~ Ion and Flint's hearts were pounding as the roar of the waterfall rushed overhead, their lips started to part as their eyes opened after sharing another simple kiss, their hands still held tightly together showing them woven as one. "Come on, we should really get finished cleaning up, it is getting late and the others will wonder where we are" Ion said in a calm voice continuing to look Flint in the eyes, the boys found a small spring to quickly bathe in from their long day of training, before heading back on home for dinner. "Ok, but just don't tell Zephyr I stole a kiss from you, you know how he can be" Flint responded as Ion chuckled, "unfortunately he will probably find out eventually, it is probably on his mind since he knows it is the two of us together this weekend while he is off 'Windfox' training up in the skies" Ion replied, "actually, tomorrow we should work on your Psynergy quite a bit, like you are to me with your Gaia, Zephyr is to you with his Wind, he has the wheel advantage and Zephyr can be quite a hot head when it comes to certain things" Ion continued as Flint started to look a little worried. "Just kiss him too, as it calms him down and balances things out" Flint responded as Ion let out a small laugh, "it is better then trying to come up with an ability to counter his wind in less then twenty-four hours" Flint continued, laughing himself. "Well that is probably a good idea anyways as I will need to figure out something to 'counter' him if I am to win you fully over in the future" Flint started saying once more, 'he will come at me with avengeance." "Sure but it is probably best for you to figure out that one on your own" Ion countered, "thinking on it more now, it is best for me to stay out of... what you two decide to do together" Ion continued with a chuckle as Flint went bright red, "well anyways, come on, it is almost dinner time" Ion finished as the two boys got dressed and headed back home, finishing a productive day and looking onward to tomorrow. ~