A character from Cirr's quest, "A Flockload of Problems"! If you like this, please check out the quest!
LORD LO.KA, THE EVERWATCHFUL Lo.ka the Everwatchful, Lo.ka of the Ten Thousand Eyes, Lo.ka the Wheel of Insight, Lo.ka the Constructor, Generous Lo.ka. Lo.ka has as many titles as its wheel has eyes, if not greater. Its partitions, the Knights of Lo.ka, ensure peace and cooperation throughout its domain. One of the more approachable Lords of the Shapeless, Lo.ka is known for taking particular delight in media signals and the trappings and custom of audiovisual transmissions. Its interest in the myriad streams of alien information flowing through its domain like ethereal rivers was the spark. The fire that burns are the millions of its constructs, forged and grown for purposes that become ever more complex and intricate. The Lo.kakind outnumber all other construct-kinds, individual specks in a grand experiment only Lo.ka comprehends in its entirety. It populates its planets to understand the relationships between individual minds, media propagation, and the link between signal and sapience. It is said that to enter the throne room of Lo.ka without its caution is to risk drowning in a sea of conflux streams from all angles.