Lady Aeliya Thore stands as one of the most infamous manipulators and pivotal historical figures during the tumultuous era of the Scourge. In 1848 AA, amidst her ill-fated coup against the established Sithian Council, a formidable hydra unleashed chaos upon the city. Aeliya, harnessing the unknown arcane, subdued the rampaging beast, solidifying her authority and ultimately claiming the throne as queen, making her one of the rare individuals known to command a monster.
Over the subsequent years, she systematically asserted control over all the city-states within the Anvil, consolidating her power and influence in the ambition to revive a new and greater empire of wolves. Her dominion persisted until 1854 AA, when the arrival of the Slayer marked the demise of the hydra, the pillar of Aeliya's dominion.
Aeliya Thore was discovered lifeless three years later, her body impaled by a majestic sword. Her chambers, perched atop the towering heights of Sirdil Palace, were inexplicably submerged in water, shrouded in an air of enigma and unanswered questions that lingered in the wake of her demise.
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