Kehno pays a visit to Jesus right after the cruzification.
Jesus: "Don't you have another place to hang around?"
Kehno: "No... you?"
Haha- bad joke alert
I just wanted to draw them. As Kehno is the devil he pays a visit to Jesus. I guess that Kehno kind of would
feel sorry still for him.
Indeed I wrote a small scene to this...
The second Temptation
Scene: desiccated hill, Dawn, Jesus on the cross. A figure wearing a hood cape walks up the hill to the cross.
Figure: (looks about) Well, what should I say? I told you this will happen!
Jesus: Yes you did.
Figure: I could mock you and laugh about this… (throws the hood back and shows his face: It is Kehno) … but I am not that kind of guy. (Walks around the cross)
Jesus: What are you doing here foul one? What do you want?
Kehno: Still calling me names, aren’t you?
Jesus: You just came here to talk?
Kehno: Not only for that. I wanted to see the result of all the things you taught. You taught them and that is all? They nailed you to the cross.
Jesus: I have faith in mankind!
Kehno sits down and rests his back under Jesus against the cross. A longer silence follows until Kehno speaks up.
Kehno: You really think they are worth it? (gestures with his head over to a near village) Worth all the pain you go through? Worth that the son of god gives his life for them?
Jesus: Yes
Kehno: Why?
Jesus: Because there is something good in them! But they don’t know better.
Kehno: Hm..
Jesus: Why are you really here Kehno?
Kehno: You remember back in the desert?
Jesus: When you tempted me?
Kehno: You know. I wanted to see how honestly you was about your will to sacrifice yourself for the mortals. I was surprised back then and I have to admit… you are quite straight forward. You could have had everything. Woman… Gold… possession. If only you had bowed before me. But you didn’t.
Jesus: Kehno! Why are you here?
Kehno: I give you a second chance. You don’t have to bow before me or anything. Just admit that I was right. That mankind is not worth it. Not.. Not.. (he looks around and lift up the arms in a look about yourself manner) this. Not your blood.
Jesus: They are!
Kehno: (sighs) I cannot convince you, can’t I?
Jesus falls silent and turns his head away from Kehno.
Kehno: So be it.
Kehno is about to leave.
Jesus: Kehno! Why can’t you understand that I have faith in the children of Adam and Eve?
Kehno keeps walking
Jesus: I have also faith in you!
Kehno stops short. Not turning around though.
Jesus: Gods love is endless. I doesn’t count you out. Just open your heart.
Longer silence. Kehno sighs.
Kehno: Thanks. But I fear it is to late…
Kehno leaves, end of the scene…
(Before you ask. I am not anti-religious. I highly respect Jesus. I just can't let go of bad nasty humour :D )
14 years, 3 months ago
29 Nov 2010 20:02 CET
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