Character Sheet for Irene Vezir
The heir of the revolution
Character Description
She is the leader of the revolutionary group known as the Sprouts and has a deep hatred for the male gender, her goal is that through acts of mass destruction she can usurp the position of the emperor of demons and thus achieve her ideal world.
She is a liar and charismatic, because even if the reality is that she only cares about her own person to the point that she would sacrifice one of her own without hesitation, she is capable of convincing young girls to join her revolutionary group and give life for the cause... She does not bother to hide her hatred for the male gender and always proclaims that the demon kingdom would be a better place if she were empress, although the reality is that she does not tolerate the questioning of her idea that she is superior to everyone.
She likes to be complimented, to have power and to see anyone of the male gender suffer... she doesn't like someone to be superior to her, to have something questioned, to be asked questions and any individual who is of the male gender.
Her origins are unknown, although she proclaims herself as the daughter of the infamous Chat Vezir, who was the leader of the Flowers of Revolution faction during the wars for the throne twelve thousand years ago and even if this faction was the loser, Irene has accumulated The few resources left by the faction after the war for her revolutionary group and through acts of mass destruction, she seeks to take the throne no matter how many attempts she has to make.
Irene has no family that survives her, nor can it be stated that it is true that she is the daughter of the infamous Chat Vezir, since he never married although it was known that he was very promiscuous.