*in Adventure Bay, there were large balloons of the Paw Patrol in the air as the real pups were holding them down with tied up handles in their mouths*
Marshall: *He let go of his balloon* This is gonna be the best Big Balloon Day ever! *his balloon started to float away abit* Oop
*he tries to grab it again as Alex soon came over*
Alex: I got it! *grabbed the handle and pulled Marshall's balloon* That was close
Balloona X: You need to be more careful, Marshall
Marshall: I know, I know. *other kids then came by as they got the balloons from the pups and walked about*
Skye: Thanks for the help kids.
Kid 1: Anything for our pups
Kid 2: It's so great we get to hold the balloons this year
Chase: Takes a load off of ourselves this year, that’s for sure.
Kid 3: Though, not as cute as the inflatable pups we have
Skye: Oh yeah, nothing tops this! *She inhaled deeply and quickly inflated to the size of her puphouse.*
Kid 3: Aaaawwww you look cute like this, Skye
Skye: Thanks. *she got petted as Balloona and Formula saw their 3 balloons*
Formula: Hmm… am I really that small in framing?
Balloona X: You have more chihuahua than lab to you in fairness. And they made both you and Drift instead of just one of you 2
Formula: Probably one of the only times you see us both.
Balloona X: I can easily make you touch the meteor to get two puffy pups to snuggle.
Formula: I mean... maybe... But it's gonna be temporary...
Balloona X: Yeah, yeah. Sure
Formula: It is!
Balloona X: I know
Formula: Just hope we won’t have any issues this year though.
Balloona X: I'm sure it will be fine *soon the doors of city hall opened as a large chicken balloon was forced out with Mayor Goodway holding onto it. Chickaletta let out a clucked in fear*
Goodway: Don't worry my little chickie, it's just my big chickie *Then Cap'n Turbot show up with his balloon* Hello Cap'n Turbot. How's the weather? *Cap'n Turbot looked up to see his balloon that look like a walrus*
Cap'n Turbot: Balloon Wally is overseeing wonder weather on this whimsical day. A perfect day for a parade
Formula: Well that's good, since we don't want this day to be ruined
Balloona X: I doubt it can be ruined! *a transition of the Kitty Catastrophe symbol showed Humdinger's cave as he was working on something with unamused kittens*
Humdinger: Kittens, prepare to be "Me-Wow" *he worked outside on something out of sight, and big* Behold, my kittens! The balloon that will win the parade! *they all were confused at his comment*
Pursuer: *thinking* He knows this isn't a contest, right?
Marcus: *thinking* He's at it again... great...
Pebble: *thinking* Come on... Stop thinking about yourself for once....
Humdinger: You should be excited to be in the presence of the greatest balloon ever made. *a seagull then came to the balloon and tried to peck at it* Hey! Shoo! Go away!
Tidal: *thinking* Serves him right there, honestly... *the seagull flew away and squawked at him*
Humdinger: Come now kitties! It's time to show Adventure Bay the best balloon they have ever seen!
Zephyr: *thinking* This well not end well...
Rochester: Hope we could be able to tell Formula what's gonna happen... *the cats followed Humdinger as a transition of the usual emblem showed the parade at Adventure Bay about to start with the pups next to the kids holding onto their balloons*
Formula: I do hope this goes well... I just have that odd vibe.
Balloona X: Like what, Formy?
Formula: Just... issues.
Balloona X: Would you cheer up before I override your collar?
Formula: *sighed* Fine... but are you sure?
Balloona X: As sure as my body is big!
Formula: Alright. *he tried to hold a smile*
Ryder: This'll be a great parade. I'll head to the Lookout and get some pics
Chase: Alright Ryder, just don't miss seeing this
Ryder: I wouldn't want to miss this. *he hurried away as everyone was slowly walking*
Formula: Hope Ryder gets there on time, it's about to start soon
Chase: Ryder will get there Formula, don't worry. Nothing bad's going to happen. *as they all walked about in line, a strange shadow was coming to them*
Goodway: What's going on?!
Formula: Weird, I don't remember it supposed to rain?
Balloona X: I don't think that's rain. *they all looked in the shadow's direction and were surprised*
Pups: Is that...
Goodway: A Mayor Humdinger balloon?! *they all saw a giant balloon of Mayor Humdinger flying to them. The top hat seems to have a window there Humdinger was visible from*
Humdinger: Perfect kitties! We're right on time to win!
Formula: Oh great... what's he up to now?
Goodway: Mayor Humdinger, if you really want to join the parade, then it's best you go to the back!
Balloona X: It is fair since you came here later
Humdinger: No way! A balloon as handsome as mine deserves to be the center of attention! *his balloon then pushed right through the others, causing them to bump away*
All kids: Whoa! *the kids then lost their grip on the handles as the Paw Patrol balloons floated away*
Kid 1: The pup balloons!
Chase: Hurry! Get them! *the pups tried to jump and grab on the handles, but the balloons were too out of reach*
Marshall: They’re too high up!
Humdinger: Yes! I am the parade! I am the best!
Balloona X: Humdinger, you're just a selfish man! *the balloons all flew off as Marshall's got stuck on a tree and Zuma's got stuck on a ferris wheel at the pier, stopping it*
Chase: Oh dear, we need Ryder
Balloona X: Big time! *Chase push his pup tag to contact Ryder. Ryder just got to the Lookout on his ATV when his pup pad rang as he then answered it*
Ryder: Hey Chase, I was just about to get a view of the parade
Chase: Well unfortunately it's be bad view here...
Ryder: How come?
Balloona X: *she move right next to Chase on the call* Humdinger came in with his own balloon, and pushed all the pup balloons all around Adventure Bay
Ryder: What?! That's terrible!
Chase: Now the Big Balloon Day is gonna be ruined
Ryder: Well we aren't gonna let that happen. No balloons are too big, no pup is too small! *he pulled the side of his pup pad and activated the signal* Paw Patrol, to the Air Patroller!
All Pups: Ryder needs us! *All of them began to run back to the Lookout. On the way, Marshall accidentally jumped on a cart of produce infront of Mr. Porter's as it drove off. At the Air Patroller, the other pups got in and noticed their out of control teammate*
Balloona X: Marshall!
Formula: Uh oh… *the cart stopped at a rock as Marshall and some produce and smoothies were flung at the pups. Marhsall was on top of the pup pile with a smoothie on his head that he licked a bit*
Marshall: That was one smoothie move *All the pups laugh to the joke, they all continued inside the Air Patroller as the door closed and the emblem shined. All the pups now in their Air Patrol suits then sat down*
Chase: Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder sir
Ryder: Pups, I'm pretty sure you can guess why we're here today... Humdinger's giant balloon ruined the Big Balloon Day parade, and now all your balloons are floating away.
Balloona X: Humdinger!
Formula: Easy Loony, easy girl *He put a paw to her back, softly petting her.*
Rubble: All the kids were so excited for this parade.
Skye: And to have us with them with our balloons
Ryder: This is why I need all paws on deck to get all the pup balloons back and stop Mayor Humdinger. First you pups need to save your own balloons when we come across them and bring them back.
Formula: And Humdinger?
Ryder: We'll try to be close incase anything happens to him. For now we have to get the parade back on track *the pups cheered*
Balloona X: Alright!
Ryder: Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll! *Robo-Dog then flew the Air Patroller around for the first stop*
Ryder: First stop, Marshall’s Balloon *they flew over to the tree that had Marshall's balloon* Marshall, ready to get your balloon back?
Marshall: I'm ready to ruff ruff rescue... myself! *the pups laughed. He started to run into the runway. his harness came down and secured itself onto his back as he jumped out the Air Patroller for it to activate and fly off. He flied to his balloon. He barked* Water Jet! *the cannons on his wings then fired at the balloon, freeing it from the tree. He grabbed the rope*
Marshall: Got my balloon, Ryder. You guys go on without me
Ryder: Keep it close Marshall
Marshall: On it
Ryder: Now let's get your balloon, Zuma. Since your balloon stopped the ferris wheel at the pier
Zuma: Let's fly in! *The Air Patroller flew towards to the pier. Zuma then rushed to the back as his harness came down and tightened around his waist. Zuma jumped out the Air Patroller as the propellers came out and he flew to the Ferris wheel, where some people on it looked scared* It's ok, everyone. I'll remove my balloon away from you *he flew to the rope as he pulled back for the balloon to loosen from the Ferris Wheel* There you go *the Ferris Wheel moved again as the people cheered him on*
Ryder: Good work Zuma
Zuma: I got this dudes. Go get the others.
Ryder: We're on it. Ok pups, time to go get your balloons back and fast *the Air Patroller flew away to the other balloons as Humdinger had his balloon flying around in a sort of gloating manner*
Humdinger: Notice how everyone is looking at my fabulous parade float, kitties! They all adore it! *Some cats groaned at the comment while the others looked through the window to see the sad kids*
Tidal: *thinking* Or they are too upset to even see this big mess
Zephyr: *thinking* We need to do something about this disaster. *they wondered for a bit as the kids were worried*
Kid 1: Why did Humdinger have to do that?
Alex: Will the parade be canceled?
Goodway: I don't know... *Then Mayor Goodway's phone started to ring as she answered it. It was Ryder who is calling* Oh Ryder, thanks goodness... any luck on finding these balloons?
Ryder: 2 of them are saved, Marhsall and Zuma are bring them over. Pups, go get your balloons! *All the pups started to run out with their flying gears and fly off to find their balloon. Skye found her balloon at the mountain side, and close to trees*
Skye: Uh oh! That's a dangerous spot with those branches! *she quickly flew to the balloon and booped it away safely* There you go, me *She giggled, grabbing the cord with her mouth before jetting off.* Let's get "me" back to the parade *Rubble found his balloon by rocks as the rope was stuck between a few rocks*
Rubble: Thank goodness most of these rocks are pretty dull... *he went to the smaller rocks and pushed them out to get the rope unstuck* Got "me" *he grabbed the rope and took his balloon with him. Rocky flew and saw his Balloon on top of the lighthouse, with the rope around it*
Rocky: Phew, lucky spot for this to get wrapped up in. *He grabbed the rope and started to unwrap it from the lighthouse, muffled* Let's get you back. *he flew with his balloon. Chase then found his balloon on top of the silo at Farmer Al and Yumi's, Garby the goat let out a bleat as it was scared from the Chase balloon*
Chase: Don't worry Garby, I'll get big balloon me out of here *He grabbed the rope and pulled his balloon along with him.* See ya, Garby. *Garby let out a bleat as Chase flew off. Then Formula spot both his and Drift balloons got stuck in the woods*
Formula: Aww man... do I really need to go to the other mode...? *he thought this for a moment while looking at them* I guess no other choice *He barked* Slippery mode... *his suit inflated a bit more as he made his way to the balloons* Just… don’t laugh... *he slipped through the trees, but felt it difficult to hold it in. He tried to look for the ropes while holding his laugh in as he slipped in. After a bit, he spotted the handles stuck on some branches as Formula made his way to them. As soon he got to it, one of the branches did poke him on the belly, Formula laughed at the feeling as he was close to the handles* Hehehehe, I... *he grabbed the ropes* got it... Hehehehe! Hahaha, just need to… *He tried to slip out of the woods as he continued laughing, he soon made it out while holding onto the balloons* Ohhhh… I haven’t been tickled like that ever. I at least got my two balloons. *as he flew off, Balloona found her balloon stuck in a train, backside sticking out*
Balloona X: *sigh* Is my rump really that round normally… *she admired for a bit before tugging at the handle, though it was stuck* Seriously... it's stuck? *Balloona pushed it at the sides to try and get it loose* Oh come on! Of all the things to happen! How can I get my balloon out of there? *She think abit until she got an idea* I got an idea, but I need to go to the other side *she flew to the other end of the tunnel* Here’s hoping I don’t get stuck… *she flew into the tunnel and charged right through. She pushed the balloon hard that forced it to pop out of the tunnel* You need to lay off the helium tanks, missy. *Balloona quickly grabbed the handle and flew away. A transition of the usual emblem showed the pups bringing the balloons back to the parade*
Formula: Did every pup get their balloon?
All pups: Yes!
Formula: Huh… this went a lot easier and better than I thought…
Balloona X: But now we have to deal with Humdinger's balloon
Humdinger: Hey, why is everyone not paying attention?! They are in the presence of greatness!
Marcus: *thinking* If anything, the pup balloons are greatness!
Humdinger: They should be looking at me and my hard work! *he flew his balloon closer as the seagull from before saw the balloon again, but this time brought friends*
Rochester: *thinking* Uh oh, that’s not good…
Zephyr: *thinking* We need to get out of here! *the kittens hurried away as Humdinger was confused*
Humdinger: Hey! Where do you think you're going?! Kitties!
Tidal: *thinking* Abandon balloon! *a hatch at the side opened up as the kittens saw the seagulls landing on Humdinger's balloon*
Pebble: *meowed in translated* Ladies first, Zephyr?
Zephyr: *meowed in translated* Dude…
Pebble: *meowed in translated* What?
Zephyr: *meowed in translated* Now isn’t the time for that…
Pursuer: *meowed in translated* Yeah, but where do we land?
Marcus: *meowed in translated* I don't know! *the seagulls pecked the balloon, causing a hole to tear as the kittens fell from the jolt of air escaping. The kittens screaming in meowed*
Formula: Huh? *His ears twitched as he looked up.* Uh oh! Pups, it’s raining kittens!
Rubble: Oh no!
Skye: We gotta help them
Formula: Quick, our balloons!
Balloona X: You sure about this, Formy?
Formula: Yes! *the pups got together as the balloons bunched close for the kittens* Don’t worry kittens, we got you! *the kittens then fell on the bunched balloons and bounced around a bit, as their claws accidentally poked all them as they deflated slow*
Kittens: *meowed in translated* Uh oh...
Formula: Oh no... *all the balloons deflated as the kittens safely were on the ground, but saddened by what they did*
Formula: You kittens alright? *He came over to them and switched his translator on.*
Zephyr: Yeah, we're fine...
Pebble: But we ruined your balloons...
Pursuer: We are so sorry about that, Formula
Formula: In fairness, I made the call on that… but what made you jump out?
Marcus: Uh… look up. *they looked to see Humdinger's balloon out of control and losing its air*
Humdinger: Help!
Rochester: Seagulls got angry, to say the last…
Rocky: I'll go help him *Rocky's jets popped out as he flew towards Humdinger's balloon*
Humdinger: Somebody help me already! *his balloon flew past the Air Patroller, getting Ryders attention*
Ryder: Whoa! Was that Mayor Humdinger?
Rocky: Don't worry Ryder, I'm getting him *Rocky flew by as the Air Patroller followed. Rocky flies to the hole of Humdinger's balloon, He barked* Claw! *His claw popped out as he clamped the hole the seagulls made.* It's just a temporary fix...
Ryder: Rocky, hold it steady as we get the Air Patroller to grab it
Rocky: Alright! Don't worry Humdinger, you will be saved *the Air Patroller was above the balloon as the bottom opens to have a grabber extend to the top hat and latch on*
Ryder: And we got it. Robo-Dog, let’s go land back down. *they flew back around As Rocky let go to fly back to the pups*
Humdinger: Ooh, my balloon! It was the best balloon in show! It was going to win! *back with the pups, the kittens still looked saddened for what they did*
Formula: Kittens, it was a better choice doing that in fairness… but we’ll have to think of a plan to replace all nine balloons…
Chase: If we have that kind of time.
Balloona X: *she thinking abit, then got an idea as she smile* Well... there is one thing we could do... *the other pups were confused for a bit as a transition of Balloona's tag showed Humdinger with a helium tank, filling balloons, and tying them up*
Humdinger: *unenthusiastic* Here. Happy Big Balloon Day. *Pursuer grabbed it before giving it to a kid happily*
Kid 1: Thank you cute kitty. *Pursuer meowed happily as he went back to the others. Mayor Goodway was leading the parade as everyone seemed to be in good spirits again*
Goodway: Oh thank goodness, we can now begin our parade without any further delays!
Alex: And our new balloons are even better than the first ones! *It showed that the pups were as big as parade balloons, but only 8 of them were there floating.*
Marshall: *squeaky* At least your plan worked Balloona.
Balloona X: *squeaky* Yep, but I had one more surprise I wanted for the pup that saved the kittens! *She giggled, one more balloon joining them that was three times as big.*
Formula: *squeaky muffle* Loony! Is this needed?!
Balloona X: *squeaky* You deserve it for saving them. And since the kittens like you more than Drifty, no offense Drifty
Drift: *squeaky* None taken…
Balloona X: *squeaky* I feel they oughta love the view from the “best hero balloon” in show! *the kittens and Humdinger noticed the very big Formula as the kittens were in awe*
Zephyr: *thinking* Ooooh…
Rochester: *thinking* That's our big guy!
Humdinger: Why does he get that label? My balloon was bigger and better!
Pursuer: *thinking* No, no it's not at all, Humdumber...
Humdinger: I was the center of attention before that pup. Me! *he was distracted from his work as the balloon he had flew off the nozzle and deflated around before landing on his top hat*
Marcus: *thinking* Serves his overinflated ego right…
Formula: *squeaky muffle* Wait, what did you mean the view?
Balloona X: *squeaky* Well… part two is the kittens were gonna be on your back… if you’re alright with it, Formy? Not like you can testify much though in that state.
Formula: *squeaky muffle* I mean, if they are careful
Balloona X: *squeaky* Oh kittens! *The kittens look up to see Balloona X* Your float is ready for you!
Formula: *squeaky muffle* Yeah, but how’re they getting up here? You filtered the meteor energy just to split us…
Ryder: I can help with that. Kittens, if you would *the kittens rushed to Ryder and clung onto him as his wing suit helped him off the ground and fly up to Formula*
Pursuer: Hello again! *they leaped off to get on*
Humdinger: Oh come on! You're supposed to help me here, kitties!
Ryder: We'll bring them back later. They just want a bit of fun
Humdinger: Even my kittens get to be in the parade?
Formula: *squeaky muffle* In this case, it's more like they are on the parade, or just on me *All the pups laugh in a squeaky noise*
Goodway: Thank you Ryder and pups for saving the parade, and having replacement balloon pups on the fly!
Ryder: Our pleasure, Mayor Goodway. Whenever your parade floats away, just yelp for help.
Goodway: This is the best Big Balloon Day we ever had
Skye: *squeaky* With the best pup balloons ever
Balloona X: *squeaky* The very best ones! *Then a transition of Formula's tag showed that the scene changed back to the Lookout as Formula is still big and bloated*
Formula: *squeaky muffle* Loony, come on already! Parade's over!
Balloona X: But this is more of a fun punishment for you for the balloon incident since you suggested it.
Formula: *squeaky* Seriously?
Balloona X: Yep, hehehe *She sat there with a few extra helium tanks, keeping him tied down close as she looked at his head.*
Formula: *squeaky muffle* Loony… *He exhaled a bit of air as she gasped and held his head.*
Balloona X: My balloon’s leaking again! Better fix that *she stick a hose in him and turn the tank on as he inflated abit*
Formula: *squeaky muffled* Loony!
Balloona X: Need to make sure you are nice and big
Zephyr: It's true *The kittens giggled to Formula’s predicament.*
Balloona X: My puffing though would make you bigger than a blimp though!
Pebble: You wouldn't complain
Balloona X: Bigger is better! And I love testing his sizes and limits, it’s so cute!
Zephyr: Hehehehe, oh you and your weird love
Pursuer: I don't quite understand it myself...
Rochester: But it sure is fun
Balloona X: It is fun, hehehe. Very fun! *the kittens and Balloona relaxed and took in the moment together as Formula was a bit larger*
Formula: *thinking* All for love, Formula… it’s all for love… *Balloona turned the tank off as Formula was four times the size of the parade balloons with her looking at his puffy face.*
Balloona X: Hiya cutie… You like what I did to you?
Formula: *squeaky muffled* It's certainly a lot
Balloona X: I can usually add more if needed. *She softly leaned in to kiss his muzzle.* Mmmmm… *Then Formula cracked a smile as he started to blow in her mouth*
Balloona X: Mmmph?! *Balloona then began to inflate a bit*
Zephyr: Looks like he's having a good time now
Pursuer: Seems that way.
Zephyr: I bet you’d like it, Purry. *Pursuer blushed at that comment as he looked away in embarrassment*
Pursuer: Uh... I don't know what you mean...
Zephyr: Hehehehe nervous kitten, ain't you huh?
Pursuer: No...
Zephyr: Hehehehe, oh you *She cuddled up to Pursuer.*
Pursuer: Uh... hey look! *he looked away to change the subject, but Zephyr was too into the moment to pay attention*
Zephyr: Why not look at these giant puploons, Purry?
Pursuer: No, I think it's best here...
Zephyr: Come on, please Purry *She gets closer to Pursuer as they had a playful chase on top of Formula as Balloona is now the same bloated size as Formula, both Balloona and Formula having a good time together*
The End