-------------------------------------------------Battle Royale-----------------------------------------------
>The commander slapped his forehead, dragging his hand down his face.
>''Oh, great, they can both talk,'' he said like he was undergoing the worst migraine since Bill from accounting had to do his tax returns.
>''What if they do that thing where they combine forces and fight us?''
>As much as he didn't want to think about that, someone else piped up from the radio.
>''Don't even. That movie was the worst in the series!''
>''Bite me, Williams, your choices sucked! Worst movie night ever. Objectively bad.''
>The leader was at the end of his patience with this.
>''Goddamnit shut up! Why is my company full of fucking nerds?!''
>His cry of rage echoed over the damaged park.
>Snipers turned their heads.
>Helicopter pilots yanked on the control sticks.
>Camera crews winced.
>Gunners tightened their grips on the big red buttons.
>Even the kaiju both looked his way.
>But something didn't add up.
>The lavender hybrid pointed a hoof at Orchid.
``So... if you were defending the city...''
>The aquatic kaiju nodded and returned the gesture towards Gabby.
``...and you were defending the city...''
>Both kaiju looked towards the assembled military forces loitering around the park's perimeter.
``...and they were defending the city, who are we actually defending it from?''
>In the resulting silence, Gabby felt her horns curl and not one of Orchid's hairs moved except by a dull, fey breeze.
>A dull snap of lightning crackled, followed by a whoosh of air.
>''Big floaty purple thingy, two o' clock high!''
>Gabby doesn't know where to look at first, before Orchid nudges her and points in the correct direction.
>High above the bay floats a perfect, blue sphere, already big enough for the pair to enter simultaneously, and rapidly growing bigger.
>What lies within the confines of this sphere can only be described as the deepest, darkest ocean water that either has ever seen.
>Both of their eyes widen at the sight.
>After all, they wouldn't be soon forgetting their encounters with such an object.
>A few more hair-raising seconds pass before this orb stops expanding.
>A featureless blob drops out of the sphere's base, the orb beginning to fade immediately afterwards.
>Neither kaiju, nor anyone else for that matter, can make heads or tails of the shape before it lands in the water with a tremendous splash.
>The orb meanwhile rapidly loses size and shape, fading into nothingness seconds later.
>Before any military can make a move, the two towering horses start making their way down the street towards the source of the almost-tidal waves.
>This street was a straight shot to their destination, and was six lanes wide, awarding enough room for them to approach side-by-side.
>With an order from the commander, the nearby military fell in line behind the two kaiju, their rugged vehicles more than a match for the potholes left in the street.
>Seems they would take no shame in using the pair like gigantic riot shields.
>A news helicopter was already beginning to buzz over the beach when they arrived on the warm sands.
>Sniper teams perched in the beachfront buildings and the kaiju were scanning the still turbulent waters for that mysterious shape.
>The search was abruptly called off as something broke the surface, water and aquatic life cascading off of its form.
>The thing was tall and spindly, standing semi-upright like a gorilla while its legs dipped into the surf.
>Disproportionately small eyes surveyed the scene from above a massive, piranha-like jaw.
>Tall and solitary, it dominated the scene by sheer virtue of its height.
>Its own recon done, it starts marching towards the city.
>Or, more accurately, towards the two large four-legged creatures standing in front of it.
>Despite the water, the tremors from the creature's steps could be easily felt, even by the two kaiju.
>Gabby couldn't help but start her own saunter into the waves, her curiosity on overdrive once again.
``What.... is that thing..?''
``You mean besides bigger and scarier than both of us?''
>Orchid waded towards the newcomer easily enough until it had stopped to watch the two of them.
``Hey, do you think it talks, too?''
>Orchid pushed herself higher out of the water, flattened her clustered tail hairs into a whale fluke, and slapped it against the surface of the water for attention.
>The creature stared, lower jaw slowly unfurling.
``My, what big teeth you have.''
>The beast had a response prepared.
``I'd, uh, take that as a `no'!''
``I know! Nonverbal communica-''
>A long, spindly arm lashed out, sideswiping just below Orchid's shoulders
>Taking the blow to her upper leg, she fell into a giant heap of horse.
>Gabby glared at the strange creature before looking at the water kaiju.
``Are you hurt?''
>Orchid grimaced, rising that much further back out of the water.
>They both glanced down at a clean slice oozing a blue, alien fluid.
``I'll be okay.''
``...Is that your blood?''
>That was all either horse needed to see to know that this monster meant business.
>They returned their focus back on the new intruder.
>The seahorse sidestepped next to Gabby.
``Hey, do you have any more of those special powers that can take something like this?''
>Gabby grimaced.
``Only if we want to level the city too.''
>Orchid looked at her incredulously.
``Are you sure you're not an evil kaiju?''
``I'm not going to use it!''
``Well do something!''
>The monster had its eyes fixated on Gabby as it took another stride across the bay.
>Her voice picked up with its every step closer.
``Um, um, um!''
>Driven by pure instinct once more, she lurched forward.
>Her steps thundered out across the bay, each hoof-fall accompanied by a powerful splash.
>Before any of the three monsters could register what had happened, Gabby had thrown her entire body into the creature as an act of retaliation.
>It stumbled back into the surf, its landing generating a strong quake and a huge spray of water.
>Gabby panted, only now realizing what she had just done.
>Orchid meanwhile looked on from her spot in the bay, a buoy dancing about wildly near one of her forehooves.
``Did we win?''
>Before the hybrid could get a word in edgewise, the creature broke the surface for the second time, unleashing a powerful roar.
>Gabby nearly went half-deaf from being so close to it.
>It also didn't help that it was being aimed directly at her.
>Orchid's ears twitched at the sound of glass shattering from the shore.
>Taking advantage of the distraction, the creature slashed at the lavender monster with its claw.
>The blow struck her clean across her chest; the momentum that came with it sending her tumbling through the water past the seahorse.
>The earth shuddered each time her body collided with the ocean floor.
>The other kaiju winced, hurrying across the surf towards her fellow defender.
>Gabby staggered to her hooves, already wincing from the pain.
>Across her two-toned front were three deep gash marks.
>A red goo dripped from her wounds to the waters below.
>Back on the beach, the commander muttered something under his breath.
>''It's never that easy. Not even in the movies.''
>That's all the commander could say before nearly losing all of his hearing from the newcomer's bellowed reply moments later.
>Once his ears finally stopped ringing, he pulled out his trusty radio and addressed his company.
>''Guns high!''
>All the personnel he could see stopped cupping their ears and snapped to attention.
>All sorts of mechanical weaponry could be heard coming online.
>The barrels of the tanks rotated, locking onto the bigger of the three combatants.
>The radio went silent for an agonizing twenty seconds before someone else crackled over the speakers.
>More time passed.
>In the distance, the monsterhorses had rallied, blood still seeping into the bay.
>They came back with a two-pronged assault.
>Orchid jabbed at the enemy with her horn while Gabby fired another ice beam, raking it across the taller monster's front and up along its neck.
>''Requesting permission to fire?''
>''Have you ever seen a monster movie where the army's ever won with conventional weapons?''
>The dull drone of an open frequency was the only reply for several seconds.
>''What do we do, then?''
>The commander turned towards the source of the increasingly turbulent waters.
>Without turning his radio off, he spoke his thoughts aloud.
>''Hope that those two can handle it.''
>''What are the odds?''
>The taller creature convulsed before spines erupted through it's chest, shattering the ice while the two smaller kaiju gaped.
>Orchid looked particularly sick as it nonchalantly ripped more of the frost free from its neck.
``Why can you even do that?!''
>The response was another nauseating screech.
>The commander lowered his binoculars and plucked the radio from the worried looking lieutenant beside him.
>''How many people do you think you can fit on your tank?''
>A heavy thump rang out in the distance.
>Troops turned from transport trucks and gunners peered through protected glass.
>''As many as we can, now let's go!''
>Still, even as the armored convoys rolled off the beach into the city proper, a few couldn't help but stare at the ongoing battle.
>Gabby readied herself for another attack, but as soon as she splashed a single, noisy step, an idea came to mind.
>She stopped and looked at Orchid.
``This might seem weird, but... Are you good with electricity, by any chance?''
>The monstrous pony blinked and pointed at her horn.
``My horn has an electrical field.''
``Works for me. Follow my lead.''
>She glanced up at the partially cloudy sky, her horns contorting in weird ways.
>Nearly instantly, the cloud cover increased threefold, and a steady downpour erupted over the city.
>This was light to the kaiju, but near washout conditions for the area's normal-sized denizens.
>Orchid stared at the dark sky, confused.
``Storming again? I didn't hear any thunder.''
``Working on that.''
``On what?''
>Now she concentrated on the beast, who had been thrown off by the rain for a split second.
>That was all the time she'd need.
>She started charging up, no visible indicator of her power rising, but Orchid's antennae parted their petals wide.
>She could certainly feel something building up from the focussed Gabby.
>Right at the point where the seahorse would swear she was glowing yellow, a large burst of electrical energy pulsed outwards from her.
>Orchid yelped in surprise at the energy radiating out from her, but noticed that most of it shot up into the clouds.
>A second later, the clouds above the monstrosity glowed an intense yellow, before a huge bolt of lightning surged forth from that spot, plunging towards the tallest object in the area.
>Its head.
>The bolt struck dead on target.
>The creature reeled and let out an ear-splitting screech of pain, parts of it charred from the white-hot bolt.
>It sank low on its legs, limbs unable to support the weight as they dealt with the tremendous shock to its systems.
>Groaning, it teetered back, limbs spasming as it fell into the waters of the bay.
>Unfortunately, it wasn't the end.
>Gabby's jaw dropped as it started to stir.
>It had essentially shrugged off one of the strongest attacks in her arsenal, with little more than charred skin.
>It blinked unsteadily, but in that instant, a mass of blue lights had appeared next to one of its forearms.
>The very one with traces of red across its claws.
>Orchid bit down on the offending arm, crocodilian teeth tearing into flesh before clamping down.
>Finding whatever grip she could, the smaller kaiju immediately threw her weight to one side, dropping into the waves and rolling.
>An onlooking marksman furrowed his brow as the larger creature was yanked into its own spin, large enough that half of its body was flipping, spraying water while the other half thudded across the floor of the bay like someone drumming their fingers on a table.
>Beneath the noise of the aggravated screeching and Orchid's determined growls, he frowned.
>''Think I saw that at a zoo once.''
>''How did it end?''
>There was a loud snap and crack of ligaments twisted beyond their limit.
>The beast's arm was broken, leaving it to coddle the injured limb.
>The blue kaiju unlatched itself and teetered unsteadily to her hooves.
>Dizzy, Orchid turned her head like a dog who had completely lost all sense of up and down.
>Her slightly bloodied mouth was turned upwards in a grin as she beamed triumphantly towards Gabby and the shoreline.
>Her tail splashed side to side into the water like a happy dog's, barely missing a long, lanky leg that rose up out of the sea from close by.
>Gabby's eyes widened further; she was already stunned by the seahorse's actions.
``Behind you!''
>One of Orchid's ears flipped backwards just in time to hear the whistle of air.
>One moment the tail was wagging, the next, it was tucked between her legs.
>The kick sent the water horse sprawling with a yelp.
>It was Gabby's turn to watch on in horror as her partner bounced along the bay like a skipping stone.
``Are you okay?!''
>Sorely, a pair of blue eyes rose laboriously out of the water, hind legs stinging.
``Okay, that hurt.''
>Gabby gritted her teeth, her gaze fierce and piercing as she turned back around.
>The monster was still staggering to its legs, one of its forearms limp.
``Ooo you're gonna pay for that!''
>She tore across the water towards the beast, not even considering its injury.
>If that's how it wanted to fight, then she had no problems with what she was about to do.
>A pang of pain from her chest only further fueled her anger.
>The wounds themselves were still open, but rapidly healing thanks to the rain.
>Her horns extended considerably and wound together, coiling up.
>Gabby was taking a page out of the water horse's book.
>Firmly planting her hooves with a few booming steps, she swung her head so that the tangled mass sped right for her target.
>The horns struck right at the shoulder of the dislocated arm, causing the creature to howl in intense pain.
>The cry was lost on the lavender horse as she unwound her horns and she swung her head for another strike.
>Gabby continued the onslaught for several seconds, swinging her head to and fro, her strikes getting stronger and stronger and leaving deeper and deeper gashes in the creature's arms and front.
>Finally starting to succumb to fatigue and dizziness, she wound her horns together again and delivered a strong blow to its chest.
>If this thing had ribs, she was certain she heard a couple of them break.
>Her horns had patches of the creature's blood on them, but the rain was already at work washing them away.
>Gabby panted once more as the creature fell back into the water with a high-pitched screech of utter anguish.
>It was tough.
>Far too tough.
>She knew she had to end this as fast as she could with one final blow.
``Gonna need some help here! Hold him down!''
>Orchid turned back to the hulking creature, only to see that it was already looking her way.
``I'll try.''
>Leaning on its injured arm, the good one reached for Orchid as soon as she closed the distance.
>Just before she prepared to take another hit, the claws retreated with a distinctly alien whimper.
>It regretted that decision and went back to favoring the damaged limb.
>After a quick breath of relief, Orchid waded as fast as she could, ducking under the surface as a kick went flying her direction.
>Pushing herself forward with her tail, she stayed low, crawling for as long as she could dare.
>She twisted around and came back up like a breaching shark as the leg passed her in its arc.
>The blue kaiju was now right next to the alien body.
>This was when she spotted a problem with this plan.
>Even as hurt as it was, the monstrosity was still twice her size.
>Its pirana-like head was still looking dead at her despite her clever maneuver.
>It stared down at her large, shocked eyes with its own beady set.
>What's more, she was apparently in bite range.
>The creature threw its weight towards her, neck extending as it reached out vengefully.
>As close as she was, Orchid didn't have a chance to get out of the way.
>She winced, as its gaping maw consumed her field of vision.
>It's jaws shut on its prey.
>A distinct, almost metallic clank caused Orchid to pop an eye open.
>She looked past an outstretched foreleg to see the teeth biting into the hard rim of her hoof.
>The horse kaiju blinked for a moment, noticing its neck muscles straining.
>Her surprise turned to newfound confidence as she pushed herself back onto her rear hooves, rearing up.
>She hung there in mid-air before her other hoof plunged towards the beast's face.
>It let go, turning aside as her weight drove the forehoof into the seafloor with a hard thump.
>It shook water from its face, one eye watching while it gave a warbling growl at having to roll onto its bad arm.
>It shifted back towards her to find Orchid presenting her side to it.
>A veritable sea of glowing hairs lassoed around its neck yanking its head backwards painfully.
>She went around behind it as it fought to reach around and simultaneously keep its head out of the water.
>Wrestling to keep it pinned, Orchid yelled the short distance across the bay.
``Got it!''
``Great job!''
>Gabby had spent most of the time recovering from her most recent attack, but she had been keeping an eye on the water horse's efforts.
>She did fear for the kaiju's safety, after all, and wondered if maybe she asked too much of her.
>Internal relief flooded her as she witnessed Orchid prevail.
>Maybe there was a defense corps after all.
>Spacing out and planting her hooves with four shuddering steps, she started charging energy again.
>She could feel her own mouth getting hotter and hotter as the energy continued welling up within her.
>Rapidly heating air rippled with rapid convection wherever she breathed.
>At one point she looked like one who had taken a bite from a ghost pepper, visibly sweating bucket-sized drops at how hot she was making herself.
>She counted down to zero as the energy continued to build.
>She didn't want to think about what could happen if she held it for too long.
>But she was right about how much time had passed since she had summoned the clouds...
>Rain drops falling across her snout sizzled as she strained to keep the energy controlled.
>The stormy sky above the bay thinned out and began to disperse.
>A shaft of light fell across her target, illuminating it perfectly.
>She couldn't possibly miss.
>After what seemed like an eternity, she opened her mouth wide.
>A massive burst of otherworldly flames surged forth, along with what may or may not have been a scream of pain.
>The column widened out as it approached the held monster, easily surpassing the width of Gabby's own body.
>The unnamed beast whipped its head back, trying to use the vicious spines across its chest to saw through the tendrils that bound it.
``Hold still!''
>Orchid growled at it, struggling to slide her tail further up the torso again.
>Then something bright orange caught her sight.
>Two sets of eyes went wide as the held creature strained desperately in an attempt to avoid the incoming wall of fire.
>Orchid could only pin her ears back and brace as the conflagration roared around her.
>The inferno engulfed the battered monster.
>Relatively smaller columns of fire shot off from the impact point.
>Two shot into the water, the lances turning whatever water they touched into jets of steam, evaporating enough to let them tear across the sandy bottom of the bay itself.
>Three more shot high into the sky, harmlessly fizzling out after a few hundred feet.
>It looked as if a fiery starfish had attacked the creature on her behalf.
>Behind the target, the smell of burning flesh made a seahorse nearly puke.
>Orchid wanted to cover her snout with her tail, but she knew what would probably happen if she let go of her body shield.
>It thrashed in her grip, trying to get as low into the water as it could, but it was simply too massive.
>The sea around them became a cloud of steam as it, too, gave in to the heat.
>The water rushed back into the heated fog bank.
>The monster gave an unholy shriek that petered out as the flames consumed its form.
>One would expect Gabby to pose triumphantly after such an attack.
>Sadly, one would be wrong.
>Instead, Gabby stood clumsily, panting heavily and with her tongue way out of her mouth.
>?Hot hot hot ow ow OW OW OW,? rang through her mind as she looked for a cure.
>Not seeing anything she?d prefer to drink, she finally gave in and dunked her head into the water of the bay.
>It wasn't the best option, or the cleanest, but her immune system could handle it.
>The salt did not help her burning throat much.
>She raised her head back up, warily watching the steam cloud disperse across the bay.
>In its place was the monster, reduced to a charred, crumpled heap.
>It wasn't moving, but then again, she couldn't see Orchid either.
``I may have.. overdone it... Please, please be okay...''
>It was quiet save for the gentle lap of the beach and her own ragged breathing.
>Gabby was about to approach the remains herself when a blackened head popped off with a crack.
>A second head emerged from the corpse, two spotlight-bright blue eyes returning Gabby's worried stare.
>It blinked unsteadily, antennae bulbs opening up in Gabby's direction.
>Steam wafted from charred spots across its face.
>A familiar monsterhorse's voice coughed.
``Are you sure you're not an evil kaiju?''
>Gabby smiled, relieved.
``No, I'm not; I promise. Are you hurt?''
>Orchid stumbled out from behind the fallen monster, looking a little worse for wear.
>Her mane was a mess, the glowing ends now blackened and singed.
>Still, she shook her head, though her eyes seemed firmly stuck in the ``wide'' position as she examined the other monster who had taken the brunt of the firepower.
>Lips pursed, she wasn't entirely sure what to say as she started towards Gabby and the beach.
``N-nice job.''
``Sorry... Didn't know I had, well, that, in me...''
>Orchid nodded numbly, trying to concentrate on putting one hoof in front of the other.
``I think I need a nap.''
``I'm in more dire need of a glass of water.''
>Steam still escaped from Gabby's burning maw as if she had unlocked the ability to see her breath during warm weather.
>Her companion just groaned as she waded across the bay.
``Good. I don't think I could take another... whatever that thing with the fire and the yelling was.''
>Gabby gulped hard, as painful as that was currently with her scorched throat.
``You're not... mad at me about that, are you? I... rarely do that, and I apparently really don't know my limits.''
>Orchid stopped just in front of Gabby.
``Well, no. Because I just realized something.''
``That was my first win against an attacking kaiju.''
>Suddenly she found the energy to put a little bounce in her step.
>A bounce that any nearby spectators would surely feel.
``Hey, gimme five.''
>Gabby peered down at the outstretched hoof with an eyebrow raised.
>Orchid temporarily withdrew the hoof, re-examining it.
``Er... gimme... one?''
>Gabby blinked in surprise, before nodding and completing the high-one.
>Gabby willed her legs to continue onward beside her water-fairing partner.
``Would you believe me if I said I've never protected a city before? Well, against something like that, that is.''
``Where were you from, again?''
``Different city, different country, different... planet? I still don't know wherever `here' is.''
>The two were exhausted as they crept back up onto the sandy beach.
>Orchid dropped onto the sand, some of the soot flaking off to reveal skin already on the mend.
>Strands from her tail dangled into the water, floating along with the waves across the shore.
``I am, so... tired.''
>Gabby collided with terra firma in what could better be called a fall.
>A rougher landing than what she would've wanted, but her limbs refused to award her the strength for anything more gentle.
>Parts of three deep purple markings on her chest were visible but fading at a slow yet steady rate.
>Soon enough there would be little evidence of the fight at all.
>Their remaining energy was also fading.
>Heart rates and breathing slowing, both sets of eyelids prepared to clamp down to allow each horse to take a much-needed break.
>The sound of motor vehicles posed one final gate barring their entrance into dreamland.
>Both of them cracked an eye open to find a jeep flanked by tanks and armored personnel carriers.
>''What do you have to say to the city you saved?''
>Tired as they were, Orchid managed a grunt.
``Where were you guys?!''
>Gabby would have groaned if her throat wasn't trying to rebel against her.
``We could have used some help, you know.''
>The commander shrugged.
>''Assisting with evacuation efforts. We were with you in spirit.''
>The lavender one's eyes looked past the convoy at the cityscape.
``I guess that makes sense...''
>Throat still sore, Gabby wasn't feeling up to a Q&A.
>She used her last bit of energy to drag a forehoof up to lay her head on.
>With her horns splayed across the beachfront, she drifted off to peaceful slumber.
>The blue one quirked an eyebrow.
``You're not very good at this combat thing, are you?''
>''No one understands my genius.''
>Orchid sighed, opting to drop her chin onto the warm sand, too tired to argue.