with finding Everest and the wolf Pup.
Ryder: We may have found them, but we can't get to them because the pups parents are in the way.
Cap'n Turbot: Hmmm... well... maybe we can try to get them distracted by a simple wolf howling?
Chase: Come again?
Cap'n Turbot: If you start howling like a wolf, they might follow you and clear the way for you guys to get other out
Ryder: That might work. Chase, try to get deep in the woods away from here and howl to get their attention, I'll call for Rubble
Chase: You got it, Ryder *Chase drove off as Ryder ended his call with Cap'n Turbot and called Rubble*
Ryder: Rubble, I need you and your bulldozer to help us to clear out the cave
Rubble: Rubble on the double! *a transition of Chase's tag showed him in the woods*
Chase: Alright, this looks far enough. *barked* Megaphone! *the Megaphone extended from his pack as he then began to howl. The two wolves perked up, beginning to head off where the officer was howling.*
Ryder: Alright, we got it clear *soon Rubble drove in his rig as he began to shovel the snow out the entrance. Inside Everest, Marshall, and the wolf pup heard faintly of what was happening*
Marshall: Guess the pups are here.
Everest: Well I better deactivate my tent system, don't want to get my vest damaged
Marshall: Yep. Come along little pup. *they both got out from the tent as Everest popped her head out*
Everest: *she barked* Deactivate tent! *the suit then shifted back to the normal overinflated mode*
Marshall: Are you gonna deactivate your Overinflated Mode?
Everest: Well... actually I'd like to stay like this for abit long for now *she blushed abit*
Marshall: Hehe, I wouldn't mind *Soon enough, Rubble managed to clear out the snow from the cave. Everest was rolled out by Marshall and the wolf pup as Chase led the wolves over*
Everest: There's your parents, Wolf Pup. Go to them *the pup saw them as she rushed to the wolves and they all nuzzled each other*
Chase: Aaawwww
Everest: No doubt they missed their pup.
Marshall: Yes they did
Everest: Thanks for getting us out of there though Ryder.
Ryder: No problem, whenever you're trapped in a cave, just yelp for help!
Chase: Ryder, where’d Balloona go exactly?
Ryder: I don't know, I didn't ask... I better call her *he pull out his pup pad and called her* Balloona, where are you?
Balloona X: Sorry Ryder, I went back to the camp with Cap'n Turbot and for Formy
Ryder: Let me guess, to have your comfort time?
Balloona X: Yeah, a bit
Everest: *She started to think after hearing it* Hmmmm, comfort time? *she said while looking at Marshall affectionately*
Marshall: Uh... why are you looking at me? *a transition of the usual emblem showed everyone back at the campsite where it was soon night*
Zuma: it's a calm night tonight
Cap'n Turbot: Sure is wonderful.
Balloona X and Everest: Don't we know it *Balloona X cuddled up to her pup who's still in his special heater coat*
Formula: Loony, can I deflate this now please? Starting to get awfully toasty now...
Balloona X: Later. I need some warm time... right Everest?
Everest: Very much so. *Everest is resting on top of Marshall who is in his Overinflated Mode as she feels so nice and warm*
Marshall: I don't blame you for enjoying it
Everest: I kept you warm with my Overinflated Mode, fair you do it back for me and for the wolf family too *from below, the wolves were snuggled up to the Dalmatian while still close together and nuzzled*
Marshall: I see they’re enjoying it too.
Everest: Yes they are, hehehe *they were enjoying themselves together*
Chase: So Ryder, what about that surprise?
Ryder: Look up pups. *All the pups looked up, seeing the sky littered with tons of lights.*
Formula: Aurora Borealis…
Cap'n Turbot: The luminous Northern Lights... *He pull out his camera and started to take some pictures. Everyone admired the view all together*
Chase: Awesome
Rubble: Whoa! Cool!
Skye: So Beautiful!
All Pups: Best surprise night ever! *The wolf family let out a howl to the Northern Lights as the pups howl with them too*
The End