T'is the time of year once again, when the newly-skeletal trees shiver in the cooling wind, when the fog mists the forests in darkening days as the world begins to slumber! And things get a little spooky, that Prince Etheras prepares for his annual Royal Halloween Party! This year, I am revisiting my Mummy costume. I really liked it the first time, and its somewhat in-theme with the Ankh and Eye of Horus makeup that are so prominent to my style! (Also, being a fennec!)
What are you going-as this year? ^.^
----- Artwork by Jailbird Etheras the Fennec (c) www.etheras.com
----- Etheras dresses up for the Royal Halloween Party every year. (Usually something different, but lately I've had to revisit some themes). Want to see what I went as in previous years? Here you go. Enjoy!
----- Repost Authorization Rating: RESTRICTED (please do not repost ) Dunno what that means? Be sure to read this: http://www.sofurry.com/view/365517 ... before reposting.