Inspired by Twinrova from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, meet my own pair of sorcerer twins! These two used to cause havoc across the land of Yurashia centuries ago. They had learned to combine Feng Shui with the dark arts, granting themselves elemental powers of fire and earth respectively.
After they failed to seize the Gaia Temple, they were defeated and revived by the Gaia Phoenix in weaker states. They now travel the lands as Feng Shui consultants.
As a note, not only are they brothers, they are also husbands, but due to being married centuries ago, they don't possess wedding bands, nor do they intend to.
Ōkīha also works as a fortune teller due to having perceptive clairvoyance, and Ōkīkōu is a terraformer and landscaper.
When needed, they can fuse together into a younger looking entity that harnesses both elements. In this form, they tend to use it as a last defense if pushed to the brink, but later learned it can also serve as a disguise. They go by Haku in that form.