"Are you sure you can change yourself?" Katie asked watching Joey as he was walking into the bathroom
"Of coarse, it's not that hard" Joey replied
The blue otter boy was standing there in a cute pink dress as he was holding a cute pink diaper in his paws.
"You know what happened last time at the new years party right?" Katie asked
"That was a cloth diaper, and I wasn't good with pins, that's all" Joey replied defensively
"Alright, I will trust you this time but if you have another diaper malfunction then you will be grounded form changing yourself" Katie warned
Joey nodded his head and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Katie stood outside waiting and listening to the sounds of the diaper crinkling loudly from inside the bathroom. After a minute she began hearing some thudding against the walls, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
"You alright in there?" She asks
"Yes, just trying to pin the back of the diaper against the wall to get it taped on" Joey explained
She waited some more before hearing more thudding against the wall.
"Are you changing yourself or wrestling with the diaper?" She asked the otter boy
"Changing!" Joey exclaimed
"Well it sounds like your in a fight with that diaper" Katie commented "Are you sure you don't need help?" She asks
"No i almost got it!" Joey replied
After a minute the door opened and Joey waddled out crinkling with every step.
"I could have changed you faster than that" Katie commented patting his diaper butt
Joey just blushed and tried to pull down on the back of his dress to hide his crinkly posterior.
"Aww still so blushy even after all this time" she replies teasingly "Come on, paws out" She instructed
"But, is this really necessary?" Joey asked holding out his paws
"Yes it is" Katie replied
"Can I ask why?" Joey asked
"Yes" Katie replied pulling out a pair of thick pink mittens
"Are you going to tell me why?" Joey asked as his left paw was secured in one of the mittens
"Nope!" Katie replied putting the second on his right paw
Joey blushed and looked down at his trapped paws and blushed bright red.
"Now come on princess poof butt, we have a playdate with Riola" Katie replied
"Why aren't you all dressed up like this?" Joey asked
"Because I'm not the one who ran out on her tea party" Katie replied
Joey blushed bright red not wanting to relive that embarrassing day. The otter walked alongside the otter girl as he could feel his diaper sliding down on him. He reached with a free paw to pull it back up but quickly felt a tape come undone. He tried to grab it but couldn't grip the smooth plasticy diaper with his mittened paws and the other tapes quickly gave way. Joey could only stand there in shock as he watched his diaper fall to the floor with a soft thud and pulled the front of his dress down to cover himself up.
"EEP! OH NO!" Joey exclaimed blushing
Katie turned around and saw what had happened and began to tap her foot on the floor.
"That' it!, You're not changing yourself anymore!" Katie exclaimed
"From now on, you need to ask one of us to change your poofy pants, can't let you have these diaper malfunctions all over the castle" She scolded trying not to laugh.
She picked up the diaper and took hold of Joey's paw and led him back into the bathroom.
"Come sissy butt, let's get you changed properly this time" She replied grinning unable to keep a straight face.